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Professor Sumantra Ray
Nutritional education; interfaces between nutrition, cognitive flexibility and language; cognitive development; language communication and comprehension
Maddock, J., Ambrosini, GL., Griffin, JL., West, JA., Wong, A., Hardy, R. and Ray, S., 2019. A dietary pattern derived using B-vitamins and its relationship with vascular markers over the life course. Clin Nutr, v. 38
Ray, S., 2019. The NNEdPro Global Centre for Nutrition and Health: A Consolidated Review of Global Efforts Towards Medical and Healthcare-Related Nutrition Education. Nestle Nutr Inst Workshop Ser, v. 92
Ziauddeen, N., Rosi, A., Del Rio, D., Amoutzopoulos, B., Nicholson, S., Page, P., Scazzina, F., Brighenti, F., Ray, S. and Mena, P., 2019. Dietary intake of (poly)phenols in children and adults: cross-sectional analysis of UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey Rolling Programme (2008-2014). Eur J Nutr, v. 58