In March 2019, the British Academy hosted the launch of Language Analysis in Schools: Education and Research (LASER) - a campaign to address the importance of skills in language analysis for a range of subject areas.
A special issue of the journal Languages, Society, Policy dedicated to this event contains brief position papers from some of the presenters.
A striking feature of these contributions is the range of disciplines they cover, from STEM subjects such as mathematics and statistics to core humanities subjects like English and foreign language learning. This focus on cross-disciplinarity is at the heart of LASER’s objective: to raise the profile of language analysis in its own right, to demonstrate its importance in a range of school subjects, and to carry out research projects that inform educational policy and practice.
Languages, Society & Policy
Languages, Society & Policy is an open-source peer-reviewed journal, supported by the MEITS project, which provides summaries and research insights for policy-makers and other professionals as a bridge to greater policy engagement. If you are interested in contributing to the journal please contact Dora Alexopoulou (