About the Programme
The Language Sciences Interdisciplinary Programme is tailored to the individual as part of an existing language sciences-related MPhil course. Students taking this route may also have the opportunity to attend lectures from other courses, and to undertake interdisciplinary language sciences research jointly supervised by a member of their own department and a specialist in another field.
In courses with taught modules, the majority will come from your own department, but you may also have the opportunity to take one of the sharable options from other MPhil courses. Assessment and credit will generally remain within your host institution.
Suitable courses include:
- MPhil in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (TAL)
- MPhil in Advanced Computer Science (ACS)
- MPhil in Education, Research in Second Language Education
Please note that these course options will vary and may not be available every year.
Applying for the Programme
If you have been accepted to study for an MPhil and would like to take part in the Programme, you should discuss this with your supervisor in the first instance. If your supervisor approves the request, they will contact the Programme Coordinator in the relevant department to confirm if they are able to offer you a place. You may also wish to contact your host institution Programme Coordinator for more information and advice on application deadlines.
Language Sciences Interdisciplinary Programme Coordinators
Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics - Prof Henriette Hendriks
Faculty of Education - Dr Yongcan Liu
Department of Psychology - Dr Mirjana Bozic
Department of Computer Science - please contact ACS Administration (clacsadm@hermes.cam.ac.uk). Those interested in joint supervision under ACS should look at the Natural Language and Information Processing (NLIP) Research Group webpages and contact the person whose research interest is a closest match.