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Cambridge Language Sciences

Interdisciplinary Research Centre


My principal interests are in applied- and psycholinguistics and more specifically in the interaction between language acquisition and cognition and language acquisition and culture, involving languages as different as Dutch, German, English, French, Chinese and Polish. Specific research questions regard the influence of language-specific differences on first- and second-language acquisition, and the effects of cognitive maturity on the acquisition process.


Key publications: 

Hendriks, H., & Hickmann, M. (2011). Space in second language acquisition. In Vivian Cook and Benedetta Bassetti (eds.) Language and Bilingual Cognition. Hove, UK: Psychology Press, pp. 315-339. ISBN: 978-1-84872-924-7.

Hickmann, M., Hendriks, H., & Gullberg, M. (2011). How to talk and gesture about motion in French and English: cross-linguistic and developmental perspectives. In Langage, Interaction et Acquisition, 2,1. Grammaticalization and language acquisition: nouns and verbs across languages, 2:1, pp. 129-156.

Ji, Y., Hendriks, H., Hickmann, M. (2011). Children’s expression of voluntary motion events in English and Chinese. Journal of Foreign Languages, 34, 4. Pp. 2–20.

Ji, Y., Hendriks, H., Hickmann, M. (2011). The expression of caused motion events in Chinese and in English: some typological issues. Linguistics, 49, 5. Pp. 1041-1076.

Hendriks, H., Hickmann, M, & Lindner, K. (2010). Space, language, and cognition: New advances in acquisition research. In Hendriks, Hickmann, & Lindner (eds.) Space, language, and cognition: developmental perspectives. Special issue of Cognitive Linguistics, 181-188. ISSN: 0936-5907.

Hickmann, M., & Hendriks, H. (2010). Typological constraints on the acquisition of spatial language in French and English. In Hendriks, Hickmann, & Lindner (eds.) Space, language, and cognition: developmental perspectives. Special issue of Cognitive Linguistics, Pp. 189-215. ISSN: 0936-5907.

Hendriks, H., Hickmann, M., & Demagny, A.C. (2008). How English native speakers learn to express caused motion in English and French. In: Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Étrangère, 27. Pp.15-41. ISSN: 1234-969X.

Publications (from Symplectic)

Journal articles


  • Lozinska, J. and Hendriks, H., 2024. Lexicalization of Pulling and Pushing Events in Polish and English GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies, v. 24
  • Vassiliu, C., Leong, V. and Hendriks, H., 2024. The Influence of Multilingual Experience on Executive Function and Structure Learning: Effects in Young Adults in the UK and Singapore Languages, v. 9
  • 2023

  • Tong, K., Chan, YN., Cheng, X., Cheon, B., Ellefson, M., Fauziana, R., Feng, S., Fischer, N., Gulyás, B., Hoo, N., Hung, D., Kalaivanan, K., Langley, C., Lee, KM., Lee, LL., Lee, T., Melani, I., Melia, N., Pei, JY., Raghani, L., Sam, YL., Seow, P., Suckling, J., Tan, YF., Teo, CL., Uchiyama, R., Yap, HS., Christopoulos, G., Hendriks, H., Chen, A., Robbins, T., Sahakian, B., Kourtzi, Z., Leong, V. and CLIC Phase 1 Consortium, , 2023. Study protocol: How does cognitive flexibility relate to other executive functions and learning in healthy young adults? PLoS One, v. 18
  • 2022

  • Tusun, A. and Hendriks, H., 2022. Caused motion events in Modern Uyghur: A typological perspective Linguistics, v. 60
  • Hendriks, H., Hickmann, M. and Pastorino-Campos, C., 2022. Running or crossing? Children's expression of voluntary motion in English, German, and French. J Child Lang, v. 49
  • 2019 (Accepted for publication)

  • Tusun, A. and Hendriks, H., 2019 (Accepted for publication). Voluntary motion events in Uyghur: A typological perspective Lingua,
  • 2019

  • Tusun, A. and Hendriks, H., 2019. Voluntary motion events in Uyghur: A typological perspective Lingua, v. 226
  • 2018 (Accepted for publication)

  • Arslangul, A., Hendriks, HPJ., Hickmann, M. and Demagny, AC., 2018 (Accepted for publication). L’expression des procès spatiaux causatifs chez les apprenants francophones du chinois : pousser ou entrer ? LIA Language, Interaction and Acquisition,
  • 2018

  • Hickmann, M., Hendriks, H., Harr, A-K. and Bonnet, P., 2018. Caused motion across child languages: a comparison of English, German, and French. J Child Lang, v. 45
  • 2015

  • Hendriks, H. and Hickmann, M., 2015. Finding one's path into another language: On the expression of boundary crossing by english learners of French Modern Language Journal, v. 99
  • Hendriks, H. and Hickmann, M., 2015. Finding One's Path Into Another Language: On the Expression of Boundary Crossing by English Learners of French MODERN LANGUAGE JOURNAL, v. 99
  • Engemann, H., Hendriks, H., Hickmann, M., Soroli, E. and Vincent, C., 2015. How language impacts memory of motion events in English and French. Cogn Process, v. 16 Suppl 1
  • Vanek, N. and Hendriks, H., 2015. Convergence of temporal reference frames in sequential bilinguals: Event structuring unique to second language users Bilingualism, v. 18
  • Engemann, H., Hendriks, H., Hickmann, M., Soroli, E. and Vincent, C., 2015. How language impacts memory of motion events in English and French COGNITIVE PROCESSING, v. 16
  • 2011

  • Ji, Y., Hendriks, H. and Hickmann, M., 2011. Children’s expression of voluntary motion events in English and Chinese Journal of Foreign Languages, v. 34
  • Ji, Y., Hendriks, HPJ. and Hickmann, M., 2011. How children express caused motion events in Chinese and English: universal and language-specific influences. Lingua, v. 121
  • Hickmann, M., Hendriks, HPJ. and Gullberg, M., 2011. Developmental perspectives on the expression of motion in speech and gesture: A comparison of French and English. Langage, Interaction et Acquisition, v. 2
  • Ji, Y., Hendriks, H. and Hickmann, M., 2011. The expression of caused motion events in Chinese and in English: Some typological issues Linguistics, v. 49
  • 2010

  • Hendriks, H., Hickmann, M. and Lindner, K., 2010. Space, language, and cognition: New advances in acquisition research COGN LINGUIST, v. 21
  • Hickmann, M. and Hendriks, H., 2010. Typological constraints on the acquisition of spatial language in French and English COGN LINGUIST, v. 21
  • 2008

  • Hendriks, H., Hickmann, M. and Demagny, AC., 2008. How English native speakers learn to express caused motion in English and French Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Étrangère, v. 27
  • Hendriks, HPJ., Hickmann, M. and Demagny, AC., 2008. How adult English learners of French express caused motion: A comparison with English and French natives. Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Étrangère, v. 27
  • Gullberg, M., Hickmann, M. and Hendriks, HPJ., 2008. Learning to talk and gesture about motion in French. First Language, v. 28
  • Hendriks, HPJ. and Watorek, M., 2008. L’organisation de l’information en topique dans les discours Descriptifs en L1 et en L2 Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Étrangère, special issue, v. 26
  • 2006

  • Hickmann, M. and Hendriks, H., 2006. Static and dynamic location in French and in English First Language, v. 26
  • 2005

  • Hendriks, H., 2005. Culture-specific language styles: the development of oral narrative and literacy. J CHILD LANG, v. 32
  • 2004

  • Hendriks, H., Watorek, M. and Giuliano, P., 2004. L’expression de la localisation et du mouvement dans les descriptions et les récits en L1 et L2 Langage, v. 155
  • Jin, L. and Hendriks, H., 2004. Le développement du marquage de l’aspect en Chinois L1 et L2 Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Étrangère (AILE), v. 20
  • Hendriks, H., Watorek, M. and Giuliano, P., 2004. Expression of localization and movement in descriptions and narratives in L1 and L2 Langages, v. 155
  • 2002

  • Hendriks, H., 2002. Grammaticalization in child first and adult second language acquisition Views and Voices; Inquiries into the English language and literature, v. 1
  • 2000

  • Klein, W., Li, P. and Hendriks, H., 2000. Aspect and assertion in Mandarin Chinese NAT LANG LINGUIST TH, v. 18
  • Hendriks, H., 2000. THE ACQUISITION of TOPIC MARKING in L1 CHINESE and L1 and L2 FRENCH Studies in Second Language Acquisition, v. 22
  • 1999

  • Hendriks, H., 1999. The acquisition of temporal reference in first and second language acquisition: what children already know and adults still have to learn and vice versa Psychology of Language and Communication, v. 3
  • Hickmann, M. and Hendriks, H., 1999. Cohesion and anaphora in children's narratives: a comparison of English, French, German, and Mandarin Chinese J CHILD LANG, v. 26
  • 1998

  • Hendriks, H., 1998. Comment il monte le chat? En grimpant! L’acquisition de l’empaquetage spatial en chinois, français et allemand L1 et L2 AILE (Acquisition et interaction en langue étrangère), v. 11
  • Hickmann, M., Hendriks, H. and Roland, F., 1998. Référence spatiale dans les récits d'enfants français : perspective inter-langues Langue française, v. 118
    Doi: 10.3406/lfr.1998.6253
  • Hendriks, H., 1998. Reference to Person and Space in Narrative Discourse: A Comparison of Adult Second Language and Child First Language Acquisition Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica ed Applicata, v. 27
  • Hickmann, M., Hendriks, H. and Roland, F., 1998. Spatial reference in narratives of French school children: A crosslinguistic perspective LANGUE FRANCAISE,
  • 1996

  • Hickmann, M., Hendriks, H., Roland, F. and Liang, J., 1996. The marking of new information in children's narratives: A comparison of English, French, German and Mandarin Chinese J CHILD LANG, v. 23
  • 1989

  • Hickmann, M., Liang, J. and Hendriks, H., 1989. Diskurskohäsion im Erstspracherwerb: Eine sprachvergleichende Untersuchung LiLi: Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik, v. 19
  • Theses / dissertations

    2021 (No publication date)

  • Nguyen, L., 2021 (No publication date). Cross-generational linguistic variation in the Canberra Vietnamese heritage language community: A corpus-centred investigation
  • 2021

  • Ntalli, A., 2021. The acquisition of finiteness in English by child second language learners in instructed contexts: age of onset and L1 effects
  • Book chapters


  • Soroli, E., Hickmann, M. and Hendriks, H., 2019. Casting an eye on motion events Eye tracking and its implications for linguistic typology
  • Soroli, E., Hickmann, M. and Hendriks, H., 2019. Casting an eye on motion events
  • 2017

  • Hickmann, M., Engemann, H., Soroli, E., Hendriks, HPJ. and Vincent, C., 2017. Expressing and categorizing motion in French and English
  • 2015

  • Hendriks, HPJ. and Hickmann, M., 2015. Time talk in narrative discourse: evidence from child and adult language acquisition
  • 2013

  • Hickmann, M., Hendriks, H. and Gullberg, M., 2013. Developmental perspectives on the expression of motion in speech and gesture
    Doi: 10.1075/bct.50.06hic
  • 2012

  • Hendriks, HPJ. and Watorek, M., 2012. The role of conceptual development in the acquisition of the spatial domain by L1 and L2 learners of French, English and Polish
  • Hendriks, H., 2012. Thinking for speaking
  • 2011

  • Hendriks, H. and Watorek, M., 2011. The role of conceptual complexity in the acquisition of the spatial domain by L1 and L2 learners of French, English and Polish
  • 2011. How to talk and gesture about motion in French and English: cross-linguistic and developmental perspectives
  • Hendriks, H. and Hickmann, M., 2011. Expressing voluntary motion in a second language: English learners of French
  • Hendriks, H., 2011. Using nouns for reference maintenance: A seeming contradiction in L2 discourse
  • 2010

  • Ji, Y., Hendriks, H. and Hickmann, M., 2010. Motion expressions in Chinese and English: a typological perspective
  • Hendriks, HPJ. and Hickmann, M., 2010. Space in second language acquisition.
  • Hendriks, HPJ. and Saville, N., 2010. Presenting the English Profile Project.
  • 2009

  • Hendriks, HPJ., Ji, YL. and Hickmann, M., 2009. Typological issues regarding the expression of caused motion: Chinese, English and French.
  • 2008

  • Hickmann, M., Hendriks, HPJ. and Champaud, C., 2008. Typological constraints on motion in French child language.
  • 2005

  • Hendriks, H., 2005. Expressing space in different types of text: a comparison of French, English and Polish children
  • Hendriks, H., 2005. Structuring Space in Discourse: A Comparison of Chinese, English, French and German L1 and English, French and German L2 Acquisition
  • 2003

  • Hendriks, H., 2003. The use of nouns in reference maintenance: the seeming contradiction in adult second language acquisition
  • 1995

  • Klein, W., Coenen, J., v Helvert, K. and Hendriks, H., 1995. The acquisition of Dutch
  • Conference proceedings

    2018 (Published online)

  • Barratt, D., Bertram, R. and Nyström, M., 2018 (Published online). Abstracts of the Scandinavian Workshop on Applied Eye Tracking (SWAET 2018) Journal of Eye Movement Research, v. 11
    Doi: 10.16910/jemr.11.5
  • Books


  • Hendriks, H., 2011. The structure of learner varieties
  • 1995

  • Dietrich, R., Klein, W. and Noyau, C., 1995. The Acquisition of Temporality in a Second Language
    Doi: 10.1075/sibil.7
  • Professor of Language Acquisition & Cognition
    Dr Henriëtte  Hendriks

    Contact Details

    Email address: 
    (+44) (0)1223 767383

