Primate Communication
Vocal production
Evolution of speech
Vocal allometry
Garcia, M., Dunn J.C., 2019. No evidence that maximum fundamental frequency reflects selection for signal diminution in bonobos. Current Biology - *equal first-author (in press).
Dunn, J.C., Smaers, J.B., 2018. Neural correlates of vocal complexity in primates. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 12, p.534.
Garcia, M., Herbst, C., Bowling, D., Dunn, J.C., Fitch, W.T., 2017. Acoustic allometry revisited: morphological determinants of fundamental frequency in primate vocal production. Nature Scientific Reports, 7, p.10450.
Bowling, D.L., Garcia, M., Dunn, J.C., Ruprecht, R., Stewart, A., Frommolt, K.H., Fitch, T., 2017. Body size and vocalisation in primates and carnivores. Nature Scientific Reports, 7, p.41070.
Dunn, J.C., Halenar, L., Davies, T., Cristóbal-Azkarate, J., Fitch, T., Knapp, L., 2015. Evolutionary tradeoff between vocal tract and testes dimensions in howler monkeys. Current Biology, 25, pp.2839-2844.