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Cambridge Language Sciences

Interdisciplinary Research Centre

The TaLC conferences offer an engaging platform for researchers, teachers, practitioners and software developers to share their ideas on how corpus resources and tools for analysis can be useful in/for language teaching, language learning and language education. They aim to promote classroom applications of language corpora, data-driven learning, as well as the creation of corpus- informed teaching materials and other resources, and foster discussion between practitioners, researchers and theorists from all over the world.

Confirmed plenary speakers

Alex Boulton, Université de Lorraine

Sandra Götz, Justus-Liebig-Universitat-Giessen

Susan Hunston,University of Birmingham

Anne O´Keeffe, Mary Immaculate College


The previous TaLC conference took place at Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany, in 2016.

TaLC 2018 is sponsored by Cambridge University Press.

Wednesday, 18 July, 2018 - 09:00 to Saturday, 21 July, 2018 - 18:00
Contact name: 
Dr Pasucal Pérez-Paredes
Contact email: 

What we do

Cambridge Language Sciences is an Interdisciplinary Research Centre at the University of Cambridge. Our virtual network connects researchers from five schools across the university as well as other world-leading research institutions. Our aim is to strengthen research collaborations and knowledge transfer across disciplines in order to address large-scale multi-disciplinary research challenges relating to language research.