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Cambridge Language Sciences

Interdisciplinary Research Centre
Language Sciences Incubator Fund 833x431px extra depth


About the Incubuator Fund

The Language Sciences Incubator Fund is a small grants fund designed to foster innovative and interdisciplinary research in the language sciences. 

Cambridge Language Sciences are offering seed funding of up to £5,000 in the next Incubator Fund round which is now open for applications. 

With £5,000 you could…

  • Employ a Research Assistant for 6 weeks via TES
  • Fund 250 hours of data annotation at £20/hour
  • Pay 200 study participants a £25 fee each
  • Fund a knowledge-exchange studentship 

The fund is open to all researchers at the University of Cambridge, and proposals should include co-applicants from at least two different research groups. We welcome external collaborators. However, the lead applicant should be Cambridge University based. 


Here's the video from the recent webinar with Prof. Paula Buttery which summarises the funding criteria, explains the application process and gives examples of some funded projects. 


What we do

Cambridge Language Sciences is an Interdisciplinary Research Centre at the University of Cambridge. Our virtual network connects researchers from five schools across the university as well as other world-leading research institutions. Our aim is to strengthen research collaborations and knowledge transfer across disciplines in order to address large-scale multi-disciplinary research challenges relating to language research.