I strive to take an interdisciplinary perspective in my research. My work is guided by this broad question: How does socio-cultural experience shape cognition and the way we use language?
I have looked at this question(and continue to examine it) from multiple perspectives - from how grandparents' sociolinguistic context influences intergeneration language transmission, to how biculturalism influences bilingual's domain general processing.
I enjoy blurring the line between psycho- and socio- linguistics.
Bilingualism and multilingualism (cognition, language acquisition, multilingualism across the lifespan)
Cross cultural psychology, multiculturalism
Executive functions
Language policy
Xie, W., Altarriba, J, & Ng, B.C. (2022). Bilingualism, Culture and Executive Functions – Is there a relationship?. Languages, 7(4), 247;
Cavallaro, F., Tan, Y.K., Xie, W., & Ng, B.C. (In press). Language Practices and Policies of Singaporean-Japanese Families in Singapore. Journal of Pragmatics.
Xie, W., Ng, B. C. & Cavallaro, F. (2021). Living in harmony: Intergenerational negotiation of Family Language Policy. Language and Communication, 82, 8-27.
Xie, W., & Cavallaro, F. (2016). Attitudes towards Mandarin–English bilingualism: A study of Chinese youths in Singapore. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 37(6), 628-641.
Other Professional Activities
Scientific Committee for the Mouton Handbook of Language and Emotion (expected publication: 2023)
Ad hoc reviewer: Language and Speech, International Journal of Bilingualism