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Cambridge Language Sciences

Interdisciplinary Research Centre

Read more at: Dr Zrinka Mendas

Dr Zrinka Mendas

online teaching, sign language, medical professionals, communication, deafness

Read more at: Dr Kate Knill

Dr Kate Knill

Journal articles


  • Varela, AS., Stoyanchev, S., Keizer, S., Doddipatla, R. and Knill, K., 2024. Entity Resolution in Situated Dialog With Unimodal and Multimodal Transformers IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, v. 32
    Doi: 10.1109/TASLP.2023.3304468
  • 2022

  • Ragni, A., Gales, MJF., Rose, O., Knill, KM., Kastanos, A., Li, Q. and Ness, PM., 2022. Increasing Context for Estimating Confidence Scores in Automatic Speech Recognition IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, v. 30
  • 2018

  • Wang, Y., Gales, MJF., Knill, KM., Kyriakopoulos, K., Malinin, A., van Dalen, RC. and Rashid, M., 2018. Towards automatic assessment of spontaneous spoken English Speech Communication, v. 104
  • 2017

  • 2017. Introduction to the Special Issue on End-to-End Speech and Language Processing IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, v. 11
    Doi: 10.1109/jstsp.2017.2767938
  • 2014

  • Chen, L., Gales, MJF., Braunschweiler, N., Akamine, M. and Knill, K., 2014. Integrated expression prediction and speech synthesis from text IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing, v. 8
  • 2013

  • Mamou, J., Cui, J., Cui, X., Gales, MJF., Kingsbury, B., Knill, K., Mangu, L., Nolden, D., Picheny, M., Ramabhadran, B., Schluter, R., Sethy, A. and Woodland, PC., 2013. System combination and score normalization for spoken term detection ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Kingsbury, B., Cui, J., Cui, X., Gales, MJF., Knill, K., Mamou, J., Mangu, L., Nolden, D., Picheny, M., Ramabhadran, B., Schluter, R., Sethy, A. and Woodland, PC., 2013. A high-performance Cantonese keyword search system ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • 2012

  • Zen, H., Braunschweiler, N., Buchholz, S., Gales, MJF., Knill, K., Krstulović, S. and Latorre, J., 2012. Statistical parametric speech synthesis based on speaker and language factorization IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, v. 20
  • 2011

  • Breslin, C., Chin, KK., Gales, MJF. and Knill, K., 2011. Integrated online speaker clustering and adaptation Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • 2009

  • Breslin, C., Stuttle, M. and Knill, K., 2009. Compression techniques applied to multiple speech recognition systems Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • 1999

  • Gales, MJF., Knill, K. and Young, SJ., 1999. State-based Gaussian selection in large vocabulary continuous speech recognition using HMMs IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, v. 7
    Doi: 10.1109/89.748120
  • Knill, KM. and Young, SJ., 1999. Low-cost implementation of open set keyword spotting Computer Speech and Language, v. 13
    Doi: 10.1006/csla.1999.0122
  • Conference proceedings


  • Bannò, S., Ma, R., Qian, M., Knill, KM. and Gales, MJF., 2024. Towards End-to-End Spoken Grammatical Error Correction ICASSP 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP),
  • Sticha, A., Braunschweiler, N., Doddipatla, RS. and Knill, KM., 2024. Advancing Faithfulness of Large Language Models in Goal-Oriented Dialogue Question Answering ACM Conversational User Interfaces 2024,
  • 2023

  • McKnight, SW., Civelekoglu, A., Gales, MJF., Banno, S., Liusie, A. and Knill, KM., 2023. Automatic Assessment of Conversational Speaking Tests
  • Ma, R., Qian, M., Gales, M. and Knill, K., 2023. Adapting an ASR Foundation Model for Spoken Language Assessment
    Doi: 10.17863/CAM.99727
  • Knill, K., Nicholls, D., Gales, M., Stroinski, P. and Watkinson, A., 2023. Annotation of L2 English Speech for Developing and Evaluating End-to-End Spoken Grammatical Error Correction
  • Nicholls, D., Knill, K., Gales, MJF., Ragni, A. and Ricketts, P., 2023. Speak & Improve: L2 English Speaking Practice Tool Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2023-August
  • Ma, R., Gales, MJF., Knill, KM. and Qian, M., 2023. N-best T5: Robust ASR Error Correction using Multiple Input Hypotheses and Constrained Decoding Space Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2023-August
    Doi: 10.21437/Interspeech.2023-1616
  • Ma, R., Qian, M., Gales, MJF. and Knill, KM., 2023. Adapting an Unadaptable ASR System Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2023-August
    Doi: 10.21437/Interspeech.2023-1899
  • 2022

  • Banno, S., Balusu, B., Gales, M., Knill, K. and Kyriakopoulos, K., 2022. View-Specific Assessment of L2 Spoken English Proc. Interspeech 2022,
    Doi: 10.21437/Interspeech.2022-10691
  • 2021

  • Wei, X., Gales, MJF. and Knill, KM., 2021. Analysing bias in spoken language assessment using concept activation vectors ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2021-June
  • Gretter, R., Matassoni, M., Falavigna, D., Misra, A., Leong, CW., Knill, K. and Wang, L., 2021. ETLT 2021: Shared task on automatic speech recognition for non-native children’s speech Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 3
  • 2020

  • Caines, A., Bentz, C., Knill, K., Rei, M. and Buttery, P., 2020. Grammatical error detection in transcriptions of spoken English Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics,
  • Raina, V., Gales, MJF. and Knill, K., 2020. Complementary systems for Off-Topic spoken response detection Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics,
  • Knill, KM., Wang, L., Wang, Y., Wu, X. and Gales, MJF., 2020. Non-native children's automatic speech recognition: The INTERSPEECH 2020 shared task ALTA systems Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2020-October
  • Wu, X., Knill, KM., Gales, MJF. and Malinin, A., 2020. Ensemble approaches for uncertainty in spoken language assessment Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2020-October
  • Caines, A., Bentz, C., Knill, K., Rei, M. and Buttery, P., 2020. Grammatical error detection in transcriptions of spoken English COLING 2020 - 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Conference,
  • Raina, V., Gales, MJF. and Knill, K., 2020. Universal adversarial attacks on spoken language assessment systems Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2020-October
    Doi: 10.21437/Interspeech.2020-1890
  • Kyriakopoulos, K., Knill, KM. and Gales, MJF., 2020. Automatic detection of accent and lexical pronunciation errors in spontaneous non-native English speech Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2020-October
    Doi: 10.21437/Interspeech.2020-2881
  • 2019 (Accepted for publication)

  • Lu, Y., Gales, M., Knill, K., Manakul, P. and Wang, Y., 2019 (Accepted for publication). Disfluency Detection for Spoken Learner English
  • 2019

  • Knill, K., Gales, M., Manakul, P. and Caines, A., 2019. Automatic grammatical error detection of non-native spoken learner English ICASSP 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP),
    Doi: 10.1109/icassp.2019.8683755
  • Lu, Y., Gales, MJF., Knill, KM., Manakul, P., Wang, L. and Wang, Y., 2019. Impact of ASR performance on spoken grammatical error detection Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2019-September
  • Knill, KM., Gales, MJF., Manakul, PP. and Caines, AP., 2019. Automatic Grammatical Error Detection of Non-native Spoken Learner English ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2019-May
    Doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2019.8683080
  • Kyriakopoulos, K., Knill, KM. and Gales, MJF., 2019. A deep learning approach to automatic characterisation of rhythm in non-native English speech Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2019-September
  • Mirawdeli, A., Gallagher, I., Gibson, J., Katsos, N., Knill, K. and Wood, H., 2019. Splash: Speech and language assessment in schools and homes Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2019-September
    Doi: 10.21437/Interspeech.2019-8027
  • Lu, Y., Gales, MJF., Knill, KM., Manakul, P. and Wang, Y., 2019. Disfluency Detection for Spoken Learner English 8th ISCA Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education, SLaTE 19,
  • 2018

  • Knill, KM., Gales, MJF., Kyriakopoulos, K., Malinin, A., Ragni, A., Wang, Y. and Caines, AP., 2018. Impact of ASR performance on free speaking language assessment Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2018-September
  • Wang, Y., Wong, JHM., Gales, MJF., Knill, KM. and Ragni, A., 2018. Sequence Teacher-Student Training of Acoustic Models for Automatic Free Speaking Language Assessment 2018 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop, SLT 2018 - Proceedings,
    Doi: 10.1109/SLT.2018.8639557
  • Kyriakopoulos, K., Knill, KM. and Gales, MJF., 2018. A deep learning approach to assessing non-native pronunciation of English using phone distances Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2018-September
  • 2017 (Accepted for publication)

  • Kyriakopoulos, K., Gales, M. and Knill, K., 2017 (Accepted for publication). Automatic characterisation of the pronunciation of non-native English speakers using phone distance features,
  • Malinin, A., Knill, K., Ragni, A., Wang, Y. and Gales, M., 2017 (Accepted for publication). An attention based model for off-topic spontaneous spoken response detection: An Initial Study,
  • 2017

  • Malinin, A., Ragni, A., Knill, KM. and Gales, MJF., 2017. Incorporating uncertainty into deep learning for spoken language assessment ACL 2017 - 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Conference (Long Papers), v. 2
  • Ragni, A., Wu, C., Gales, MJF., Vasilakes, J. and Knill, KM., 2017. Stimulated training for automatic speech recognition and keyword search in limited resource conditions ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
    Doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2017.7953074
  • Ragni, A., Saunders, D., Zahemszky, P., Vasilakes, J., Gales, MJF. and Knill, KM., 2017. Morph-to-word transduction for accurate and efficient automatic speech recognition and keyword search ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
    Doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2017.7953262
  • Chen, X., Ragni, A., Vasilakes, J., Liu, X., Knill, K. and Gales, MJF., 2017. Recurrent neural network language models for keyword search ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Gales, MJF., Knill, KM. and Ragni, A., 2017. Low-resource speech recognition and keyword-spotting Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), v. 10458 LNAI
    Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-66429-3_1
  • Knill, KM., Gales, MJF., Kyriakopoulos, K., Ragni, A. and Wang, Y., 2017. Use of graphemic lexicons for spoken language assessment Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2017-August
    Doi: 10.21437/Interspeech.2017-978
  • Malinin, A., Knill, K. and Gales, MJF., 2017. A hierarchical attention based model for off-topic spontaneous spoken response detection 2017 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop, ASRU 2017 - Proceedings, v. 2018-January
    Doi: 10.1109/ASRU.2017.8268963
  • 2016

  • Litman, D., Young, S., Gales, M., Knill, K., Ottewell, K., van Dalen, R. and Vandyke, D., 2016. Towards Using Conversations with Spoken Dialogue Systems in the Automated Assessment of Non-Native Speakers of English SIGDIAL 2016 - 17th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue, Proceedings of the Conference,
  • Cui, J., Kingsbury, B., Ramabhadran, B., Sethy, A., Audhkhasi, K., Cui, X., Kislal, E., Mangu, L., Nussbaum-Thom, M., Picheny, M., Tüske, Z., Golik, P., Schluter, R., Ney, H., Gales, MJF., Knill, KM., Ragni, A., Wang, H. and Woodland, P., 2016. Multilingual representations for low resource speech recognition and keyword search 2015 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, ASRU 2015 - Proceedings,
    Doi: 10.1109/ASRU.2015.7404803
  • Ragni, A., Dakin, E., Chen, X., Gales, MJF. and Knill, KM., 2016. Multi-language neural network language models Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 08-12-September-2016
  • Yang, J., Ragni, A., Gales, MJF. and Knill, KM., 2016. Log-linear system combination using structured support vector machines Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 08-12-September-2016
  • Malinin, A., Van Dalen, RC., Wang, Y., Knill, KM. and Gales, MJF., 2016. Off-topic response detection for spontaneous spoken English assessment 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL 2016 - Long Papers, v. 2
  • 2015 (Published online)

  • Wang, H., Ragni, A., Gales, MJF., Knill, KM., Woodland, PC. and Zhang, C., 2015 (Published online). Joint decoding of tandem and hybrid systems for improved keyword spotting on low resource languages Interspeech 2015,
    Doi: 10.21437/interspeech.2015-726
  • 2015

  • Ragni, A., Gales, MJF. and Knill, KM., 2015. A language space representation for speech recognition ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2015-August
    Doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2015.7178849
  • Gales, MJF., Knill, KM. and Ragni, A., 2015. Unicode-based graphemic systems for limited resource languages ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2015-August
    Doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2015.7178960
  • Van Dalen, RC., Knill, KM., Tsiakoulis, P. and Gales, MJF., 2015. Improving multiple-crowd-sourced transcriptions using a speech recogniser ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2015-August
    Doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2015.7178864
  • Wang, H., Ragni, A., Gales, MJF., Knill, KM., Woodland, PC. and Zhang, C., 2015. Joint decoding of tandem and hybrid systems for improved keyword spotting on low resource languages Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2015-January
  • Mendels, G., Cooper, E., Soto, V., Hirschberg, J., Gales, M., Knill, K., Ragni, A. and Wang, H., 2015. Improving speech recognition and keyword search for low resource languages using web data Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2015-January
  • van Dalen, RC., Knill, KM. and Gales, MJF., 2015. Automatically Grading Learners’ English Using a Gaussian Process Speech and Language Technology in Education, SLaTE 2015,
  • 2014 (Published online)

  • Knill, KM., Gales, MJF., Ragni, A. and Rath, SP., 2014 (Published online). Language independent and unsupervised acoustic models for speech recognition and keyword spotting Interspeech 2014,
    Doi: 10.21437/interspeech.2014-4
  • Rath, SP., Knill, KM., Ragni, A. and Gales, MJF., 2014 (Published online). Combining tandem and hybrid systems for improved speech recognition and keyword spotting on low resource languages Interspeech 2014,
    Doi: 10.21437/interspeech.2014-212
  • Ragni, A., Knill, KM., Rath, SP. and Gales, MJF., 2014 (Published online). Data augmentation for low resource languages Interspeech 2014,
    Doi: 10.21437/interspeech.2014-207
  • 2014

  • Ragni, A., Knill, KM., Rath, SP. and Gales, MJF., 2014. Data augmentation for low resource languages Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Knill, KM., Gales, MJF., Ragni, A. and Rath, SP., 2014. Language independent and unsupervised acoustic models for speech recognition and keyword spotting Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Rath, SP., Knill, KM., Ragni, A. and Gales, MJF., 2014. Combining tandem and hybrid systems for improved speech recognition and keyword spotting on low resource languages Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Chen, X., Gales, MJF., Knill, K., Breslin, C., Chen, L., Chin, KK. and Wan, V., 2014. An initial investigation of long-term adaptation for meeting transcription Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Gales, MJF., Knill, KM., Ragni, A. and Rath, SP., 2014. SPEECH RECOGNITION AND KEYWORD SPOTTING FOR LOW RESOURCE LANGUAGES: BABEL PROJECT RESEARCH AT CUED 4th Workshop on Spoken Language Technologies for Under-Resourced Languages, SLTU 2014,
  • 2013

  • Latorre, J., Gales, MJF., Knill, K. and Akamine, M., 2013. Training a supra-segmental parametric F0 model without interpolating F0 ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Knill, KM., Gales, MJF., Rath, SP., Woodland, PC., Zhang, C. and Zhang, S-X., 2013. Investigation of multilingual deep neural networks for spoken term detection 2013 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, ASRU 2013 - Proceedings,
    Doi: 10.1109/ASRU.2013.6707719
  • Chen, L., Gales, MJF., Braunschweiler, N., Akamine, M. and Knill, K., 2013. Integrated automatic expression prediction and speech synthesis from text ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • 2012 (Published online)

  • Wan, V., Latorre, J., Chin, KK., Chen, L., Gales, MJF., Zen, H., Knill, K. and Akamine, M., 2012 (Published online). Combining multiple high quality corpora for improving HMM-TTS Interspeech 2012,
    Doi: 10.21437/interspeech.2012-357
  • Latorre, J., Wan, V., Gales, MJF., Chen, L., Chin, KK., Knill, K. and Akamine, M., 2012 (Published online). Speech factorization for HMM-TTS based on cluster adaptive training Interspeech 2012,
    Doi: 10.21437/interspeech.2012-289
  • 2012

  • Eyben, F., Buchholz, S., Braunschweiler, N., Latorre, J., Wan, V., Gales, MJF. and Knill, K., 2012. Unsupervised clustering of emotion and voice styles for expressive TTS ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
    Doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2012.6288797
  • Latorre, J., Wan, V., Gales, MJF., Chen, L., Chin, KK., Knill, K. and Akamine, M., 2012. Speech factorization for HMM-TTS based on cluster adaptive training. 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association 2012, INTERSPEECH 2012, v. 2
  • Wan, V., Latorre, J., Chin, KK., Chen, L., Gales, MJF., Zen, H., Knill, K. and Akamine, M., 2012. Combining multiple high quality corpora for improving HMM-TTS 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association 2012, INTERSPEECH 2012, v. 2
  • 2011

  • Maia, R., Zen, H., Knill, K., Gales, MJF. and Buchholz, S., 2011. Multipulse sequences for residual signal modeling Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Breslin, C., Chin, KK., Gales, MJF., Knill, K. and Xu, H., 2011. Prior information for rapid speaker adaptation Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association,
  • 2010 (Published online)

  • Webster, G., Krstulović, S. and Knill, K., 2010 (Published online). A comparison of pronunciation modeling approaches for HMM-TTS Interspeech 2010,
    Doi: 10.21437/interspeech.2010-603
  • 2009

  • Chen, L., Chin, KK. and Knill, K., 2009. Improved language modelling using bag of word pairs Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • 2006

  • Sityaev, D., Burrows, T., Jackson, P. and Knill, K., 2006. Analysis and modelling of question intonation in american english Proceedings of the International Conference on Speech Prosody,
  • 2005

  • Burrows, T., Jackson, P., Knill, K. and Sityaev, D., 2005. Combining models of prosodic phrasing and pausing 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology,
  • 1996

  • Knill, K., Gales, MJF. and Young, SJ., 1996. Use of Gaussian selection in large vocabulary continuous speech recognition using HMMs Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP), v. 1
  • Knill, K. and Young, SJ., 1996. Fast implementation methods for Viterbi-based word-spotting Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), v. 1
    Doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.1996.541148
  • 1993

  • 1992

  • Constantinides, AG., Knill, KM. and Chambers, JA., 1992. A novel orthogonal set adaptive line enhancer tuned with fourth-order cumulants ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 4
  • Reports


  • Gales, MJF., Knill, KM. and Young, SJ., 1997. State-based Gaussian selection in large vocabulary continuous speech recognition using HMMs

  • Read more at: Prof Richard E. Turner

    Prof Richard E. Turner

    Computer perception in relation to sound, and its applications

    Conference proceedings

    2018 (Accepted for publication)

  • Turner, RE., Bui, T., Li, Y. and Cuong, N., 2018 (Accepted for publication). Variational continual learning
  • 2018

  • Tucker, G., Bhupatiraju, S., Gu, S., Turner, RE., Ghahramani, Z. and Levine, S., 2018. The Mirage of Action-Dependent Baselines in Reinforcement Learning Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, v. 80
  • De Matthews, AGG., Hron, J., Rowland, M., Turner, RE. and Ghahramani, Z., 2018. Gaussian process behaviour in wide deep neural networks 6th International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2018 - Conference Track Proceedings,
  • 2017 (Accepted for publication)

  • Tripuraneni, N., Rowland, M., Ghahramani, Z. and Turner, R., 2017 (Accepted for publication). Magnetic Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
  • 2017

  • Gu, S., Lillicrap, T., Ghahramani, Z., Turner, RE. and Levine, S., 2017. Q-PrOP: Sample-efficient policy gradient with an off-policy critic 5th International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2017 - Conference Track Proceedings,
  • Jaques, N., Gu, S., Bahdanau, D., Hernández-Lobato, JM., Turner, RE. and Eck, D., 2017. Sequence tutor: Conservative fine-tuning of sequence generation models with KL-control 34th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2017, v. 4
  • Gu, S., Lillicrap, T., Ghahramani, Z., Turner, RE., Schölkopf, B. and Levine, S., 2017. Interpolated policy gradient: Merging on-policy and off-policy gradient estimation for deep reinforcement learning Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, v. 2017-December
  • Bui, TD., Nguyen, CV. and Turner, RE., 2017. Streaming sparse Gaussian process approximations Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, v. 2017-December
  • Turner, RE., Frellsen, J. and Navarro, A., 2017. The Multivariate Generalised von Mises distribution: Inference and applications Proceedings of the Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-17),
  • 2016

  • Bui, TD., Hernández-Lobato, JM., Hernández-Lobato, D., Li, Y. and Turner, RE., 2016. Deep Gaussian processes for regression using approximate expectation propagation 33rd International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2016, v. 3
  • Li, Y. and Turner, RE., 2016. Rényi Divergence Variational Inference Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 29 (NIPS 2016),
  • Gu, S., Lillicrap, TP., Ghahramani, Z., Turner, RE. and Levine, S., 2016. Q-Prop: Sample-Efficient Policy Gradient with An Off-Policy Critic. CoRR, v. abs/1611.02247
  • 2015

  • Li, Y., Hernández-Lobato, JM. and Turner, RE., 2015. Stochastic expectation propagation Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, v. 2015-January
  • Tobar, F., Bui, TD. and Turner, RE., 2015. Learning stationary time series using Gaussian processes with nonparametric kernels Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, v. 2015-January
  • Bui, TD., Hernández-Lobato, JM., Li, Y., Hernández-Lobato, D. and Turner, RE., 2015. Training Deep Gaussian Processes using Stochastic Expectation Propagation and Probabilistic Backpropagation
  • 2010

  • Turner, RE. and Sahani, M., 2010. Statistical inference for single- and multi-band probabilistic amplitude demodulation. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP),
  • 2008

  • Turner, RE. and Sahani, M., 2008. Modeling natural sounds with modulation cascade processes Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, v. 20
  • Berkes, P., Turner, RE. and Sahani, M., 2008. On sparsity and overcompleteness in image models Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, v. 20
  • 2007

  • Turner, RE. and Sahani, M., 2007. Probabilistic Amplitude Demodulation 7th International Conference on Independent Component Analysis and Signal Separation,
  • Journal articles


  • Keshavarzi, M., Goehring, T., Zakis, J., Turner, RE. and Moore, BCJ., 2018. Use of a Deep Recurrent Neural Network to Reduce Wind Noise: Effects on Judged Speech Intelligibility and Sound Quality. Trends Hear, v. 22
  • Schlittenlacher, J., Turner, RE. and Moore, BCJ., 2018. A Hearing-Model-Based Active-Learning Test for the Determination of Dead Regions. Trends Hear, v. 22
  • 2017 (No publication date)

  • Afzal, AM., Mussa, HY., Turner, RE., Bender, A. and Glen, RC., 2017 (No publication date). Target Fishing: A Single-Label or Multi-Label Problem? arXiv,
  • 2017 (Accepted for publication)

  • Turner, RE., Bui, T. and Yan, J., 2017 (Accepted for publication). A Unifying Framework for Gaussian Process Pseudo-Point Approximations using Power Expectation Propagation Journal of Machine Learning Research, v. 18
  • 2016

  • Alexander, AG., Hensman, J., Turner, RE. and Ghahramani, Z., 2016. On sparse variational methods and the Kullback-Leibler divergence between stochastic processes Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, AISTATS 2016,
  • Gomersall, PA., Turner, RE., Baguley, DM., Deeks, JM., Gockel, HE. and Carlyon, RP., 2016. Perception of stochastic envelopes by normal-hearing and cochlear-implant listeners. Hear Res, v. 333
  • Hernández-Lobato, JM., Li, Y., Rowland, M., Hernández-Lobato, D., Bui, TD. and Turner, RE., 2016. Black-Box α-divergence minimization Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Machine Learning, v. 48
  • 2015

  • Gu, S., Ghahramani, Z. and Turner, RE., 2015. Neural adaptive sequential Monte Carlo Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, v. 2015-January
  • Afzal, AM., Mussa, HY., Turner, RE., Bender, A. and Glen, RC., 2015. A multi-label approach to target prediction taking ligand promiscuity into account. J Cheminform, v. 7
  • Hernández-Lobato, D., Hernández-Lobato, JM., Li, Y., Bui, T. and Turner, RE., 2015. Stochastic Expectation Propagation for Large Scale Gaussian Process Classification
  • 2014

  • Leong, V., Stone, MA., Turner, RE. and Goswami, U., 2014. A role for amplitude modulation phase relationships in speech rhythm perception. J Acoust Soc Am, v. 136
  • 2013

  • Christensen, HL., Turner, RE., Hill, SI. and Godsill, SJ., 2013. Rebuilding the limit order book: Sequential Bayesian inference on hidden states Quantitative Finance, v. 13
  • 2012

  • Turner, RE. and Sahani, M., 2012. Decomposing signals into a sum of amplitude and frequency modulated sinusoids using probabilistic inference ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • 2011

  • Turner, RE. and Sahani, M., 2011. Demodulation as probabilistic inference IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, v. 19
  • Turner, RE. and Sahani, M., 2011. Probabilistic amplitude and frequency demodulation Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 24: 25th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2011, NIPS 2011,
  • 2009

  • Turner, RE., Walters, TC., Monaghan, JJM. and Patterson, RD., 2009. A statistical, formant-pattern model for segregating vowel type and vocal-tract length in developmental formant data J ACOUST SOC AM, v. 125
  • Berkes, P., Turner, RE. and Sahani, M., 2009. A Structured Model of Video Reproduces Primary Visual Cortical Organisation PLoS Computational Biology, v. 5
  • 2007

  • Turner, RE. and Sahani, M., 2007. A Maximum-Likelihood Interpretation for Slow Feature Analysis Neural Computation, v. 19
  • 2005

  • Smith, DRR., Patterson, RD., Turner, R., Kawahara, H. and Irino, T., 2005. The processing and perception of size information in speech sounds. J Acoust Soc Am, v. 117
  • Working papers


  • Nguyen, CV., Li, Y., Bui, TD. and Turner, RE., 2017. Variational Continual Learning
  • Book chapters


  • Turner, RE. and Sahani, M., 2011. Two problems with variational expectation maximisation for time-series models
  • 2009

  • Lücke, J., Turner, RE., Sahani, M. and Henniges, M., 2009. Occlusive Components Analysis
  • 2006

  • Turner, RE., Al-Hames, MA., Smith, DRR., Kawahara, H., Irino, T. and Patterson, RD., 2006. Vowel normalisation: Time-domain processing of the internal dynamics of speech

  • Read more at: Professor Mark Gales

    Professor Mark Gales

    Large vocabulary continuous speech recognition; robust speaker recognition; speaker adaptation; machine learning; speaker identification and verification

    Other publications


  • Wang, H., Kittler, J., Gales, M., Cooper, R., Mulvenna, M., Ng, W., Hua, Y., Gault, R., Haider, A. and Wu, G., 2024. Multimodal Video Retrieval and Multimodal Language Modelling ICMR 2024 - Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval,
  • 2006

  • Young, SJ., Evermann, G., Gales, MJF., Kershaw, D., Moore, G., Odell, JJ., Ollason, DG., Povey, D., Valtchev, V. and Woodland, PC., 2006. The HTK book version 3.4
  • Conference proceedings


  • Liusie, A., Manakul, P. and Gales, MJF., 2024. LLM Comparative Assessment: Zero-shot NLG Evaluation through Pairwise Comparisons using Large Language Models EACL 2024 - 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Conference, v. 1
  • Fathullah, Y., Radmard, P., Liusie, A. and Gales, MJF., 2024. Who Needs Decoders? Efficient Estimation of Sequence-Level Attributes with Proxies EACL 2024 - 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Conference, v. 1
  • 2023

  • Ma, R., Qian, M., Gales, MJF. and Knill, KM., 2023. Adapting an Unadaptable ASR System Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2023-August
    Doi: 10.21437/Interspeech.2023-1899
  • Teh, TH., Hu, V., Ram Mohan, DS., Hodari, Z., Wallis, CGR., Gomez Ibarrondo, T., Torresquintero, A., Leoni, J., Gales, M. and King, S., 2023. Ensemble Prosody Prediction for Expressive Speech Synthesis ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Fathullah, Y., Wu, C., Shangguan, Y., Jia, J., Xiong, W., Mahadeokar, J., Liu, C., Shi, Y., Kalinli, O., Seltzer, M. and Gales, MJF., 2023. Multi-Head State Space Model for Speech Recognition Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2023-August
  • Ma, R., Gales, MJF., Knill, KM. and Qian, M., 2023. N-best T5: Robust ASR Error Correction using Multiple Input Hypotheses and Constrained Decoding Space Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2023-August
    Doi: 10.21437/Interspeech.2023-1616
  • Molchanova, N., Raina, V., Malinin, A., La Rosa, F., Muller, H., Gales, M., Granziera, C., Graziani, M. and Cuadra, MB., 2023. Novel Structural-Scale Uncertainty Measures and Error Retention Curves: Application to Multiple Sclerosis Proceedings - International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, v. 2023-April
  • Raina, V., Molchanova, N., Graziani, M., Malinin, A., Muller, H., Cuadra, MB. and Gales, M., 2023. Tackling Bias in the Dice Similarity Coefficient: Introducing NDSC for White Matter Lesion Segmentation Proceedings - International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, v. 2023-April
  • Yang, Y., Li, Q., Tian, X., Ng, WWY., Wang, H., Kittler, J., Gales, M. and Cooper, R., 2023. Unsupervised Multi-Hashing for Image Retrieval in Non-stationary Environments 2023 15th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, ICACI 2023,
  • Liusie, A., Raina, V. and Gales, M., 2023. "World Knowledge" in Multiple Choice Reading Comprehension FEVER 2023 - 6th Fact Extraction and VERification Workshop, Proceedings,
  • Manakul, P., Fathullah, Y., Liusie, A., Raina, V., Raina, V. and Gales, M., 2023. CUED at ProbSum 2023: Hierarchical Ensemble of Summarization Models Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics,
  • Fathullah, Y., Xia, G. and Gales, MJF., 2023. Logit-Based Ensemble Distribution Distillation for Robust Autoregressive Sequence Uncertainties Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, v. 216
  • Liusie, A., Manakul, P. and Gales, MJF., 2023. Mitigating Word Bias in Zero-shot Prompt-based Classifiers P-AACL 2023 ...,
  • Manakul, P., Liusie, A. and Gales, MJF., 2023. SELFCHECKGPT: Zero-Resource Black-Box Hallucination Detection for Generative Large Language Models EMNLP 2023 - 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Proceedings,
  • Raina, V. and Gales, M., 2023. Sample Attackability in Natural Language Adversarial Attacks Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics,
  • Nicholls, D., Knill, K., Gales, MJF., Ragni, A. and Ricketts, P., 2023. Speak & Improve: L2 English Speaking Practice Tool Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2023-August
  • 2022

  • Raina, V. and Gales, M., 2022. Answer Uncertainty and Unanswerability in Multiple-Choice Machine Reading Comprehension Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics,
  • Lu, Y., Gales, M. and Bannò, S., 2022. On Assessing and Developing Spoken’Grammatical Error Correction’ Systems BEA 2022 - 17th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications, Proceedings,
  • Raina, V. and Gales, M., 2022. Residue-Based Natural Language Adversarial Attack Detection NAACL 2022 - 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Proceedings of the Conference,
  • Fathullah, Y. and Gales, MJF., 2022. Self-Distribution Distillation: Efficient Uncertainty Estimation Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, v. 180
  • Fathullah, Y. and Gales, M., 2022. Self-Distribution Distillation: Efficient Uncertainty Estimation Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, v. 180
  • McDonald, A., Gales, MJF. and Agarwal, A., 2022. Detection of Heart Murmurs in Phonocardiograms with Parallel Hidden Semi-Markov Models Computing in Cardiology, v. 2022-September
  • Banno, S., Balusu, B., Gales, M., Knill, K. and Kyriakopoulos, K., 2022. View-Specific Assessment of L2 Spoken English Proc. Interspeech 2022,
    Doi: 10.21437/Interspeech.2022-10691
  • 2021

  • Malinin, A. and Gales, M., 2021. UNCERTAINTY ESTIMATION IN AUTOREGRESSIVE STRUCTURED PREDICTION ICLR 2021 - 9th International Conference on Learning Representations,
  • Manakul, P. and Gales, MJF., 2021. Long-span summarization via local attention and content selection ACL-IJCNLP 2021 - 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, Proceedings of the Conference,
  • Manakul, P. and Gales, MJF., 2021. Sparsity and Sentence Structure in Encoder-Decoder Attention of Summarization Systems EMNLP 2021 - 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Proceedings,
  • Wei, X., Gales, MJF. and Knill, KM., 2021. Analysing bias in spoken language assessment using concept activation vectors ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2021-June
  • Fathullah, Y., Gales, MJF. and Malinin, A., 2021. Ensemble distillation approaches for grammatical error correction ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2021-June
  • Lu, Y., Wang, Y. and Gales, MJF., 2021. Efficient use of end-to-end data in spoken language processing ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2021-June
  • Ryabinin, M., Malinin, A. and Gales, M., 2021. Scaling Ensemble Distribution Distillation to Many Classes with Proxy Targets Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, v. 8
  • Dou, Q., Wu, X., Wan, M., Lu, Y. and Gales, MJF., 2021. Deliberation-based multi-pass speech synthesis Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 5
  • 2020

  • Malinin, A., Mlodozeniec, B. and Gales, M., 2020. ENSEMBLE DISTRIBUTION DISTILLATION 8th International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2020,
  • Raina, V., Gales, MJF. and Knill, K., 2020. Complementary systems for Off-Topic spoken response detection Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics,
  • Manakul, P., Gales, MJF. and Wang, L., 2020. Abstractive spoken document summarization using hierarchical model with multi-stage attention diversity optimization Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2020-October
  • Lu, Y., Gales, MJF. and Wang, Y., 2020. Spoken language 'grammatical error correction' Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2020-October
  • Manakul, P. and Gales, M., 2020. CUED_SPEECH AT TREC 2020 PODCAST SUMMARISATION TRACK 29th Text REtrieval Conference, TREC 2020 - Proceedings,
  • Knill, KM., Wang, L., Wang, Y., Wu, X. and Gales, MJF., 2020. Non-native children's automatic speech recognition: The INTERSPEECH 2020 shared task ALTA systems Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2020-October
  • Wu, X., Knill, KM., Gales, MJF. and Malinin, A., 2020. Ensemble approaches for uncertainty in spoken language assessment Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2020-October
  • Kastanos, A., Ragni, A. and Gales, MJF., 2020. Confidence Estimation for Black Box Automatic Speech Recognition Systems Using Lattice Recurrent Neural Networks ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2020-May
  • Raina, V., Gales, MJF. and Knill, K., 2020. Universal adversarial attacks on spoken language assessment systems Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2020-October
    Doi: 10.21437/Interspeech.2020-1890
  • Kyriakopoulos, K., Knill, KM. and Gales, MJF., 2020. Automatic detection of accent and lexical pronunciation errors in spontaneous non-native English speech Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2020-October
    Doi: 10.21437/Interspeech.2020-2881
  • Dou, Q., Efiong, J. and Gales, MJF., 2020. Attention forcing for speech synthesis Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2020-October
  • 2019 (Accepted for publication)

  • Gales, M. and Malinin, A., 2019 (Accepted for publication). Reverse KL-Divergence Training of Prior Networks: Improved Uncertainty and Adversarial Robustness Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32 (NeurIPS 2019),
  • Li, Q., Ness, P., Ragni, A. and Gales, M., 2019 (Accepted for publication). BI-DIRECTIONAL LATTICE RECURRENT NEURAL NETWORKS FOR CONFIDENCE ESTIMATION
  • Lu, Y., Gales, M., Knill, K., Manakul, P. and Wang, Y., 2019 (Accepted for publication). Disfluency Detection for Spoken Learner English
  • 2019

  • Wong, JHM., Gales, MJF. and Wang, Y., 2019. Learning between Different Teacher and Student Models in ASR 2019 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop, ASRU 2019 - Proceedings,
  • Lu, Y., Gales, MJF., Knill, KM., Manakul, P. and Wang, Y., 2019. Disfluency Detection for Spoken Learner English 8th ISCA Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education, SLaTE 19,
  • Lu, Y., Gales, MJF., Knill, KM., Manakul, P., Wang, L. and Wang, Y., 2019. Impact of ASR performance on spoken grammatical error detection Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2019-September
  • Knill, KM., Gales, MJF., Manakul, PP. and Caines, AP., 2019. Automatic Grammatical Error Detection of Non-native Spoken Learner English ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2019-May
    Doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2019.8683080
  • Knill, K., Gales, M., Manakul, P. and Caines, A., 2019. Automatic grammatical error detection of non-native spoken learner English ICASSP 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP),
    Doi: 10.1109/icassp.2019.8683755
  • Kyriakopoulos, K., Knill, KM. and Gales, MJF., 2019. A deep learning approach to automatic characterisation of rhythm in non-native English speech Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2019-September
  • 2018

  • Wang, Y., Chen, X., Gales, MJF., Ragni, A. and Wong, JHM., 2018. Phonetic and graphemic systems for multi-genre broadcast transcription ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2018-April
  • Kyriakopoulos, K., Knill, KM. and Gales, MJF., 2018. A deep learning approach to assessing non-native pronunciation of English using phone distances Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2018-September
  • Knill, KM., Gales, MJF., Kyriakopoulos, K., Malinin, A., Ragni, A., Wang, Y. and Caines, AP., 2018. Impact of ASR performance on free speaking language assessment Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2018-September
  • Wan, M., Degottex, G. and Gales, MJF., 2018. Waveform-based speaker representations for speech synthesis Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2018-September
  • Degottex, G. and Gales, M., 2018. A Spectrally Weighted Mixture of Least Square Error and Wasserstein Discriminator Loss for Generative SPSS 2018 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop, SLT 2018 - Proceedings,
    Doi: 10.1109/SLT.2018.8639609
  • Wang, Y., Zhang, C., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2018. Speaker adaptation and adaptive training for jointly optimised tandem systems Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2018-September
  • Wang, Y., Wong, JHM., Gales, MJF., Knill, KM. and Ragni, A., 2018. Sequence Teacher-Student Training of Acoustic Models for Automatic Free Speaking Language Assessment 2018 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop, SLT 2018 - Proceedings,
    Doi: 10.1109/SLT.2018.8639557
  • Ragni, A., Li, Q., Gales, MJF. and Wang, Y., 2018. Confidence Estimation and Deletion Prediction Using Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks 2018 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop, SLT 2018 - Proceedings,
    Doi: 10.1109/SLT.2018.8639678
  • Malinin, A. and Gales, M., 2018. Predictive Uncertainty Estimation via Prior Networks NIPS'18: Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, v. 31
  • Ragni, A. and Gales, MJF., 2018. Automatic speech recognition system development in the “wild“ Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2018-September
  • Chen, O., Ragni, A., Gales, MJF. and Chen, X., 2018. Active memory networks for language modeling Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2018-September
  • Dou, Q., Wan, M., Degottex, G., Ma, Z. and Gales, MJF., 2018. Hierarchical RNNs for Waveform-Level Speech Synthesis 2018 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop, SLT 2018 - Proceedings,
    Doi: 10.1109/SLT.2018.8639588
  • Del Vecchio, M., Malinin, A. and Gales, MJF., 2018. Improved Auto-Marking Confidence for Spoken Language Assessment 2018 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop, SLT 2018 - Proceedings,
    Doi: 10.1109/SLT.2018.8639634
  • 2017 (Accepted for publication)

  • Wong, JHM. and Gales, MJF., 2017 (Accepted for publication). Student-teacher training with diverse decision tree ensembles
  • Kyriakopoulos, K., Gales, M. and Knill, K., 2017 (Accepted for publication). Automatic characterisation of the pronunciation of non-native English speakers using phone distance features,
  • Malinin, A., Knill, K., Ragni, A., Wang, Y. and Gales, M., 2017 (Accepted for publication). An attention based model for off-topic spontaneous spoken response detection: An Initial Study,
  • 2017

  • Wan, M., Degottex, G., Gales, MJF. and IEEE, , 2017. Integrated speaker-adaptive speech synthesis 2017 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop (ASRU),
  • Malinin, A., Ragni, A., Knill, KM. and Gales, MJF., 2017. Incorporating uncertainty into deep learning for spoken language assessment ACL 2017 - 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Conference (Long Papers), v. 2
  • Wong, JHM. and Gales, MJF., 2017. Multi-task ensembles with teacher-student training 2017 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop, ASRU 2017 - Proceedings, v. 2018-January
  • Chen, X., Ragni, A., Vasilakes, J., Liu, X., Knill, K. and Gales, MJF., 2017. Recurrent neural network language models for keyword search ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Ragni, A., Wu, C., Gales, MJF., Vasilakes, J. and Knill, KM., 2017. Stimulated training for automatic speech recognition and keyword search in limited resource conditions ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
    Doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2017.7953074
  • Ragni, A., Saunders, D., Zahemszky, P., Vasilakes, J., Gales, MJF. and Knill, KM., 2017. Morph-to-word transduction for accurate and efficient automatic speech recognition and keyword search ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
    Doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2017.7953262
  • Gales, MJF., Knill, KM. and Ragni, A., 2017. Low-resource speech recognition and keyword-spotting Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), v. 10458 LNAI
    Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-66429-3_1
  • Knill, KM., Gales, MJF., Kyriakopoulos, K., Ragni, A. and Wang, Y., 2017. Use of graphemic lexicons for spoken language assessment Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2017-August
    Doi: 10.21437/Interspeech.2017-978
  • Chen, X., Ragni, A., Liu, X. and Gales, MJF., 2017. Investigating bidirectional recurrent neural network language models for speech recognition Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2017-August
  • Wu, C. and Gales, MJF., 2017. Deep activation mixture model for speech recognition Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2017-August
  • Malinin, A., Knill, K. and Gales, MJF., 2017. A hierarchical attention based model for off-topic spontaneous spoken response detection 2017 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop, ASRU 2017 - Proceedings, v. 2018-January
    Doi: 10.1109/ASRU.2017.8268963
  • Chen, X., Ragni, A., Liu, X. and Gales, MJF., 2017. Investigating Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network Language Models for Speech Recognition 18TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION (INTERSPEECH 2017), VOLS 1-6,
  • 2016

  • Degottex, G., Lanchantin, P. and Gales, M., 2016. A Pulse Model in Log-domain for a Uniform Synthesizer Proceedings of the 9th ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop,
  • Cui, J., Kingsbury, B., Ramabhadran, B., Sethy, A., Audhkhasi, K., Cui, X., Kislal, E., Mangu, L., Nussbaum-Thom, M., Picheny, M., Tüske, Z., Golik, P., Schluter, R., Ney, H., Gales, MJF., Knill, KM., Ragni, A., Wang, H. and Woodland, P., 2016. Multilingual representations for low resource speech recognition and keyword search 2015 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, ASRU 2015 - Proceedings,
    Doi: 10.1109/ASRU.2015.7404803
  • Karanasou, P., Gales, MJF., Lanchantin, P., Liu, X., Qian, Y., Wang, L., Woodland, PC. and Zhang, C., 2016. Speaker diarisation and longitudinal linking in multi-genre broadcast data 2015 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, ASRU 2015 - Proceedings,
  • Van Dalen, RC., Yang, J., Wang, H., Ragni, A., Zhang, C. and Gales, MJF., 2016. Structured discriminative models using deep neural-network features 2015 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, ASRU 2015 - Proceedings,
  • Wang, L., Zhang, C., Woodland, PC., Gales, MJF., Karanasou, P., Lanchantin, P., Liu, X. and Qian, Y., 2016. Improved DNN-based segmentation for multi-genre broadcast audio ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2016-May
  • Chen, X., Liu, X., Qian, Y., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2016. CUED-RNNLM - An open-source toolkit for efficient training and evaluation of recurrent neural network language models ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2016-May
  • Yang, J., Zhang, C., Ragni, A., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2016. System combination with log-linear models ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2016-May
  • Degottex, G., Lanchantin, P. and Gales, M., 2016. A Pulse Model in Log-domain for a Uniform Synthesizer 9th ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop, SSW 2016,
  • Litman, D., Young, S., Gales, M., Knill, K., Ottewell, K., van Dalen, R. and Vandyke, D., 2016. Towards Using Conversations with Spoken Dialogue Systems in the Automated Assessment of Non-Native Speakers of English SIGDIAL 2016 - 17th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue, Proceedings of the Conference,
  • Wu, C., Karanasou, P. and Gales, MJF., 2016. Combining i-vector representation and structured neural networks for rapid adaptation ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2016-May
  • Ragni, A., Dakin, E., Chen, X., Gales, MJF. and Knill, KM., 2016. Multi-language neural network language models Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 08-12-September-2016
  • Yang, J., Ragni, A., Gales, MJF. and Knill, KM., 2016. Log-linear system combination using structured support vector machines Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 08-12-September-2016
  • Tan, S., Sim, KC. and Gales, M., 2016. Improving the interpretability of deep neural networks with stimulated learning 2015 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, ASRU 2015 - Proceedings,
  • Malinin, A., Van Dalen, RC., Wang, Y., Knill, KM. and Gales, MJF., 2016. Off-topic response detection for spontaneous spoken English assessment 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL 2016 - Long Papers, v. 2
  • Kundu, S., Sim, KC. and Gales, M., 2016. Incorporating a generative front-end layer to deep neural network for noise robust automatic speech recognition Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 08-12-September-2016
  • Lanchantin, P., Gales, MJF., Karanasou, P., Liu, X., Qian, Y., Wang, L., Woodland, PC. and Zhang, C., 2016. Selection of multi-genre broadcast data for the training of automatic speech recognition systems Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 08-12-September-2016
  • Wu, C., Karanasou, P., Gales, MJF. and Sim, KC., 2016. Stimulated deep neural network for speech recognition Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 08-12-September-2016
  • Wong, JHM. and Gales, MJF., 2016. Sequence student-teacher training of deep neural networks Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 08-12-September-2016
  • Bell, P., Gales, MJF., Hain, T., Kilgour, J., Lanchantin, P., Liu, X., McParland, A., Renals, S., Saz, O., Wester, M. and Woodland, PC., 2016. The MGB challenge: Evaluating multi-genre broadcast media recognition 2015 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, ASRU 2015 - Proceedings,
  • Chen, X., Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2016. Investigation of back-off based interpolation between recurrent neural network and n-gram language models 2015 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, ASRU 2015 - Proceedings,
  • Lanchantin, P., Gales, MJF., Karanasou, P., Liu, X., Qian, Y., Wang, L., Woodland, PC. and Zhang, C., 2016. The development of the Cambridge university alignment systems for the multi-genre broadcast challenge 2015 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, ASRU 2015 - Proceedings,
  • Woodland, PC., Liu, X., Qian, Y., Zhang, C., Gales, MJF., Karanasou, P., Lanchantin, P. and Wang, L., 2016. Cambridge university transcription systems for the multi-genre broadcast challenge 2015 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, ASRU 2015 - Proceedings,
  • 2015

  • Wu, C. and Gales, MJF., 2015. Multi-basis adaptive neural network for rapid adaptation in speech recognition ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2015-August
  • Van Dalen, RC. and Gales, MJF., 2015. Annotating large lattices with the exact word error Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2015-January
  • Van Dalen, RC., Knill, KM., Tsiakoulis, P. and Gales, MJF., 2015. Improving multiple-crowd-sourced transcriptions using a speech recogniser ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2015-August
    Doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2015.7178864
  • Liu, X., Chen, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2015. Paraphrastic recurrent neural network language models ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2015-August
  • Ragni, A., Gales, MJF. and Knill, KM., 2015. A language space representation for speech recognition ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2015-August
    Doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2015.7178849
  • Chen, X., Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2015. Improving the training and evaluation efficiency of recurrent neural network language models ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2015-August
  • Chen, X., Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2015. Recurrent neural network language model training with noise contrastive estimation for speech recognition ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2015-August
  • Gales, MJF., Knill, KM. and Ragni, A., 2015. Unicode-based graphemic systems for limited resource languages ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2015-August
    Doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2015.7178960
  • Drugman, T., Stylianou, Y., Chen, L., Chen, X. and Gales, MJF., 2015. Robust excitation-based features for Automatic Speech Recognition ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2015-August
  • van Dalen, RC., Knill, KM. and Gales, MJF., 2015. Automatically Grading Learners’ English Using a Gaussian Process Speech and Language Technology in Education, SLaTE 2015,
  • Wang, H., Ragni, A., Gales, MJF., Knill, KM., Woodland, PC. and Zhang, C., 2015. Joint decoding of tandem and hybrid systems for improved keyword spotting on low resource languages Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2015-January
  • Lanchantin, P., Veaux, C., Gales, MJF., King, S. and Yamagishi, J., 2015. Reconstructing voices within the multiple-average-voice-model framework Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2015-January
  • Chen, X., Tan, T., Liu, X., Lanchantin, P., Wan, M., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2015. Recurrent neural network language model adaptation for multi-genre broadcast speech recognition Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2015-January
  • Liu, X., Flego, F., Wang, L., Zhang, C., Gales, M. and Woodland, P., 2015. The Cambridge university 2014 BOLT conversational telephone Mandarin Chinese lvcsr system for speech translation Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2015-January
  • Mendels, G., Cooper, E., Soto, V., Hirschberg, J., Gales, M., Knill, K., Ragni, A. and Wang, H., 2015. Improving speech recognition and keyword search for low resource languages using web data Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2015-January
  • 2014

  • Yoshioka, T., Ragni, A. and Gales, MJF., 2014. Investigation of unsupervised adaptation of DNN acoustic models with filter bank input ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Chen, L., Braunschweiler, N. and Gales, MJF., 2014. Speaker dependent expression predictor from text: Expressiveness and transplantation ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Yoshioka, T., Chen, X. and Gales, MJF., 2014. Impact of single-microphone dereverberation on DNN-based meeting transcription systems ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Karanasou, P., Wang, Y., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2014. Adaptation of deep neural network acoustic models using factorised i-vectors Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Ragni, A., Knill, KM., Rath, SP. and Gales, MJF., 2014. Data augmentation for low resource languages Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Knill, KM., Gales, MJF., Ragni, A. and Rath, SP., 2014. Language independent and unsupervised acoustic models for speech recognition and keyword spotting Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Rath, SP., Knill, KM., Ragni, A. and Gales, MJF., 2014. Combining tandem and hybrid systems for improved speech recognition and keyword spotting on low resource languages Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Gales, MJF., Knill, KM., Ragni, A. and Rath, SP., 2014. SPEECH RECOGNITION AND KEYWORD SPOTTING FOR LOW RESOURCE LANGUAGES: BABEL PROJECT RESEARCH AT CUED 4th Workshop on Spoken Language Technologies for Under-Resourced Languages, SLTU 2014,
  • Kolluru, BK., Wan, V., Latorre, J., Yanagisawa, K. and Gales, MJF., 2014. Generating multiple-accent pronunciations for TTS using joint sequence model interpolation Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Chen, X., Wang, Y., Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2014. Efficient GPU-based training of recurrent neural network language models using spliced sentence bunch Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Yanagisawa, K., Chen, L. and Gales, MJF., 2014. Noise-robust TTS speaker adaptation with statistics smoothing Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Latorre, J., Yanagisawa, K., Wan, V., Kolluru, BK. and Gales, MJF., 2014. Speech intonation for TTS: Study on evaluation methodology Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Wan, V., Latorre, J., Yanagisawa, K., Gales, M. and Stylianou, Y., 2014. Cluster adaptive training of average voice models ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Chen, X., Gales, MJF., Knill, K., Breslin, C., Chen, L., Chin, KK. and Wan, V., 2014. An initial investigation of long-term adaptation for meeting transcription Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Liu, X., Wang, Y., Chen, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2014. Efficient lattice rescoring using recurrent neural network language models ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2014. Paraphrastic neural network language models ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Yang, J., Van Dalen, RC., Zhang, SX. and Gales, MJF., 2014. Infinite structured support vector machines for speech recognition ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • 2013

  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2013. Cross-domain paraphrasing for improving language modelling using out-of-domain data Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Wan, V., Anderson, R., Blokland, A., Braunschweiler, N., Chen, L., Kolluru, BK., Latorre, J., Maia, R., Stenger, B., Yanagisawa, K., Stylianou, Y., Akamine, M., Gales, MJF. and Cipolla, R., 2013. Photo-realistic expressive text to talking head synthesis Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Yanagisawa, K., Latorre, J., Wan, V., Gales, MJF. and King, S., 2013. Noise Robustness in HMM-TTS Speaker Adaptation 8th ISCA Workshop on Speech Synthesis, SSW 2013,
  • Lanchantin, P., Bell, PJ., Gales, MJF., Hain, T., Liu, X., Long, Y., Quinnell, J., Renals, S., Saz, O., Seigel, MS., Swietojanski, P. and Woodland, PC., 2013. Automatic transcription of multi-genre media archives CEUR Workshop Proceedings, v. 1012
  • Maia, R., Gales, MJF., Stylianou, Y. and Akamine, M., 2013. Minimum mean squared error based warped complex cepstrum analysis for statistical parametric speech synthesis Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Chen, L., Gales, MJF., Braunschweiler, N., Akamine, M. and Knill, K., 2013. Integrated automatic expression prediction and speech synthesis from text ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Latorre, J., Gales, MJF., Knill, K. and Akamine, M., 2013. Training a supra-segmental parametric F0 model without interpolating F0 ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Maia, R., Akamine, M. and Gales, MJF., 2013. Complex cepstrum analysis based on the minimum mean squared error ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Van Dalen, RC., Ragni, A. and Gales, MJF., 2013. Efficient decoding with generative score-spaces using the expectation semiring ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Zhang, SX. and Gales, MJF., 2013. Kernelized log linear models for continuous speech recognition ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Knill, KM., Gales, MJF., Rath, SP., Woodland, PC., Zhang, C. and Zhang, S-X., 2013. Investigation of multilingual deep neural networks for spoken term detection 2013 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, ASRU 2013 - Proceedings,
    Doi: 10.1109/ASRU.2013.6707719
  • Wang, YQ. and Gales, MJF., 2013. An explicit independence constraint for factorised adaptation in speech recognition Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Long, Y., Gales, MJF., Lanchantin, P., Liu, X., Seigel, MS. and Woodland, PC., 2013. Improving Lightly Supervised Training for Broadcast Transcription 14TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION (INTERSPEECH 2013), VOLS 1-5,
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2013. Cross-domain Paraphrasing For Improving Language Modelling Using Out-of-domain Data 14TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION (INTERSPEECH 2013), VOLS 1-5,
  • Wan, V., Anderson, R., Blokland, A., Braunschweiler, N., Chen, L., Kolluru, B., Latorre, J., Maia, R., Stenger, B., Yanagisawa, K., Stylianou, Y., Akamine, M., Gales, MJF. and Cipolla, R., 2013. Photo-Realistic Expressive Text to Talking Head Synthesis 14TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION (INTERSPEECH 2013), VOLS 1-5,
  • Maia, R., Gales, MJF., Stylianou, Y. and Akamine, M., 2013. Minimum mean squared error based warped complex cepstrum analysis for statistical parametric speech synthesis 14TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION (INTERSPEECH 2013), VOLS 1-5,
  • Wang, Y-Q. and Gales, MJF., 2013. An Explicit Independence Constraint for Factorised Adaptation in Speech Recognition 14TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION (INTERSPEECH 2013), VOLS 1-5,
  • 2012 (No publication date)

  • Ragni, A. and Gales, MJF., 2012 (No publication date). Derivative Kernels for Noise Robust ASR
  • 2012

  • Chen, L., Gales, MJF., Wan, V., Latorre, J. and Akamine, M., 2012. Exploring Rich Expressive Information from Audiobook Data Using Cluster Adaptive Training 13TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2012 (INTERSPEECH 2012), VOLS 1-3,
  • Latorre, J., Wan, V., Gales, MJF., Chen, L., Chin, KK., Knill, K. and Akamine, M., 2012. Speech factorization for HMM-TTS based on cluster adaptive training. 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association 2012, INTERSPEECH 2012, v. 2
  • Wang, Y-Q. and Gales, MJF., 2012. Model-based approaches to adaptive training in reverberant environments 13TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2012 (INTERSPEECH 2012), VOLS 1-3,
  • Wan, V., Latorre, J., Chin, KK., Chen, L., Gales, MJF., Zen, H., Knill, K. and Akamine, M., 2012. Combining multiple high quality corpora for improving HMM-TTS 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association 2012, INTERSPEECH 2012, v. 2
  • Eyben, F., Buchholz, S., Braunschweiler, N., Latorre, J., Wan, V., Gales, MJF. and Knill, K., 2012. Unsupervised clustering of emotion and voice styles for expressive TTS ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
    Doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2012.6288797
  • Roupakia, Z., Ragni, A. and Gales, M., 2012. Rapid nonlinear speaker adaptation for large-vocabulary continuous speech recognition 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association 2012, INTERSPEECH 2012, v. 2
  • 2011

  • Li, T., Woodland, PC., Diehl, F. and Gales, MJF., 2011. Graphone Model Interpolation and Arabic Pronunciation Generation 12TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2011 (INTERSPEECH 2011), VOLS 1-5,
  • Maia, R., Zen, H., Knill, K., Gales, MJF. and Buchholz, S., 2011. Multipulse Sequences for Residual Signal Modeling 12TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2011 (INTERSPEECH 2011), VOLS 1-5,
  • Braunschweiler, N., Gales, MJF. and Buchholz, S., 2011. Lightly supervised recognition for automatic alignment of large coherent speech recordings Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association,
  • Zhang, S-X. and Gales, MJF., 2011. Structured Support Vector Machines for Noise Robust Continuous Speech Recognition 12TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2011 (INTERSPEECH 2011), VOLS 1-5,
  • Breslin, C., Chin, KK., Gales, MJF., Knill, K. and Xu, H., 2011. Prior information for rapid speaker adaptation Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association,
  • Pilkington, NCV., Zen, H. and Gales, MJF., 2011. Gaussian Process Experts for Voice Conversion 12TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2011 (INTERSPEECH 2011), VOLS 1-5,
  • Gales, MJF. and Yu, K., 2011. Canonical state models for automatic speech recognition Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association,
  • Breslin, C., Chin, KK., Gales, MJF. and Knill, K., 2011. Integrated Online Speaker Clustering and Adaptation 12TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2011 (INTERSPEECH 2011), VOLS 1-5,
  • Latorre, J., Gales, MJF. and Zen, H., 2011. Training a parametric-based logF0 model with the minimum generation error criterion Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association,
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2011. Language model cross adaptation for LVCSR system combination Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association,
  • Park, J., Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2011. Improved neural network based language modelling and adaptation Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association,
  • van Dalen, RC. and Gales, MJF., 2011. Asymptotically exact noise-corrupted speech likelihoods Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association,
  • Pilkington, NCV., Zen, H. and Gales, MJF., 2011. Gaussian process experts for voice conversion Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Maia, R., Zen, H., Knill, K., Gales, MJF. and Buchholz, S., 2011. Multipulse sequences for residual signal modeling Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Zhang, SX. and Gales, MJF., 2011. Structured support vector machines for noise robust continuous speech recognition Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Diehl, F., Gales, MJF., Liu, X., Tomalin, M. and Woodland, PC., 2011. Word Boundary Modelling and Full Covariance Gaussians for Arabic Speech-to-Text Systems 12TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2011 (INTERSPEECH 2011), VOLS 1-5,
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2011. Improving LVCSR System Combination Using Neural Network Language Model Cross Adaptation 12TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2011 (INTERSPEECH 2011), VOLS 1-5,
  • 2010

  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2010. Language model cross adaptation for LVCSR system combination Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH 2010,
  • Park, J., Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2010. Improved neural network based language modelling and adaptation Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH 2010,
  • Maia, R., Zen, H. and Gales, MJF., 2010. Statistical parametric speech synthesis with joint estimation of acoustic and excitation model parameters
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF., Hieronymus, JL. and Woodland, PC., 2010. Language model combination and adaptation using weighted finite state transducers Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP),
  • Tomalin, M., Park, J., Diehl, F., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2010. Recent improvements to the Cambridge Arabic speech-to-text systems Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP),
    Doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2010.5495641
  • Zen, H., Gales, MJF., Nankaku, Y. and Tokuda, K., 2010. Statistical parametric synthesis based on products of experts Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP),
  • Flego, F. and Gales, MJF., 2010. Discriminative adaptive training with VTS and JUD Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition & Understanding,
  • Gales, MJF., Ragni, A., AlDamarki, H. and Gautier, C., 2010. Support vector machines for noise robust ASR Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition & Understanding,
  • Xu, H., Gales, MJF. and Chin, KK., 2010. Improving joint uncertainty decoding performance by predictive methods for noise robust speech recognition Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition & Understanding,
  • Maia, R., Zen, H. and Gales, MJF., 2010. Statistical parametric speech synthesis with joint estimation of acoustic and excitation model parameters
  • 2009

  • van Dalen, RC., Flego, F. and Gales, MJF., 2009. Transforming Features to Compensate Speech Recogniser Models for Noise INTERSPEECH 2009: 10TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2009, VOLS 1-5,
  • Park, J., Diehl, F., Gales, MJF., Tomalin, M. and Woodland, PC., 2009. Efficient Generation and Use of MLP Features for Arabic Speech Recognition INTERSPEECH 2009: 10TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2009, VOLS 1-5,
  • Longworth, C., van Dalen, RC. and Gales, MJF., 2009. Variational Dynamic Kernels for Speaker Verification INTERSPEECH 2009: 10TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2009, VOLS 1-5,
  • Kim, DK. and Gales, MJF., 2009. Adaptive Training with Noisy Constrained Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression for Noise Robust Speech Recognition INTERSPEECH 2009: 10TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2009, VOLS 1-5,
  • Gales, MJF., 2009. Acoustic Modelling for Speech Recognition: Hidden Markov Models and Beyond? 2009 IEEE WORKSHOP ON AUTOMATIC SPEECH RECOGNITION & UNDERSTANDING (ASRU 2009),
  • Flego, F. and Gales, MJF., 2009. Incremental predictive and adaptive noise compensation IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing,
  • Park, J., Diehl, F., Gales, MJF., Tomalin, M. and Woodland, PC., 2009. Training and adapting MLP features for Arabic speech recognition Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2009,
    Doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2009.4960620
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2009. Use of Contexts in Language Model Interpolation and Adaptation INTERSPEECH 2009: 10TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2009, VOLS 1-5,
  • Raut, CK. and Gales, MJF., 2009. Bayesian discriminative adaptation for speech recognition Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2009,
  • van Dalen, RC. and Gales, MJF., 2009. Extended VTS for noise-robust speech recognition Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2009,
  • van Dalen, RC. and Gales, MJF., 2009. Extended VTS for noise-robust speech recognition IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing,
  • Diehl, F., Gales, MJF., Tomalin, M. and Woodland, PC., 2009. Morphological Analysis and Decomposition for Arabic Speech-to-Text Systems INTERSPEECH 2009: 10TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2009, VOLS 1-5,
  • Diehl, F., Gales, MJF., Tomalin, M. and Woodland, PC., 2009. Morphological analysis and decomposition for Arabic speech-to-text systems Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the International Speech Communication Association,
  • Flego, F. and Gales, MJF., 2009. Incremental adaptation with VTS and joint adaptively trained systems Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the International Speech Communication Association,
  • Gales, MJF. and Flego, F., 2009. Combining VTS model compensation and support vector machines Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP),
  • Hieronymus, JL., Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2009. Exploiting Chinese character models to improve speech recognition performance Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the International Speech Communication Association,
  • Kim, D. and Gales, MJF., 2009. Adaptive training with noisy constrained maximum likelihood linear regression for noise robust speech recognition 10th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Interspeech 2009,
  • Flego, F. and Gales, MJF., 2009. Incremental Adaptation with VTS and Joint Adaptively Trained Systems INTERSPEECH 2009: 10TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2009, VOLS 1-5,
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2009. Use of contexts in language model interpolation and adaptation Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the International Speech Communication Association,
  • Longworth, C., van Dalen, RC. and Gales, MJF., 2009. Variational dynamic kernels for speaker verification Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the International Speech Communication Association,
  • Park, J., Diehl, F., Gales, MJF., Tomalin, M. and Woodland, PC., 2009. Efficient generation and use of MLP features for Arabic speech recognition Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the International Speech Communication Association,
  • van Dalen, RC. and Gales, MJF., 2009. Transforming features to compensate speech recogniser models for noise Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Associatio,
  • 2008

  • Diehl, F., Gales, MJF., Tomalin, M. and Woodland, PC., 2008. Phonetic pronunciations for arabic speech-to-text systems IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing,
  • Longworth, C. and Gales, MJF., 2008. Multiple kernel learning for speaker verification IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing,
  • Yu, K., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2008. Unsupervised discriminative adaptation using discriminative mapping transforms International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2008,
  • Gales, MJF. and Longworth, C., 2008. Discriminative classifiers with generative kernels for noise-robust ASR ICSLP - International Conference - CD-ROM,
  • Liu, XA., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2008. Context dependent language model adaptation Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2008) incorporating the 12th Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology, SST' 08,
  • Longworth, C. and Gales, MJF., 2008. A generalised derivative kernel for speaker verification ICSLP - International Conference - CD-ROM,
  • Raut, CK., Yu, K. and Gales, MJF., 2008. Adaptive training using discriminative mapping transforms ICSLP - International Conference - CD-ROM,
  • van Dalen, RC. and Gales, MJF., 2008. Covariance modelling for noise-robust speech recognition ICSLP - International Conference - CD-ROM,
  • Raut, CK., Yu, K. and Gales, MJF., 2008. Adaptive Training using Discriminative Mapping Transforms INTERSPEECH 2008: 9TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2008, VOLS 1-5,
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2008. Context Dependent Language Model Adaptation INTERSPEECH 2008: 9TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2008, VOLS 1-5,
  • Gales, MJF. and Longworth, C., 2008. Discriminative Classifiers with Generative Kernels for Noise Robust ASR INTERSPEECH 2008: 9TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2008, VOLS 1-5,
  • Longworth, C. and Gales, MJF., 2008. A Generalised Derivative Kernel for Speaker Verification INTERSPEECH 2008: 9TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2008, VOLS 1-5,
  • Raut, CK., Yu, K. and Gales, MJF., 2008. Adaptive training using discriminative mapping transforms Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • van Dalen, RC. and Gales, MJF., 2008. Covariance Modelling for Noise-Robust Speech Recognition INTERSPEECH 2008: 9TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2008, VOLS 1-5,
  • 2007

  • Gales, MJF., 2007. Discriminative-models for speech recognition 2007 Information Theory and Applications Workshop,
  • Gales, MJF., Diehl, F., Raut, CK., Tomalin, M., Woodland, PC. and Yu, K., 2007. Development of a phonetic system for large vocabulary Arabic speech recognition 2007 IEEE WORKSHOP ON AUTOMATIC SPEECH RECOGNITION AND UNDERSTANDING, VOLS 1 AND 2,
  • Gales, MJF., Diehl, F., Raut, CK., Tomalin, M., Woodland, PC. and Yu, K., 2007. Development of a phonetic system for large vocabulary Arabic speech recognition
  • Gales, MJF. and van Dalen, RC., 2007. Predictive linear transforms for noise robust speech recognition
  • Liu, XA., Byrne, WJ., Gales, MJF., de Gispert, A., Tomalin, M., Woodland, PC. and Yu, K., 2007. Discriminative language model adaptation for Mandarin broadcast speech transcription and translation IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition & Understanding, 2007,
  • Yu, K., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2007. Unsupervised training using directed manual transcription for recognising Mandarin broadcast audio Proceedings InterSpeech 2007,
  • Yu, K., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2007. Unsupervised Training with Directed Manual Transcription for Recognising Mandarin Broadcast Audio INTERSPEECH 2007: 8TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION, VOLS 1-4,
  • Breslin, C. and Gales, MJF., 2007. Building multiple complementary systems using directed decision trees Proceedings InterSpeech 2007,
  • Longworth, C. and Gales, MJF., 2007. Parametric and derivative kernels for speaker verification Proceedings InterSpeech 2007,
  • Gales, MJF., Liu, X., Sinha, R., Woodland, PC., Yu, K., Matsoukas, S., Ng, T., Nguyen, K., Nguyen, L., Gauvain, JL., Lamel, L. and Messaoudi, A., 2007. Speech recognition system combination for machine translation Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing 2007, v. 4
  • Tomalin, M., Gales, MJF., Liu, XA., Sinha, KC., Wang, L., Woodland, PC. and Yu, K., 2007. Improving speech transcription for Mandarin-English translation Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing 2007, v. 4
  • Sim, KC., Byrne, WJ., Gales, MJF., Sahbi, H. and Woodland, PC., 2007. Consensus network decoding for statistical machine translation system combination IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, v. 4
  • Gales, MJF., 2007. Discriminative models for speech recognition
  • Gales, MJF., Liu, X., Sinha, R., Woodland, PC., Yu, K., Matsoukas, S., Ng, T., Nguyen, K., Nguyen, L., Gauvain, J-L., Lamel, L. and Messaoudi, A., 2007. Speech recognition system combination for machine translation
  • Breslin, C. and Gales, MJF., 2007. Complementary system generation using directed decision trees Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP' 07,
  • Liao, H. and Gales, MJF., 2007. Adaptive training with joint uncertainty decoding for robust recognition of noisy data Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP' 07, v. 4
  • Wang, L., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2007. Unsupervised training for Mandarin broadcast news and conversation transcription Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing 200, ICASSP' 07,
  • Wang, L., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2007. Unsupervised training for Mandarin broadcast news and conversation transcription
  • Breslin, C. and Gales, MJF., 2007. Building Multiple Complementary Systems using Directed Decision Trees INTERSPEECH 2007: 8TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION, VOLS 1-4,
  • Tomalin, M., Gales, MJF., Liu, XA., Sinha, KC., Wang, L., Woodland, PC. and Yu, K., 2007. Improving speech transcription for Mandarin-English translation
  • Longworth, C. and Gales, MJF., 2007. Derivative and Parametric Kernels for Speaker Verification INTERSPEECH 2007: 8TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION, VOLS 1-4,
  • Liu, XA., Byrne, WJ., Gales, MJF., De Gispert, A., Tomalin, M., Woodland, PC. and Yu, K., 2007. Discriminative language model adaptation for Mandarin broadcast speech transcription and translation 2007 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, ASRU 2007, Proceedings,
  • Gales, MJF. and van Dalen, RC., 2007. Predictive linear transforms for noise robust speech recognition 2007 IEEE WORKSHOP ON AUTOMATIC SPEECH RECOGNITION AND UNDERSTANDING, VOLS 1 AND 2,
  • 2006

  • Liao, H. and Gales, MJF., 2006. Issues with Uncertainty Decoding for Noise Robust Speech Recognition INTERSPEECH 2006 AND 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SPOKEN LANGUAGE PROCESSING, VOLS 1-5,
  • Longworth, C. and Gales, MJF., 2006. Discriminative Adaptation for Speaker Verification INTERSPEECH 2006 AND 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SPOKEN LANGUAGE PROCESSING, VOLS 1-5,
  • Layton, MI. and Gales, MJF., 2006. Augmented statistical models for speech recognition 2006 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ACOUSTICS, SPEECH AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOLS 1-13,
  • Yu, K. and Gales, MJF., 2006. Incremental adaptation using Bayesian inference 2006 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ACOUSTICS, SPEECH AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOLS 1-13,
  • Liao, H. and Gales, MJF., 2006. Issue with uncertainty decoding for noise robust speech recognition
  • Breslin, C. and Gales, MJF., 2006. Generating complementary systems for speech recognition
  • Longworth, C. and Gales, MJF., 2006. Discriminative adaptation for speaker verification
  • Layton, MI. and Gales, MJF., 2006. Augmented statistical models for speech recognition
  • Yu, K. and Gales, MJF., 2006. Incremental adaptation using Bayesian inference Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, v. 1
  • Sinha, R., Gales, MJF., Kim, DY., Liu, X., Sim, KC. and Woodland, PC., 2006. The CU-HTK Mandarin broadcast news transcription system IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'06,
  • 2005

  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF., Sim, KC. and Yu, K., 2005. Investigation of acoustic modeling techniques for LVCSR systems Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2005, v. 1
  • Evermann, G., Chan, HY., Gales, MJF., Jia, B., Mrva, D., Woodland, PC. and Yu, K., 2005. Development of the CU-HTK 2004 broadcast news transcription systems IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing,
  • Evermann, G., Chan, HY., Gales, MJF., Jia, B., Mrva, D., Woodland, PC. and Yu, K., 2005. Training LVCSR systems on thousands of hours of data IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP '05, v. 1
  • Gales, MJF., Jia, B., Liu, X., Sim, KC., Woodland, PC. and Yu, K., 2005. Development of the CUHTK 2004 Mandarin conversational telephone speech transcription system IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP '05,
  • Liao, H. and Gales, MJF., 2005. Joint uncertainty decoding for noise robust speech recognition Interspeech: 9th European Conference on Speech Communciation and Technology,
  • Sim, KC. and Gales, MJF., 2005. Adaptation of precision matrix models on large vocabulary continuous speech recognition Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, v. 1
  • Sim, KC. and Gales, MJF., 2005. Temporally varying model parameters for large vocabulary continuous speech recognition Interspeech: European Conference on Speech Communciation and Technology,
  • Gales, MJF., Jia, B., Liu, X., Sim, KC., Woodland, PC. and Yu, K., 2005. Development of the CUHTK 2004 Mandarin conversational telephone speech transcription system
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF., Sim, KC. and Yu, K., 2005. Investigation of acoustic modeling techniques for LVCSR systems
  • Layton, M. and Gales, MJF., 2005. Augmented statistical models: exploiting generative models in discriminative classifiers
  • Yu, K. and Gales, MJF., 2005. Bayesian adaptation and adaptively trained systems Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding,
  • Layton, MI. and Gales, MJF., 2005. Acoustic modelling using continuous rational kernels 2005 IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP),
  • Layton, M. and Gales, MJF., 2005. Acoustic modelling using continuous rational kernels Proceedings of Machine Learning for Signal Processing Workshop,
  • 2004

  • Sim, KC. and Gales, MJF., 2004. Basis superposition precision matrix modeling for large vocabulary continuous speech recognition Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), v. 1
  • Yu, K. and Gales, MJF., 2004. Adaptive training using structured transforms Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Proceedings, 2004, v. 1
  • Evermann, G., Chan, HY., Gales, MJF., Hain, T., Liu, X., Mrva, D., Wang, L. and Woodland, PC., 2004. Development of the 2003 CU-HTK conversational telephone speech transcription system IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP '04, v. 1
  • Evermann, G., Chan, HY., Gales, MJF., Jia, B., Liu, X., Mrva, D., Sim, KC., Wang, L. and Woodland, PC., 2004. Development of the 2004 CU-HTK English CTS systems using more than two thousand hours of data
  • Gales, MJF., Jia, B., Liu, X., Sim, KC., Woodland, PC. and Yu, K., 2004. Development of the CUHTK 2004 RT04F Mandarin conversational telephone speech transcription system
  • Kim, DY., Chan, HY., Evermann, G., Gales, MJF., Mrva, D., Sim, KC. and Woodland, PC., 2004. Recent developments at Cambridge in broadcast news transcription
  • Kim, DY., Gales, MJF., Hain, T. and Woodland, PC., 2004. Using VTLN for broadcast news transcription Interspeech 2004 ICSLP: 8th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing,
  • Liu, X. and Gales, MJF., 2004. Automatic model complexity control and compression using discriminative growth functions Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP),
  • Rosti, AVI. and Gales, MJF., 2004. Rao-blackwellised gibbs sampling for switching linear dynamical systems Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP),
  • Tranter, SE., Gales, MJF., Sinha, R., Umesh, S. and Woodland, PC., 2004. The development of the Cambridge University RT-04 diarisation system
  • Evermann, G., Chan, HY., Gales, MJF., Hain, T., Liu, X., Mrva, D., Wang, L. and Woodland, PC., 2004. Development of the 2003 CU-HTK conversational telephone speech transcription system
  • Liu, X. and Gales, MJF., 2004. Automatic model complexity control and compression using discriminative growth functions
  • 2003

  • Airey, SS. and Gales, MJF., 2003. Product of Gaussians and multiple stream systems 2003 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ACOUSTICS, SPEECH, AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOL I, PROCEEDINGS,
  • Airey, SS. and Gales, MJF., 2003. Product of Gaussians as a distributed representation for speech recognition Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech), v. 2
  • Airey, SS. and Gales, MJF., 2003. Product of Gaussians and multiple stream systems Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, v. Volume 1: Speech Processing
  • Gales, MJF., Dong, Y., Povey, D. and Woodland, PC., 2003. Porting: SwitchBoard to the VoiceMail task IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'03, v. 1
  • Liu, X. and Gales, MJF., 2003. Automatic model complexity control using marginalized discriminative growth functions Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding,
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2003. Automatic complexity control for HLDA systems IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'03, v. 1
  • Povey, D., Woodland, PC. and Gales, MJF., 2003. Discriminative map for acoustic model adaptation IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'03, v. 1
  • 2002

  • Rosti, AVI. and Gales, MJF., 2002. Factor analysed HMMs (Hidden Markov Models) Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), v. 1
  • Smith, ND. and Gales, MJF., 2002. SVMs for speech recognition Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), v. Volume 1: Speech Processing
  • Cordoba, R., Woodland, PC. and Gales, MJF., 2002. Improved cross-task recognition using MMIE training IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'02, v. 1
  • Gales, MJF., 2002. The HMM error model Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, v. Volume 1: Speech Processing
  • Smith, ND. and Gales, MJF., 2002. Using SVMs and discriminative models for speech recognition 2002 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ACOUSTICS, SPEECH, AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOLS I-IV, PROCEEDINGS,
  • Stuttle, MN. and Gales, MJF., 2002. Combining a Gaussian mixture model front end with MFCC parameters Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (Interspeech), v. 3
  • 2001

  • Gales, MJF., 2001. Acoustic factorisation Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU 2001),
  • Gales, MJF., 2001. Adaptive training for robust ASR Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU 2001),
  • Smith, N. and Gales, MJF., 2001. Speech recognition using SVMs Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, v. 2
  • Gales, MJF., 2001. Multiple-cluster adaptive training schemes Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, v. Volume 1: Speech Processing
  • Stuttle, MN. and Gales, MJF., 2001. A mixture of gaussians front end for speech recognition Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, v. 1
  • 2000

  • Aiyer, A., Gales, MJF. and Picheny, MA., 2000. Rapid likelihood calculation of subspace clustered Gaussian components Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2000), v. 3
  • Eide, E., Maison, B., Kavensky, D., Olsen, P., Chen, S., Mangu, L., Gales, MJF., Novak, M. and Gopinath, R., 2000. IBM's 10xReal-time broadcast news transciption used in the 1999 hub4 evaluation
  • Eide, E., Maison, B., Kavensky, D., Olsen, P., Chen, S., Mangu, L. and Gales, MJF., 2000. Transcription of broadcast news with time constraint: IBM's 10xRT hub4 system
  • 1999

  • Gales, MJF. and Olsen, PA., 1999. Tail distribution modelling using the richter and power exponential distributions
  • Chen, S., Eide, EM., Gales, MJF., Gopinath, RA. and Kavensky, RA., 1999. Recent improvements to IBM's speech recognition system for automatic transcription of broadcast news Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), v. 1
  • Chen, S., Eide, EM., Gales, MJF., Gopinath, RA., Kavensky, D. and Olsen, PA., 1999. Recent improvements to IBM's speech recognition system for automatic transcription of broadcast news
  • 1998

  • Gales, MJF., 1998. Cluster adaptive training for speech recognition Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing,
  • Chen, S., Gales, MJF., Gopalakrishnan, PS., Gopinath, RA., Kavensky, D., Olsen, P. and Polymenakos, L., 1998. IBM's LVCSR system for transcription of broadcast news used in the 1997 hub4 english evaluation
  • Gales, MJF., 1998. Semi-tied covariance matrices Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), v. 2
  • 1997

  • Woodland, PC., Gales, MJF., Pye, D. and Young, SJ., 1997. The development of the 1996 HTK broadcast news transcription system Proceedings of DARPA Speech Recognition Workshop,
  • Nock, H., Gales, MJF. and Young, SJ., 1997. A comparative study of methods for phonetic decision-tree state clustering
  • Gales, MJF., 1997. Transformation smoothing for speaker and environmental adaptation
  • Woodland, PC., Gales, MJF., Pye, D. and Young, SJ., 1997. Broadcast news transcription using HTK Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, v. 2
  • 1996

  • Woodland, PC., Gales, MJF., Pye, D. and Valtchev, V., 1996. The HTK large vocabulary recognition system for the 1995 ARPA H3 task Proceedings of the ARPA Continuous Speech Recognition Workshop,
  • Gales, MJF., Pye, D. and Woodland, PC., 1996. Variance compensation within the MLLR framework for robust speech recognition and speaker adaptation Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP 1996, v. 3
  • Knill, K., Gales, MJF. and Young, SJ., 1996. Use of Gaussian selection in large vocabulary continuous speech recognition using HMMs Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP), v. 1
  • Woodland, PC., Gales, MJF. and Pye, D., 1996. Improving environmental robustness in large vocabulary speech recognition IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 96, v. 1
  • Woodland, PC., Pye, D. and Gales, MJF., 1996. Iterative unsupervised adaptation using maximum likelihood linear regression 4th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP 1996), v. 2
  • 1995

  • Gales, MJF. and Young, SJ., 1995. The application of parallel model combination to a large vocabulary dictation task Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH '95), v. 3
  • Knill, K., Gales, MJF. and Young, SJ., 1995. Video mail retrieval using voice: an overview of the stage 2 system Proceedings of the Final Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval (Miro '95),
  • Gales, MJF. and Young, SJ., 1995. A fast and flexible implementation of parallel model combination Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ISCSSP), v. 1: Speech
  • Gopinath, RA., Gales, MJF., Gopalakrishnan, PS., Balakrishnan Aiyer, S. and Picheny, MA., 1995. Robust speech recognition in noise --- performance of the IBM continuous speech recogniser on the ARPA noise spoke task Proceedings of the ARPA Spoken Language Systems Technology Workshop,
  • 1994

  • Gales, MJF. and Young, SJ., 1994. PARALLEL MODEL COMBINATION ON A NOISE CORRUPTED RESOURCE MANAGEMENT TASK 3rd International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP 1994,
  • 1993

  • Gales, MJF. and Young, SJ., 1993. HMM recognition in noise using parallel model combination EUROSPEECH 93 proceedings, v. 2
  • Gales, MJF. and Young, SJ., 1993. Segmental hidden Markov models EUROSPEECH 93 proceedings, v. 3
  • 1992

  • Theses / dissertations

    2022 (No publication date)

  • Kyriakopoulos, K., 2022 (No publication date). Deep Learning for Automatic Assessment and Feedback of Spoken English
  • 1995

  • Gales, MJF., 1995. Model-based techniques for noise robust speech recognition
  • Journal articles


  • Ragni, A., Gales, MJF., Rose, O., Knill, KM., Kastanos, A., Li, Q. and Ness, PM., 2022. Increasing Context for Estimating Confidence Scores in Automatic Speech Recognition IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, v. 30
  • Fathullah, Y. and Gales, MJF., 2022. Self-Distribution Distillation: Efficient Uncertainty Estimation
  • 2021

  • Malinin, A., Band, N., Ganshin, , Alexander, , Chesnokov, G., Gal, Y., Gales, MJF., Noskov, A., Ploskonosov, A., Prokhorenkova, L., Provilkov, I., Raina, V., Raina, V., Roginskiy, , Denis, , Shmatova, M., Tigas, P. and Yangel, B., 2021. Shifts: A Dataset of Real Distributional Shift Across Multiple Large-Scale Tasks
  • Dou, Q., Lu, Y., Manakul, P., Wu, X. and Gales, MJF., 2021. Attention Forcing for Machine Translation
  • Raina, V. and Gales, MJF., 2021. An Initial Investigation of Non-Native Spoken Question-Answering
  • 2019

  • Dou, Q., Lu, Y., Efiong, J. and Gales, MJF., 2019. Attention Forcing for Sequence-to-sequence Model Training
  • Chen, X., Liu, X., Wang, Y., Ragni, A., Wong, JHM. and Gales, MJF., 2019. Exploiting Future Word Contexts in Neural Network Language Models for Speech Recognition IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, v. 27
  • Wong, JHM., Gales, MJF. and Wang, Y., 2019. General sequence teacher-student learning IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, v. 27
  • Wang, L., Wang, Y. and Gales, MJF., 2019. Non-native Speaker Verification for Spoken Language Assessment
  • 2018

  • Wang, Y., Gales, MJF., Knill, KM., Kyriakopoulos, K., Malinin, A., van Dalen, RC. and Rashid, M., 2018. Towards automatic assessment of spontaneous spoken English Speech Communication, v. 104
  • Degottex, G., Lanchantin, P. and Gales, M., 2018. A Log Domain Pulse Model for Parametric Speech Synthesis IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, v. 26
  • 2017

  • Chen, X., Liu, X., Ragni, A., Wang, Y. and Gales, MJF., 2017. Future word contexts in neural network language models 2017 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop, ASRU 2017 - Proceedings, v. 2018-January
  • Wu, C., Gales, M., Ragni, A., Karanasou, P. and Sim, KC., 2017. Improving Interpretability and Regularisation in Deep Learning IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing,
  • Karanasou, P., Wu, C., Gales, M. and Woodland, PC., 2017. I-Vectors and Structured Neural Networks for Rapid Adaptation of Acoustic Models IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, v. 25
  • 2016

  • Liu, X., Chen, X., Wang, Y., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2016. Two efficient lattice rescoring methods using recurrent neural network language models IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, v. 24
  • Chen, X., Liu, X., Wang, Y., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2016. Efficient Training and Evaluation of Recurrent Neural Network Language Models for Automatic Speech Recognition IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, v. 24
    Doi: 10.1109/TASLP.2016.2598304
  • 2015

  • Karanasou, P., Gales, M. and Woodland, P., 2015. I-vector estimation using informative priors for adaptation of deep neural networks Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2015-January
  • Yoshioka, T. and Gales, MJF., 2015. Environmentally robust ASR front-end for deep neural network acoustic models Computer Speech and Language, v. 31
  • Chen, L., Braunschweiler, N. and Gales, MJF., 2015. Speaker and Expression Factorization for Audiobook Data: Expressiveness and Transplantation IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, v. 23
  • 2014

  • Wan, V., Latorre, J., Yanagisawa, K., Braunschweiler, N., Chen, L., Gales, MJF. and Akamine, M., 2014. Building HMM-TTS voices on diverse data IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing, v. 8
  • Chen, L., Gales, MJF., Braunschweiler, N., Akamine, M. and Knill, K., 2014. Integrated expression prediction and speech synthesis from text IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing, v. 8
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2014. Paraphrastic language models Computer Speech and Language, v. 28
  • Lanchantin, P., Gales, MJF., King, S. and Yamagishi, J., 2014. Multiple-average-voice-based speech synthesis ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • 2013

  • Long, Y., Gales, MJF., Lanchantin, P., Liu, X., Seigel, MS. and Woodland, PC., 2013. Improving lightly supervised training for broadcast transcription Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Maia, R., Akamine, M. and Gales, MJF., 2013. Complex cepstrum for statistical parametric speech synthesis SPEECH COMMUNICATION, v. 55
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2013. Use of contexts in language model interpolation and adaptation Computer Speech and Language, v. 27
  • Yang, J., Van Dalen, RC. and Gales, M., 2013. Infinite support vector machines in speech recognition Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Seigel, MS., Woodland, PC. and Gales, MJF., 2013. A confidence-based approach for improving keyword hypothesis scores ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2013. Paraphrastic language models and combination with neural network language models ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Mamou, J., Cui, J., Cui, X., Gales, MJF., Kingsbury, B., Knill, K., Mangu, L., Nolden, D., Picheny, M., Ramabhadran, B., Schluter, R., Sethy, A. and Woodland, PC., 2013. System combination and score normalization for spoken term detection ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Kingsbury, B., Cui, J., Cui, X., Gales, MJF., Knill, K., Mamou, J., Mangu, L., Nolden, D., Picheny, M., Ramabhadran, B., Schluter, R., Sethy, A. and Woodland, PC., 2013. A high-performance Cantonese keyword search system ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Wang, YQ. and Gales, MJF., 2013. Tandem system adaptation using multiple linear feature transforms ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • van Dalen, RC. and Gales, MJF., 2013. Importance sampling to compute likelihoods of noise-corrupted speech COMPUTER SPEECH AND LANGUAGE, v. 27
  • Liu, X., Hieronymus, JL., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2013. Syllable language models for Mandarin speech recognition: exploiting character language models. J Acoust Soc Am, v. 133
  • Zhang, S-X. and Gales, MJF., 2013. Structured SVMs for Automatic Speech Recognition IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO SPEECH AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING, v. 21
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2013. Language model cross adaptation for LVCSR system combination Computer Speech and Language, v. 27
  • 2012

  • Diehl, F., Gales, MJF., Tomalin, M. and Woodland, PC., 2012. Morphological decomposition in Arabic ASR systems Computer Speech and Language, v. 26
  • Zen, H., Braunschweiler, N., Buchholz, S., Gales, MJF., Knill, K., Krstulović, S. and Latorre, J., 2012. Statistical parametric speech synthesis based on speaker and language factorization IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, v. 20
  • Wang, Y. and Gales, MJF., 2012. Speaker and Noise Factorization for Robust Speech Recognition IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO SPEECH AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING, v. 20
  • Gales, MJF. and Flego, F., 2012. Model-Based Approaches for Degraded Channel Modelling in Robust ASR 13TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2012 (INTERSPEECH 2012), VOLS 1-3,
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2012. Paraphrastic Language Models 13TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2012 (INTERSPEECH 2012), VOLS 1-3,
  • Flego, F. and Gales, MJF., 2012. Factor analysis based VTS discriminative adaptive training ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Gales, MJF., Watanabe, S. and Fosler-Lussier, E., 2012. Structured discriminative models for speech recognition: An overview IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, v. 29
  • Furui, S., Deng, L., Gales, M., Ney, H. and Tokuda, K., 2012. Fundamental technologies in modern speech recognition IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, v. 29
  • Bell, PJ., Gales, MJF., Lanchantin, P., Liu, X., Long, Y., Renals, S., Swietojanski, P. and Woodland, PC., 2012. Transcription of multi-genre media archives using out-of-domain data 2012 IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology, SLT 2012 - Proceedings,
  • Zen, H., Gales, MJF., Nankaku, Y. and Tokuda, K., 2012. Product of Experts for Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, v. 20
  • Diehl, F., Gales, MJF., Tomalin, M. and Woodland, PC., 2012. Morphological decomposition in Arabic ASR systems Computer Speech and Language,
  • 2011

  • Wang, YQ. and Gales, MJF., 2011. Improving reverberant VTS for hands-free robust speech recognition 2011 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, ASRU 2011, Proceedings,
  • Ragni, A. and Gales, MJF., 2011. Derivative kernels for noise robust ASR 2011 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, ASRU 2011, Proceedings,
  • Zhang, SX. and Gales, MJF., 2011. Extending noise robust structured support vector machines to larger vocabulary tasks 2011 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, ASRU 2011, Proceedings,
  • Dieh, F., Gales, MJF., Liu, X., Tomalin, M. and Woodland, PC., 2011. Word boundary modelling and full covariance gaussians for Arabic Speech-to-Text systems Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Breslin, C., Chin, KK., Gales, MJF. and Knill, K., 2011. Integrated online speaker clustering and adaptation Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2011. Improving LVCSR system combination using neural network language model cross adaptation Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Li, T., Woodland, PC., Diehl, F. and Gales, MJF., 2011. Graphone model interpolation and Arabic pronunciation generation Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Park, J., Diehl, F., Gales, MJF., Tomalin, M. and Woodland, PC., 2011. The efficient incorporation of MLP features into automatic speech recognition systems Computer Speech and Language, v. 25
  • Kim, D. and Gales, MJF., 2011. Noisy constrained maximum-likelihood linear regression for noise-robust speech recognition IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, v. 19
  • Van Dalen, RC. and Gales, MJF., 2011. Extended VTS for noise-robust speech recognition IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, v. 19
  • Flego, F. and Gales, MJF., 2011. Factor analysis based VTS and JUD noise estimation and compensation ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Wang, YQ. and Gales, MJF., 2011. Speaker and noise factorisation on the AURORA4 task ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF., Hieronymus, JL. and Woodland, PC., 2011. Investigation of acoustic units for LVCSR systems ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Chen, L., Gales, MJF. and Chin, KK., 2011. Constrained discriminative mapping transforms for unsupervised speaker adaptation ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Ragni, A. and Gales, MJF., 2011. Structured discriminative models for noise robust continuous speech recognition ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Zen, H. and Gales, MJF., 2011. Decision tree-based context clustering based on cross validation and hierarchical priors ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Gales, MJF. and Wang, YQ., 2011. Model-based approaches to handling additive noise in reverberant environments 2011 Joint Workshop on Hands-free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays, HSCMA'11,
  • Xu, HT., Gales, MJF. and Chin, KK., 2011. Joint Uncertainty Decoding With Predictive Methods for Noise Robust Speech Recognition IEEE T AUDIO SPEECH, v. 19
  • Van Dalen, RC. and Gales, MJF., 2011. A variational perspective on noise-robust speech recognition 2011 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, ASRU 2011, Proceedings,
  • 2010

  • Zhang, SX., Ragni, A. and Gales, MJF., 2010. Structured Log Linear Models for Noise Robust Speech Recognition IEEE SIGNAL PROC LET, v. 17
  • Gales, MJF. and Flego, F., 2010. Discriminative classifiers with adaptive kernels for noise robust speech recognition Computer Speech and Language, v. 24
  • Yu, K., Gales, MJF., Wang, L. and Woodland, PC., 2010. Unsupervised training and directed manual transcription for LVCSR Speech Communication, v. 52
  • Yu, K., Gales, M., Wang, L. and Woodland, PC., 2010. Unsupervised training and directed manual transcription for LVCSR SPEECH COMMUN, v. 52
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF., Hieronymus, JL. and Woodland, PC., 2010. Language model combination and adaptation using weighted finite state transducers ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • 2009

  • Longworth, C. and Gales, MJF., 2009. Combining derivative and parametric kernels for speaker verification IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, v. 17
  • Yu, K., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2009. Unsupervised adaptation with discriminative mapping transforms IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, v. 17
  • Breslin, C. and Gales, MJF., 2009. Directed decision trees for generating complementary systems Speech Communication, v. 51
  • Hieronymus, JL., Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2009. Exploiting Chinese character models to improve speech recognition performance Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • 2008

  • Liao, H. and Gales, MJF., 2008. Issues with uncertainty decoding for noise robust automatic speech recognition Speech Communication, v. 50
  • 2007

  • Sim, KC. and Gales, MJF., 2007. Discriminative semi-parametric trajectory models for speech recognition Computer Speech and Language, v. 21
  • Layton, M. and Gales, MJF., 2007. Acoustic modelling using continuous rational kernels Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems for Signal, Image, and Video Technology, v. 48
  • Yu, K. and Gales, MJF., 2007. Bayesian adaptive inference and adaptive training IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, v. 15
  • Gales, MJF. and Young, SJ., 2007. The application of hidden Markov models in speech recognition Foundations and Trends in Signal Processing, v. 1
  • Liu, X. and Gales, MJF., 2007. Automatic model complexity control using marginalized discriminative growth functions IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, v. 15
  • Liu, X. and Gales, M., 2007. Automatic model complexity control using marginalized discriminative growth functions IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, v. 15
  • Tomalin, M., Gales, MJF., Liu, XA., Sim, KC., Sinha, R., Wang, L., Woodland, PC. and Yu, K., 2007. Improving speech transcription for Mandarin-english translation ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 4
  • 2006

  • Gales, MJF. and Airey, SS., 2006. Product of Gaussians for speech recognition Computer Speech and Language, v. 20
  • Gales, MJF., Kim, DY., Woodland, PC., Chan, HY., Mrva, D., Sinha, R. and Tranter, SE., 2006. Progress in the CU-HTK broadcast news transcription system IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, v. 14
  • Hain, T., Woodland, PC., Evermann, G., Gales, MJF., Liu, X., Moore, GL., Povey, D. and Wang, L., 2006. Corrections to “Automatic transcription of conversational telephone speech” IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, v. 14
  • Yu, K. and Gales, MJF., 2006. Discriminative cluster adaptive training IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, v. 14
  • Sim, KC. and Gales, MJF., 2006. Minimum phone error training of precision matrix models IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, v. 14
  • Sinha, R., Gales, MJF., Kim, DY., Liu, XA., Sim, KC. and Woodland, PC., 2006. The CU-HTK Mandarin broadcast news transcription system ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 1
  • Gales, MJF. and Layton, MI., 2006. Training augmented models using SVMs IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, v. E89-D
  • 2005

  • Hain, T., Woodland, PC., Evermann, G., Gales, MJF., Liu, X., Moore, GL., Povey, D. and Wang, L., 2005. Automatic transcription of conversational telephone speech IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, v. 13
  • Sinha, R., Tranter, SE., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2005. The Cambridge University March 2005 Speaker Diarisation System Interspeech: 9th European Conference on Speech Communciation and Technology,
  • Yu, K. and Gales, MJE., 2005. Bayesian adaptation and adaptively trained systems Proceedings of ASRU 2005: 2005 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop, v. 2005
  • Hain, T., Woodland, PC., Evermann, G., Gales, MJF., Liu, X., Moore, GL., Povey, D. and Wang, L., 2005. Automatic transcription of conversational telephone speech IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, v. 13
  • 2004

  • Rosti, AVI. and Gales, MJF., 2004. Factor analysed hidden Markov models for speech recognition Computer Speech and Language, v. 18
  • 2003

  • Povey, D., Gales, MJF., Kim, DY. and Woodland, PC., 2003. MMI-MAP and MPE-MAP for acoustic model adaptation Eurospeech Proceedings: 8th Speech Communication and Technology Conference, v. 8
  • 2002

  • Chen, SS., Eide, EM., Gales, MJF., Gopinath, RA., Kanevsky, D. and Olsen, P., 2002. Automatic transcription of broadcast news Speech communication, v. 37
  • Gales, MJF., 2002. Transformation streams and the HMM error model Computer Speech and Language, v. 16
  • Gales, MJF., 2002. Maximum likelihood multiple subspace projections for hidden markov models IEEE transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, v. 10
  • Gales, MJF., 2002. Transformation streams and the HMM error model COMPUT SPEECH LANG, v. 16
  • 2000

  • Gales, MJF., 2000. Factored semi-tied covariance matrices Advances In Neural Information Processing Systems,
  • Gales, MJF., 2000. Factored semi-tied covariance matrices Advances In Neural Information Processing Systems,
  • Gales, MJF., 2000. Cluster adaptive training of hidden markov models IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, v. 8
  • 1999

  • Gales, MJF., 1999. Semi-tied covariance matrices for hidden markov models IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, v. 7
  • Gales, MJF., Knill, K. and Young, SJ., 1999. State-based Gaussian selection in large vocabulary continuous speech recognition using HMMs IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, v. 7
    Doi: 10.1109/89.748120
  • 1998

  • Gales, MJF., 1998. Predictive model-based compensation schemes for robust speech recognition Speech Communication, v. 25
  • Gales, MJF., 1998. Maximum likelihood linear transformations for HMM-based speech recognition Computer Speech and Language, v. 12
  • 1997

  • Gales, MJF., 1997. Predictive model-based compensation schemes for robust speech recognition Speech Communication, v. 25
  • 1996

  • Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 1996. Mean and variance adaptation within the MLLR framework Computer Speech and Language, v. 10
  • Gales, MJF. and Young, SJ., 1996. Robust continuous speech recognition using parallel model combination IEEE Proceedings on Speech and Audio Processing, v. 4
  • 1995

  • Gales, MJF. and Young, SJ., 1995. Robust speech recognition in additive and convolutional noise using parallel model combination Computer Speech and Language, v. 9
  • Woodland, PC., Gales, MJF., Pye, D. and Valtchev, V., 1995. Large vocabulary multilingual speech recognition using HTK Eurospeech Proceedings: 4th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, v. 1
  • 1993

  • Internet publications


  • Li, Q., Ness, PM., Ragni, A. and Gales, MJF., 2019. Bi-directional Lattice Recurrent Neural Networks for Confidence Estimation
  • Datasets


  • Wu, C., Gales, M., Ragni, A., Karanasou, P. and Sim, KC., 2018. Improving Interpretability and Regularisation in Deep Learning
  • 2016 (No publication date)

  • Chen, X., Liu, X., Qian, Y., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, P., 2016 (No publication date). Research data supporting "CUED-RNNLM -- An Open-Source Toolkit for Efficient Training and Evaluation of Recurrent Neural Network Language Models"
  • Wang, L., Zhang, C., Woodland, PC., Gales, MJF., Karanasou, P., Lanchantin, P., Liu, X. and Qian, Y., 2016 (No publication date). Supplementary data for "Improved DNN-based Segmentation for Multi-genre Broadcast Audio"
  • 2015 (No publication date)

  • Karanasou, P., Gales, MJ., Lanchantin, P., Liu, X., Qian, Y., Wang, L., Woodland, PC. and Zhang, C., 2015 (No publication date). Supplementary data for "Speaker Diarisation and Linking in Multi-Genre Broadcast Data"
  • Lanchantin, P., Gales, MJ., Karanasou, P., Liu, X., Qian, Y., Wang, L., Woodland, PC. and Zhang, C., 2015 (No publication date). Supplementary data for "The Development of the Cambridge University Alignment Systems for the Multi-Genre Broadcast Challenge".
  • Van, DRC., Yang, J., Wang, H., Ragni, A., Zhang, C. and Gales, MJF., 2015 (No publication date). Data underpinning "Structured Discriminative Models using Deep Neural-Network Features"
  • Woodland, PC., Liu, X., Qian, Y., Zhang, C., Gales, MJ., Karanasou, P., Lanchantin, P. and Wang, L., 2015 (No publication date). Research data supporting "Cambridge university transcription systems for the multi-genre broadcast challenge"
  • Chen, X., Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, P., 2015 (No publication date). Data underpinning "Investigation of back-off based interpolation between Recurrent Neural Network and N-Gram Language Models”
  • Book chapters


  • Gales, MJF., 2009. Augmented Statistical Models: Using Dynamic Kernels for Acoustic Models
  • Reports


  • Kim, DK. and Gales, MJF., 2009. Noisy CMLLR for noise-robust speech recognition
  • 2008

  • Gales, MJF. and Flego, F., 2008. Discriminative classifiers and generative kernels for noise robust speech recognition
  • 2006

  • Liao, H. and Gales, MJF., 2006. Joint uncertainty decoding for robust large vocabulary speech recognition
  • 2004

  • Liao, H. and Gales, MJF., 2004. Uncertainty decoding for noise robust automatic speech recognition
  • Layton, MI. and Gales, MJF., 2004. Maximum margin training of generative kernels
  • Sim, KC. and Gales, MJF., 2004. Precision matrix modelling for large vocabulary continuous speech recognition
  • Yu, K. and Gales, MJF., 2004. Discriminative cluster adaptive training
  • 2003

  • Rosti, AV. and Gales, MJF., 2003. Switching linear dynamical systems for speech recognition
  • Airey, SS. and Gales, MJF., 2003. Product of Gaussians for speech recognition
  • Rosti, AV. and Gales, MJF., 2003. Factor analysed hidden Markov models for speech recognition
  • Hain, T., Woodland, PC., Evermann, G., Gales, MJF., Liu, X., Moore, G., Povey, D. and Wang, L., 2003. Automatic transcription of conversational telephone speech: development of the CU-HTK 2002 system
  • 2002

  • Smith, ND. and Gales, MJF., 2002. Using SVMs to classify variable length speech patterns
  • 2001

  • Rosti, AV. and Gales, MJF., 2001. Generalised linear Gaussian models
  • Gales, MJF., 2001. Transformation streams and the HMM error model
  • Smith, ND., Gales, MJF. and Niranjan, M., 2001. Data-dependent Kernels in SVM classification of speech patterns
  • 1999

  • Gales, MJF., 1999. Maximum likelihood multiple projection schemes for hidden Markov models
  • 1997

  • Gales, MJF., 1997. Adapting semi-tied full-convariance matrix HMMs
  • Gales, MJF., 1997. Maximum likelihood linear transformations for HMM-based speech recognition
  • Gales, MJF., 1997. Semi-tied full-covariance matrices for hidden Markov models
  • Gales, MJF., Knill, KM. and Young, SJ., 1997. State-based Gaussian selection in large vocabulary continuous speech recognition using HMMs
  • 1996

  • Gales, MJF., 1996. The generation and use of regression class trees for MLLR adaptation
  • Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 1996. Variance compensation within the MLLR framework
  • 1994

  • Gales, MJF. and Young, SJ., 1994. Robust continuous speech recognition using parallel model combination
  • 1993

  • Gales, MJF. and Young, SJ., 1993. Parallel model combination for speech recognition in noise
  • Gales, MJF. and Young, SJ., 1993. PMC for speech recognition in additive and convolutional noise
  • Gales, MJF. and Young, SJ., 1993. The theory of segmental hidden Markov models

  • Read more at: Professor Roberto Cipolla

    Professor Roberto Cipolla

    Robotics; realtime gesture recognition

    Conference proceedings


  • Logothetis, F., Budvytis, I. and Cipolla, R., 2024. A Neural Height-Map Approach for the Binocular Photometric Stereo Problem Proceedings - 2024 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV 2024,
  • Boyne, O., Bae, G., Charles, J. and Cipolla, R., 2024. FOUND: Foot Optimization with Uncertain Normals for Surface Deformation Using Synthetic Data Proceedings - 2024 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV 2024,
  • 2023

  • Bae, G., De La Gorce, M., Baltrusaitis, T., Hewitt, C., Chen, D., Valentin, J., Cipolla, R. and Shen, J., 2023. DigiFace-1M: 1 Million Digital Face Images for Face Recognition Proceedings - 2023 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV 2023,
  • Sengupta, A., Budvytis, I. and Cipolla, R., 2023. HuManiFlow: Ancestor-Conditioned Normalising Flows on SO(3) Manifolds for Human Pose and Shape Distribution Estimation Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, v. 2023-June
  • Xue, F., Budvytis, I. and Cipolla, R., 2023. SFD2: Semantic-Guided Feature Detection and Description Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, v. 2023-June
  • Xue, F., Budvytis, I. and Cipolla, R., 2023. IMP: Iterative Matching and Pose Estimation with Adaptive Pooling Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, v. 2023-June
  • 2022

  • Szymanowicz, S., Charles, J. and Cipolla, R., 2022. Discrete neural representations for explainable anomaly detection Proceedings - 2022 IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV 2022,
  • Bae, G., Budvytis, I. and Cipolla, R., 2022. Multi-View Depth Estimation by Fusing Single-View Depth Probability with Multi-View Geometry Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, v. 2022-June
  • Xue, F., Budvytis, I., Reino, DO. and Cipolla, R., 2022. Efficient Large-scale Localization by Global Instance Recognition Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, v. 2022-June
  • Hu, A., Corrado, G., Griffiths, N., Murez, Z., Gurau, C., Yeo, H., Kendall, A., Cipolla, R. and Shotton, J., 2022. Model-Based Imitation Learning for Urban Driving Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, v. 35
  • Charles, J., Abbeloos, W., Reino, DO. and Cipolla, R., 2022. Style2NeRF: An Unsupervised One-Shot NeRF for Semantic 3D Reconstruction BMVC 2022 - 33rd British Machine Vision Conference Proceedings,
  • Boyne, O., Charles, J. and Cipolla, R., 2022. FIND: An Unsupervised Implicit 3D Model of Articulated Human Feet BMVC 2022 - 33rd British Machine Vision Conference Proceedings,
  • Langer, F., Bae, G., Budvytis, I. and Cipolla, R., 2022. SPARC: Sparse Render-and-Compare for CAD model alignment in a single RGB Image BMVC 2022 - 33rd British Machine Vision Conference Proceedings,
  • Zhang, C., Liwicki, S. and Cipolla, R., 2022. Beyond the CLS Token: Image Reranking using Pretrained Vision Transformers BMVC 2022 - 33rd British Machine Vision Conference Proceedings,
  • Bae, G., Budvytis, I. and Cipolla, R., 2022. IronDepth: Iterative Refinement of Single-View Depth using Surface Normal and its Uncertainty BMVC 2022 - 33rd British Machine Vision Conference Proceedings,
  • 2021 (Accepted for publication)

  • Hu, A., Murez, Z., Mohan, N., Dudas, S., Hawke, J., Badrinarayanan, V., Cipolla, R. and Kendall, A., 2021 (Accepted for publication). FIERY: Future Instance Prediction in Bird’s-Eye View from Surround Monocular Cameras
  • 2021

  • Sengupta, A., Budvytis, I. and Cipolla, R., 2021. Hierarchical Kinematic Probability Distributions for 3D Human Shape and Pose Estimation from Images in the Wild Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision,
  • Langer, F., Budvytis, I. and Cipolla, R., 2021. Leveraging Geometry for Shape Estimation from a Single RGB Image 32nd British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC 2021,
  • Sengupta, A., Budvytis, I. and Cipolla, R., 2021. Probabilistic Estimation of 3D Human Shape and Pose with a Semantic Local Parametric Model 32nd British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC 2021,
  • Mecca, R., Logothetis, F., Budvytis, I. and Cipolla, R., 2021. LUCES: A Dataset for Near-Field Point Light Source Photometric Stereo 32nd British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC 2021,
  • Roddick, T., Biggs, B., Reino, DO. and Cipolla, R., 2021. On the Road to Large-Scale 3D Monocular Scene Reconstruction using Deep Implicit Functions Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, v. 2021-October
  • Zhang, C., Budvytis, I., Liwicki, S. and Cipolla, R., 2021. Lifted Semantic Graph Embedding for Omnidirectional Place Recognition Proceedings - 2021 International Conference on 3D Vision, 3DV 2021,
  • Bae, G., Budvytis, I. and Cipolla, R., 2021. Estimating and Exploiting the Aleatoric Uncertainty in Surface Normal Estimation Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision,
  • Hu, A., Murez, Z., Mohan, N., Dudas, S., Hawke, J., Badrinarayanan, V., Cipolla, R. and Kendall, A., 2021. FIERY: Future Instance Prediction in Bird's-Eye View from Surround Monocular Cameras Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision,
  • Sengupta, A., Budvytis, I. and Cipolla, R., 2021. Probabilistic 3D human shape and pose estimation from multiple unconstrained images in the wild Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
  • Vojir, T., Budvytis, I. and Cipolla, R., 2021. Efficient Large-Scale Semantic Visual Localization in 2D Maps Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), v. 12624 LNCS
  • Zhang, C., Budvytis, I., Liwicki, S. and Cipolla, R., 2021. Rotation Equivariant Orientation Estimation for Omnidirectional Localization Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), v. 12625 LNCS
  • Kok, F., Charles, J. and Cipolla, R., 2021. FootNet: An Efficient Convolutional Network for Multiview 3D Foot Reconstruction Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), v. 12627 LNCS
  • Charles, J., Bucciarelli, S. and Cipolla, R., 2021. Scaling digital screen reading with one-shot learning and re-identification Proceedings - 2021 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV 2021,
  • Szymanowicz, S., Charles, J. and Cipolla, R., 2021. X-MAN: Explaining multiple sources of anomalies in video IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops,
  • Howells, B., Charles, J. and Cipolla, R., 2021. Real-time analogue gauge transcription on mobile phone IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops,
  • Bae, G., Budvytis, I. and Cipolla, R., 2021. Estimating and Exploiting the Aleatoric Uncertainty in Surface Normal Estimation
  • 2020 (Accepted for publication)

  • Biggs, B., Boyne, O., Charles, J., Fitzgibbon, A. and Cipolla, R., 2020 (Accepted for publication). Who Left the Dogs Out? 3D Animal Reconstruction with Expectation Maximization in the Loop Proceedings of European Conference on Computer Vision,
  • 2020

  • Logothetis, F., Budvytis, I., Mecca, R. and Cipolla, R., 2020. A CNN Based Approach for the Near-Field Photometric Stereo Problem 31st British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC 2020,
  • Teichmann, M. and Cipolla, R., 2020. Convolutional CRFs for semantic segmentation 30th British Machine Vision Conference 2019, BMVC 2019,
  • Charles, J., Bucciarelli, S. and Cipolla, R., 2020. Real-time screen reading: reducing domain shift for one-shot learning 31st British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC 2020,
  • Bae, G., Budvytis, I., Yeung, CK. and Cipolla, R., 2020. Deep Multi-view Stereo for Dense 3D Reconstruction from Monocular Endoscopic Video Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), v. 12263 LNCS
  • Roddick, T. and Cipolla, R., 2020. Predicting semantic map representations from images using pyramid occupancy networks Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
  • Sengupta, A., Budvytis, I. and Cipolla, R., 2020. Synthetic Training for Accurate 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation in the Wild
  • Sengupta, A., Budvytis, I. and Cipolla, R., 2020. Synthetic Training for Accurate 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation in the Wild 31st British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC 2020,
  • 2019

  • Biggs, B., Roddick, T., Fitzgibbon, A. and Cipolla, R., 2019. Creatures Great and SMAL: Recovering the Shape and Motion of Animals from Video Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), v. 11365 LNCS
  • Budvytis, I., Sauer, P. and Cipolla, R., 2019. Semantic localisation via globally unique instance segmentation British Machine Vision Conference 2018, BMVC 2018,
  • Zhang, C., Liwicki, S., Smith, W. and Cipolla, R., 2019. Orientation-aware semantic segmentation on icosahedron spheres Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, v. 2019-October
  • Budvytis, I., Teichmann, M., Vojir, T. and Cipolla, R., 2019. Large scale joint semantic re-localisation and scene understanding via globally unique instance coordinate regression 30th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC 2019),
  • Roddick, T., Kendall, A. and Cipolla, R., 2019. Orthographic feature transform for monocular 3D object detection 30th British Machine Vision Conference 2019, BMVC 2019,
  • Poudel, RPK., Liwicki, S. and Cipolla, R., 2019. Fast-SCNN: Fast semantic segmentation network 30th British Machine Vision Conference 2019, BMVC 2019,
  • Logothetis, F., Mecca, R. and Cipolla, R., 2019. A differential volumetric approach to multi-view photometric stereo Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, v. 2019-October
  • 2018

  • Teichmann, M., Weber, M., Zöllner, M., Cipolla, R. and Urtasun, R., 2018. MultiNet: Real-time Joint Semantic Reasoning for Autonomous Driving IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Proceedings, v. 2018-June
  • Budvytis, I., Sauer, P. and Cipolla, R., 2018. Semantic localisation via globally unique instance segmentation British Machine Vision Conference 2018, BMVC 2018,
  • Kendall, A., Gal, Y. and Cipolla, R., 2018. Multi-Task Learning Using Uncertainty to Weigh Losses for Scene Geometry and Semantics Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
  • Parker, J., Stylianou, Y. and Cipolla, R., 2018. Adaptation of an Expressive Single Speaker Deep Neural Network Speech Synthesis System ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2018-April
  • 2017 (Accepted for publication)

  • Logothetis, F., Mecca, R. and Cipolla, R., 2017 (Accepted for publication). Semi-calibrated Near Field Photometric Stereo 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
  • 2017

  • Tan, JKV., Budvytis, I. and Cipolla, R., 2017. Indirect deep structured learning for 3D human body shape and pose prediction British Machine Vision Conference 2017, BMVC 2017,
  • Mecca, R., Logothetis, F. and Cipolla, R., 2017. A differential approach to shape from polarization British Machine Vision Conference 2017, BMVC 2017,
  • Mecca, R., Logothetis, F. and Cipolla, R., 2017. A differential approach to shape from polarization British Machine Vision Conference 2017, BMVC 2017,
  • Ioannou, Y., Robertson, D., Cipolla, R. and Criminisi, A., 2017. Deep roots: Improving CNN efficiency with hierarchical filter groups Proceedings - 30th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2017, v. 2017-January
  • Kendall, A., Badrinarayanan, V. and Cipolla, R., 2017. Bayesian segnet: Model uncertainty in deep convolutional encoder-decoder architectures for scene understanding British Machine Vision Conference 2017, BMVC 2017,
  • Charles, J., Budvytis, I. and Cipolla, R., 2017. Real-time factored ConvNets: Extracting the x factor in human parsing British Machine Vision Conference 2017, BMVC 2017,
  • Parker, J., Maia, R., Stylianou, Y. and Cipolla, R., 2017. Expressive visual text to speech and expression adaptation using deep neural networks 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP),
  • McAllister, RT., Gal, Y., Kendall, A., van der Wilk, M., Shah, A., Cipolla, R. and Weller, A., 2017. Concrete Problems for Autonomous Vehicle Safety: Advantages of Bayesian Deep Learning Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
  • Hori, M., Sakaue, F., Sato, J. and Cipolla, R., 2017. Measuring Refractive Properties of Human Vision by Showing 4D Light Fields Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), v. 10485 LNCS
  • Ikeba, D., Sakaue, F., Sato, J. and Cipolla, R., 2017. Showing Different Images to Observers by Using Difference in Retinal Impulse Response Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), v. 10485 LNCS
  • Kendall, A., Cipolla, R. and IEEE, , 2017. Geometric loss functions for camera pose regression with deep learning 30TH IEEE CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION (CVPR 2017),
  • Tan, JKV., Budvytis, I. and Cipolla, R., 2017. Indirect deep structured learning for 3D human body shape and pose prediction British Machine Vision Conference 2017, BMVC 2017,
  • Budvytis, I., Sauer, P., Roddick, T., Breen, K. and Cipolla, R., 2017. Large Scale Labelled Video Data Augmentation for Semantic Segmentation in Driving Scenarios Proceedings - 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, ICCVW 2017, v. 2018-January
  • 2016 (Accepted for publication)

  • Handa, A., Patraucean, V., Badrinarayanan, V., Stent, S. and Cipolla, R., 2016 (Accepted for publication). SynthCam3D: Semantic Understanding With Synthetic Indoor Scenes
  • Handa, A., Patraucean, V., Badrinarayanan, V., Stent, S. and Cipolla, R., 2016 (Accepted for publication). Understanding Real World Indoor Scenes With Synthetic Data
  • Patraucean, V., Handa, A. and Cipolla, R., 2016 (Accepted for publication). Spatio-temporal video autoencoder with differentiable memory
  • Handa, A., PǍtrǍucean, V., Badrinarayanan, V., And, SS. and Cipolla, R., 2016 (Accepted for publication). Understanding Real World Indoor Scenes With Synthetic Data Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, v. 2016-January
  • 2016

  • Ioannou, Y., Robertson, DP., Shotton, J., Cipolla, R. and Criminisi, A., 2016. Training CNNs with Low-Rank Filters for Efficient Image Classification. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2016),
  • Ioannou, Y., Robertson, D., Shotton, J., Cipolla, R. and Criminisi, A., 2016. Training cnns with low-rank filters for efficient image classification 4th International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2016 - Conference Track Proceedings,
  • Shankar, S., Robertson, D., Ioannou, Y., Criminisi, A. and Cipolla, R., 2016. Refining Architectures of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, v. 2016-December
  • Stent, S., Gherardi, R., Stenger, B. and Cipolla, R., 2016. Precise deterministic change detection for smooth surfaces 2016 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV 2016,
  • Handa, A., Patraucean, V., Stent, S. and Cipolla, R., 2016. Scenenet: An annotated model generator for indoor scene understanding Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, v. 2016-June
  • Kendall, A. and Cipolla, R., 2016. Modelling uncertainty in deep learning for camera relocalization Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, v. 2016-June
  • Logothetis, F., Mecca, R., Qu au, Y. and Cipolla, R., 2016. Near-field photometric stereo in ambient light British Machine Vision Conference 2016, BMVC 2016, v. 2016-September
  • Hong, JH., Zach, C., Fitzgibbon, A. and Cipolla, R., 2016. Projective Bundle Adjustment from Arbitrary Initialization Using the Variable Projection Method Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 9905
  • 2015

  • Shankar, S., Garg, VK. and Cipolla, R., 2015. DEEP-CARVING: Discovering visual attributes by carving deep neural nets Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, v. 07-12-June-2015
  • Stent, SAI., Girerd, C., Long, PJG. and Cipolla, R., 2015. A low-cost robotic system for the efficient visual inspection of tunnels 32nd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction and Mining: Connected to the Future, Proceedings,
  • Kendall, A., Grimes, M. and Cipolla, R., 2015. PoseNet: A convolutional network for real-time 6-dof camera relocalization Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, v. 2015
  • Shankar, S., Garg, VK. and Cipolla, R., 2015. DEEP-CARVING : Discovering Visual Attributes by Carving Deep Neural Nets 2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
  • 2014

  • Luo, W., Kim, TK., Stenger, B., Zhao, X. and Cipolla, R., 2014. Bi-label propagation for generic multiple object tracking Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
  • Shankar, S., Badrinarayanan, V. and Cipolla, R., 2014. Part Bricolage: Flow-assisted part-based graphs for detecting activities in videos Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), v. 8694 LNCS
  • Bonde, U., Badrinarayanan, V. and Cipolla, R., 2014. Robust instance recognition in presence of occlusion and clutter Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), v. 8690 LNCS
  • 2013

  • Galasso, F., Cipolla, R. and Schiele, B., 2013. Video segmentation with superpixels Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), v. 7724 LNCS
  • Bonde, U., Badrinarayanan, V. and Cipolla, R., 2013. Multi scale shape index for 3D object recognition Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), v. 7893 LNCS
  • Yu, TH., Kim, TK. and Cipolla, R., 2013. Unconstrained monocular 3D human pose estimation by action detection and cross-modality regression forest Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
  • Anderson, R., Stenger, B., Wan, V. and Cipolla, R., 2013. Expressive visual text-to-speech using active appearance models Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
  • Anderson, R., Stenger, B. and Cipolla, R., 2013. Lip tracking for 3d face registration Proceedings of the 13th IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Applications, MVA 2013,
  • Stent, S., Gherardi, R., Stenger, B., Soga, K. and Cipolla, R., 2013. An image-based system for change detection on tunnel linings Proceedings of the 13th IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Applications, MVA 2013,
  • Shankar, S., Lasenby, J. and Cipolla, R., 2013. Semantic transform: Weakly supervised semantic inference for relating visual attributes Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision,
  • Wan, V., Anderson, R., Blokland, A., Braunschweiler, N., Chen, L., Kolluru, BK., Latorre, J., Maia, R., Stenger, B., Yanagisawa, K., Stylianou, Y., Akamine, M., Gales, MJF. and Cipolla, R., 2013. Photo-realistic expressive text to talking head synthesis Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Wan, V., Anderson, R., Blokland, A., Braunschweiler, N., Chen, L., Kolluru, B., Latorre, J., Maia, R., Stenger, B., Yanagisawa, K., Stylianou, Y., Akamine, M., Gales, MJF. and Cipolla, R., 2013. Photo-Realistic Expressive Text to Talking Head Synthesis 14TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION (INTERSPEECH 2013), VOLS 1-5,
  • 2012

  • Cipolla, R., 2012. 3D Shape and its Applications 2012 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL, AUTOMATION, ROBOTICS & VISION (ICARCV),
  • Anderson, R., Stenger, B. and Cipolla, R., 2012. Dense active appearance models using a bounded diameter minimum spanning tree BMVC 2012 - Electronic Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2012,
  • Budvytis, I., Badrinarayanan, V. and Cipolla, R., 2012. MoT - Mixture of trees probabilistic graphical model for video segmentation BMVC 2012 - Electronic Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2012,
  • Viola, F., Fitzgibbon, A. and Cipolla, R., 2012. A unifying resolution-independent formulation for early vision Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
  • 2011

  • Chen, Y., Robertson, D. and Cipolla, R., 2011. A Practical System for Modelling Body Shapes from Single View Measurements PROCEEDINGS OF THE BRITISH MACHINE VISION CONFERENCE 2011,
  • McIlroy, P., Cipolla, R. and Rosten, E., 2011. High-level scene structure using visibility and occlusion BMVC 2011 - Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2011,
  • Yu, TH., Woodford, OJ. and Cipolla, R., 2011. An evaluation of volumetric interest points Proceedings - 2011 International Conference on 3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission, 3DIMPVT 2011,
  • Chen, Y., Robertson, D. and Cipolla, R., 2011. A practical system for modelling body shapes from single view measurements BMVC 2011 - Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2011,
  • Budvytis, I., Badrinarayanan, V. and Cipolla, R., 2011. Semi-supervised video segmentation using tree structured graphical models CVPR 2011,
    Doi: 10.1109/cvpr.2011.5995600
  • Campbell, NDF., Vogiatzis, G., Hernández, C. and Cipolla, R., 2011. Automatic object segmentation from calibrated images Proceedings - 2011 Conference for Visual Media Production, CVMP 2011,
  • Maki, A., Seki, A., Watanabe, T. and Cipolla, R., 2011. Co-occurrence flow for pedestrian detection Proceedings - International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP,
  • Anderson, R., Stenger, B. and Cipolla, R., 2011. Color photometric stereo for multicolored surfaces Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision,
  • Hernández, C., Perbet, F., Pham, MT., Vogiatzis, G., Woodford, OJ., Maki, A., Stenger, B. and Cipolla, R., 2011. Live 3D shape reconstruction, recognition and registration Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision,
  • Pham, MT., Woodford, OJ., Perbet, F., Maki, A., Stenger, B. and Cipolla, R., 2011. A new distance for scale-invariant 3D shape recognition and registration Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision,
  • Chen, Y. and Cipolla, R., 2011. Single and sparse view 3D reconstruction by learning shape priors COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE UNDERSTANDING, v. 115
  • Chen, Y., Kim, T-K. and Cipolla, R., 2011. Silhouette-based object phenotype recognition using 3D shape priors Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision,
  • Galasso, F., Iwasaki, M., Nobori, K. and Cipolla, R., 2011. Spatio-temporal clustering of probabilistic region trajectories Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision,
  • Anderson, R., Stenger, B. and Cipolla, R., 2011. Color photometric stereo for multicolored surfaces Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision,
  • Anderson, R., Stenger, B. and Cipolla, R., 2011. Augmenting depth camera output using photometric stereo Proceedings of the 12th IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications, MVA 2011,
  • 2010

  • Soga, K., Chaiyasarn, K., Viola, F., Yan, J., Seshia, A. and Cipolla, R., 2010. Innovation in Monitoring Technologies for Underground Structures INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN GEO-ENGINEERING,
  • Stenger, B., Woodley, T. and Cipolla, R., 2010. A vision-based remote control Studies in Computational Intelligence, v. 285
  • Chen, Y., Kim, TK. and Cipolla, R., 2010. Inferring 3D Shapes and Deformations from Single Views COMPUTER VISION-ECCV 2010, PT III, v. 6313
  • Chaiyasarn, K., Kim, TK., Cipolla, R. and Soga, K., 2010. Image mosaicing via quadric surface estimation with priors for tunnel inspection International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP),
  • Badrinarayanan, V., Galasso, F. and Cipolla, R., 2010. Label propagation in video sequences
  • Budvytis, I., Badrinarayanan, V. and Cipolla, R., 2010. Label propagation in complex video sequences using semi-supervised learning
  • Badrinarayanan, V., Galasso, F. and Cipolla, R., 2010. Label Propagation in Video Sequences 2010 IEEE CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION (CVPR),
  • Chen, Y., Kim, TK. and Cipolla, R., 2010. Inferring 3D shapes and deformations from single views
  • Kim, TK., Stenger, B., Woodley, T. and Cipolla, R., 2010. Online multiple classifier boosting for object tracking
  • Kim, TK., Budvytis, I. and Cipolla, R., 2010. Making a shallow network deep: growing a tree from decision regions of a boosting classifier
  • Yu, TH., Kim, TK. and Cipolla, R., 2010. Real-time action and recognition by spatiotemporal semantic and structural forest
  • 2009

  • Mavaddat, N., Kim, TK. and Cipolla, R., 2009. Design and evaluation of features that best define text in complex scene images Proceedings of the IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications,
  • Cipolla, R., Hebert, M., Tang, X. and Yokoya, N., 2009. Message from the Program Chairs Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision,
  • Stenger, B., Woodley, T. and Cipolla, R., 2009. Learning to track with multiple observers IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2005),
  • Chen, Y. and Cipolla, R., 2009. Learning shape priors for single view reconstruction 2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, ICCV Workshops 2009,
  • Stenger, B., Woodley, T., Kim, TK. and Cipolla, R., 2009. A vision-based interface for display interaction Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Human Computer Interaction,
  • Chen, Y. and Cipolla, R., 2009. Learning shape priors for single view reconstruction
  • Maki, A. and Cipolla, R., 2009. Obtaining the shape of a moving object with a specular surface
  • 2008

  • Campbell, NDF., Vogiatzis, G., Hernandez, C. and Cipolla, R., 2008. Using multiple hypotheses to improve depth-maps for multi-view stereo Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 5302
  • Hernandez, C., Vogiatzis, G. and Cipolla, R., 2008. Shadows in three-source photometric stereo Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 5302
  • Shotton, J., Johnson, M. and Cipolla, R., 2008. Semantic texton forests for image categorization and segmentation Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR'08,
  • Stenger, B., Woodley, T., Kim, TK., Hernandez, C. and Cipolla, R., 2008. AIDIA - adaptive interface for display interaction Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC' 08,
  • Thayananthan, A., Iwasaki, M. and Cipolla, R., 2008. Principled fusion of high-level model and low-level cues for motion segmentation
  • Brostow, GJ., Shotton, J., Fauqueur, J. and Cipolla, R., 2008. Segmentation and recognition using structure from motion point clouds Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), v. 5302 LNCS
  • Arandjelovic, O. and Cipolla, R., 2008. Colour invariants for machine face recognition Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition,
  • Farinella, GM., Battiato, S., Gallo, G. and Cipolla, R., 2008. Natural versus artificial scene classification by ordering discrete fourier power spectra Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), v. 5342 LNCS
  • Brostow, GJ., Shotton, J., Fauqueur, J. and Cipolla, R., 2008. Segmentation and recognition using structure from motion point clouds Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 5302
  • Shotton, J., Blake, A. and Cipolla, R., 2008. Efficiently combining contour and texture cues for object recognition Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC' 08,
  • Thayananthan, A., Iwasaki, M. and Cipolla, R., 2008. Principled fusion of high-level model and low-level cues for motion segmentation 2008 IEEE CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION, VOLS 1-12,
  • Arandjelovic, O. and Cipolla, R., 2008. Colour Invariants for Machine Face Recognition 2008 8TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUTOMATIC FACE & GESTURE RECOGNITION (FG 2008), VOLS 1 AND 2,
  • 2007

  • Kim, TK., Wong, SF., Stenger, B., Kittler, J. and Cipolla, R., 2007. Incremental linear discriminant analysis using sufficient spanning set approximations 2007 IEEE CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION, VOLS 1-8,
  • Kim, TK. and Cipolla, R., 2007. Gesture recognition under small sample size Proceeding of the 8th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV),
  • Arandjelovic, O. and Cipolla, R., 2007. A manifold approach to face recognition from low quality video across illumination and pose using implicit super-resolution
  • Fauqueur, J., Brostow, G. and Cipolla, R., 2007. Assisted video object labeling by joint tracking of regions and keypoints 2007 IEEE 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION, VOLS 1-6,
  • Wong, SF., Kim, TK. and Cipolla, R., 2007. Learning motion categories using both semantic and structural information
  • Thayananthan, A., Iwasaki, M. and Cipolla, R., 2007. Probabilistic motion segmentation of videos for temporal super resolution
  • Campbell, N., Vogiatzis, G., Hernandez, C. and Cipolla, R., 2007. Automatic 3D object segmentation in multiple views using volumetric graph-cuts Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC),
  • Wong, SF. and Cipolla, R., 2007. Extracting spatiotemporal interest points using global information 2007 IEEE 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION, VOLS 1-6,
  • Hernandez, C., Vogiatzis, G., Brostow, GJ., Stenger, B. and Cipolla, R., 2007. Non-rigid photometric stereo with colored lights Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision,
  • Hernandez, C., Vogiatzis, G. and Cipolla, R., 2007. Probabilistic visibility for multi-view stereo Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
  • Johnson, M., Brostow, GJ., Shotton, J., Kwatra, V. and Cipolla, R., 2007. Semantic photosynthesis Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XII, v. 6492
  • Kim, TK., Wong, SF. and Cipolla, R., 2007. Tensor canonical correlation analysis for action classification
  • Kim, TK., Wong, SF., Stenger, B., Kittler, J. and Cipolla, R., 2007. Incremental linear discriminant analysis using sufficient spanning set approximations
  • Navaratnam, R., Fitzgibbon, A. and Cipolla, R., 2007. Semi-supervised joint manifold learning for multi-valued regression Proceedings of the IEEE 11th International Conference on Computer Vision,
  • Wong, SF. and Cipolla, R., 2007. Extracting spatiotemporal interest points using global information Proceedings of the IEEE 11th International Conference on Computer Vision,
  • Wong, SF., Kim, TK. and Cipolla, R., 2007. Learning motion categories using both semantic and structural information 2007 IEEE CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION, VOLS 1-8,
  • Woodley, T., Stenger, B. and Cipolla, R., 2007. Tracking using online feature selection and a local generative model Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference, v. 2
  • Kim, TK., Wong, SF. and Cipolla, R., 2007. Tensor canonical correlation analysis for action classification 2007 IEEE CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION, VOLS 1-8,
  • Navaratnam, R., Fitzgibbon, AW. and Cipolla, R., 2007. The joint manifold model for semi-supervised multi-valued regression 2007 IEEE 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION, VOLS 1-6,
  • 2006

  • Cipolla, R., 2006. Computer vision: image registration, reconstruction and recognition
  • Arandjelovic, O. and Cipolla, R., 2006. Automatic cast listing in feature-length films with anisotropic manifold space Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, v. 2
  • Brostow, GJ. and Cipolla, R., 2006. Unsupervised Bayesian detection of independent motion in crowds Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, v. 1
  • Hernandez, C., Schmitt, F. and Cipolla, R., 2006. Utilsation de la cohérance globale entre silhouettes pour la modelisation d'objets 3D a partir d'images non calibrées
  • Arandjelović, O. and Cipolla, R., 2006. Face recognition from video Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), v. 3954 LNCS
  • Vogiatzis, G., Hernandez, C. and Cipolla, R., 2006. Reconstruction in the round using photometric normals and silhouettes Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, v. 2
  • Williams, OMC., Blake, A. and Cipolla, R., 2006. Sparse and semi-supervised visual mapping with the S^3GP Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Vol. 1, v. 1
  • Arandjelovic, O. and Cipolla, R., 2006. Face recognition from video using the generic shape-illumination manifold Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'06),
  • Arandjelovic, O. and Cipolla, R., 2006. Face set classification using maximally probable mutual modes Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06), Hong Kong, China, 20-24 August 2006 (vol.1), v. 1
  • Cipolla, R., 2006. Applications of mobile vision: registration, recognition and 3D reconstruction
  • Shen, AR., Brostow, GJ. and Cipolla, R., 2006. Toward automatic bloodspatter analysis in crime scenes Proceedings of the IET Crime and Security Conference,
  • Thayananthan, A., Navaratnam, R., Stenger, B., Torr, PHS. and Cipolla, R., 2006. Multivariate relevance vector machine for tracking Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'06),
  • Wang, J., Zha, H. and Cipolla, R., 2006. Efficient topological localization using orientation adjacency coherence histograms Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06), Hong Kong, China, 20-24 August 2006 (vol.2), v. 2
  • Wong, SF. and Cipolla, R., 2006. Continuous gesture recognition using a sparse Bayesian classifier Proceedings, 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06), Hong Kong, China, 20-24 August 2006 (vol.1), v. 1
  • Wong, SF., Wong, KYK. and Cipolla, R., 2006. Robust appearance-based tracking using a sparse Bayesian classifier Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06), Hong Kong, China, 20-24 August 2006 (vol.3), v. 3
  • Wang, J., Zha, H. and Cipolla, R., 2006. Efficient topological localization using orientation adjacency coherence histograms Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition, v. 2
  • Arandjelovic, O. and Cipolla, R., 2006. On person authentication by fusing visual and thermal face biometrics Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS'06),
  • Vogiatzis, G., Hernandez, C. and Cipolla, R., 2006. Lighting-up geometry: accurate 3D modelling of museum artifacts with a torch and a camera Eurographics 2006,
  • Kim, TK., Kittler, J. and Cipolla, R., 2006. Incremental learning of locally orthogonal subspaces for set-based object recognition Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), v. 2
  • Arandjelovic, O., Hammond, R. and Cipolla, R., 2006. Multi-sensory face biometric fusion (for personal identification) Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop (CVPR'06),
  • Navaratnam, R., Fitzgibbon, AW. and Cipolla, R., 2006. Semi-supervised learning of joint density models for human pose estimation Proceedings of the 17th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), v. 2
  • Cipolla, R., 2006. Computer vision in automotive applications
  • Vogiatzis, G., Hernandez, C. and Cipolla, R., 2006. Lighting-up geometry: accurate 3D modelling of museum artifacts with a torch and a camera EUROGRAPHICS 2006: SHORT PAPERS,
  • Arandjelovic, O. and Cipolla, R., 2006. A new look at filtering techniques for illumination invariance in automatic face recognition Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FGR 2006),
  • 2005

  • Wilczkowiak, M., Brostow, GJ., Tordoff, B. and Cipolla, R., 2005. Hole filling through photomontage Proceedings of the 16th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'05), v. 1
  • Wong, SF. and Cipolla, R., 2005. Real-time interpretation of hand motions using a sparse Bayesian classifier on motion gradient orientation images Proceedings of the 16th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'05),
  • Arandjelovic, O. and Cipolla, R., 2005. Incremental learning of temporally coherent gaussian mixture models Proceedings of the 16th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'05), v. 2
  • Wang, J., Zha, H. and Cipolla, R., 2005. Combining interest points and edges for content-based image retrieval Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'05), v. 5
  • Shotton, J., Blake, A. and Cipolla, R., 2005. Contour-based learning for object detection Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'05), v. CONF 10 VOL 1
  • Vogiatzis, G., Favaro, P. and Cipolla, R., 2005. Using frontier points to recover Shape, reflectance and illumination Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'05), v. CONF 10 VOL 1
  • Wong, SF. and Cipolla, R., 2005. Real-time adaptive hand motion recognition using a sparse Bayesian classifier Proceedings of the International Workshop on Computer Vision in Human-Computer Interaction (ICCV'05), v. 3766
  • Kim, TK., Arandjelovic, O. and Cipolla, R., 2005. Learning over sets using boosted manifold principle angles (BoMPA) Proceedings of the 16th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC 2005), v. 2
  • Arandjelovic, O., Shakhnarovich, G., Fisher, J., Cipolla, R. and Darrell, T., 2005. Face recognition with image sets using manifold density divergence Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'05), v. 1
  • Wang, J., Cipolla, R. and Zha, H., 2005. Vision-based global localization using a visual vocabular Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, v. 2005
  • Cipolla, R., 2005. Real-time detection and tracking of faces, hands and the human body
  • Wang, J., Zha, H. and Cipolla, R., 2005. Combining interest points and edges for content-based image retrieval Proceedings - International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP, v. 3
  • Vogiatzis, G., Torr, PHS. and Cipolla, R., 2005. Multi-view stereo via volumetric graph-cuts Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'05), v. 2
  • Cipolla, R., 2005. Learning low-level features for object recognition
  • Conde, C., Cipolla, R., Rodriguez Arragon, J., Serrano, A. and Cabello, E., 2005. 3D facial feature localisation using spin images
  • Iwai, Y. and Cipolla, R., 2005. Multivariate sparse Bayesian regression and its application to facial feature detection
  • Tordoff, BJ. and Cipolla, R., 2005. Uncertain RanSaC
  • Weber, M., Blake, A. and Cipolla, R., 2005. Sparse finite element level-sets for anisotropic boundary detection in 3D images Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Scale Space and PDE Methods in Computer Vision, v. 3459
  • Johnson, MA. and Cipolla, R., 2005. Improved image annotation and labeling through multi-label boosting Proceedings of the 16th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'05), v. 2
  • Kim, TK., Arandjelovic, O. and Cipolla, R., 2005. Learning over sets using boosted manifold principal angles (BoMPA) Proceedings of the 16th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'05), v. 2
  • Navaratnam, R., Thayananthan, A., Torr, PHS. and Cipolla, R., 2005. Hierarchical part-based human body pose estimation Proceedings of the 16th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'05), v. 1
  • Jin, H., Favaro, P. and Cipolla, R., 2005. Visual tracking in the presence of motion blur Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'05), v. 2
  • Wang, J., Cipolla, R. and Zha, H., 2005. Vision-based global localization using a visual vocabulary Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, v. 4
  • 2004

  • Williams, OMC., Blake, A. and Cipolla, R., 2004. The variational ising classifier (VIC) algorithm for coherently contaminated data Proceedings of the 18th Annual International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 18), v. 17
  • Cipolla, R., 2004. Intelligent infrastructure: people and vehicle tracking
  • Arandjelovic, O. and Cipolla, R., 2004. An illumination invariant face recognition system for access control using video Proceedings of the 15th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'04), v. 2
  • Cipolla, R., 2004. Computer vision: image registration and recognition
  • Robertson, D. and Cipolla, R., 2004. An image-based system for urban navigation Proceedings of the 15th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'04), v. 2
  • Thayananthan, A., Navaratnam, R., Torr, PHS. and Cipolla, R., 2004. Likelihood models for template matching using the PDF projection theorem Proceedings of the 15th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'04), v. 2
  • Vogiatzis, G., Seitz, GS., Torr, PHS. and Cipolla, R., 2004. Reconstructing relief surfaces Proceedings of the 15th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'04), v. 1
  • Wang, J., Cipolla, R. and Zha, H., 2004. Image-based localization and pose recovery using scale invariant features Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO'04),
  • Arandjelovic, O. and Cipolla, R., 2004. Face recognition from face motion manifolds using robust kernel resistor-average distance Proceedings of the 1st IEEE Workshop on Face Processing in Video, v. 5
  • Stenger, B., Thayananthan, A., Torr, PHS. and Cipolla, R., 2004. Hand pose estimation using hierarchical detection Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'04): International Workshop on Computer vision in HCI (Human-Computer Interaction), v. 3058
  • Weber, M., Blake, A. and Cipolla, R., 2004. Sparse finite elements for geodesic contours with level-sets Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'04), v. 3022
  • Cipolla, R., Robertson, DP. and Tordoff, BJ., 2004. Image-based localisation
  • Wong, KYK. and Cipolla, R., 2004. Reconstruction of outdoor sculptures from silhouettes under approximate circular motion of an uncalibrated hand-held camera IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS, v. E87D
  • Wang, J., Cipolla, R. and Zha, H., 2004. Image-based localization and pose recovery using scale invariant features Proceedings - 2004 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, IEEE ROBIO 2004,
  • 2003

  • Cipolla, R., 2003. Hand and face tracking
  • Stenger, B., Thayananthan, A., Torr, PHS. and Cipolla, R., 2003. Filtering using a tree-based estimator Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'03), v. 1
  • Williams, OMC., Blake, A. and Cipolla, R., 2003. A sparse probabilistic learning algorithm for real-time tracking Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'03), v. 1
  • Thayananthan, A., Stenger, B., Torr, P. and Cipolla, R., 2003. Learning a kinematic prior for tree-based filtering British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC 2003 Proceedings, Norwich, UK, 9-11 September 2003,
  • Cipolla, R. and Stenger, B., 2003. Hand tracking using a quadric surface model and bayesian filtering
  • Cipolla, R., Stenger, B., Thayanathan, A. and Torr, PHS., 2003. Hand tracking using a quadric surface model and bayesian filtering Proceedings of the 10th IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces, v. 2768
  • Cipolla, R., 2003. Realtime tracking 3D articulated hand motion in clutter
  • Thayananthan, A., Stenger, B., Torr, PHS. and Cipolla, R., 2003. Shape context and chamfer matching in cluttered scenes Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (ICVPR), v. 1
  • 2002

  • Yezzi, A., Slabaugh, G., Broadhurst, A., Cipolla, R. and Schafer, R., 2002. A surface evolution approach to probabilistic space carving Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on 3D Data Processing Visualization and Transmission,
  • Johannson, B. and Cipolla, R., 2002. A system for automatic pose-estimation from a single image in a city scene Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications,
  • Dick, AR., Torr, PHS. and Cipolla, R., 2002. A Bayesian estimation of building shape using MCMC Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'02), v. 2351
  • Robertson, DP. and Cipolla, R., 2002. Building architectural models from many views using map constraints Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'02), v. 2351
  • Weber, M., Blake, A. and Cipolla, R., 2002. Towards a complete dense geometric and photometric reconstruction under varying pose and illumination Proceedings of the 13th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'02), v. 1
  • Wong, KYK. and Cipolla, R., 2002. Reconstruction of outdoor sculptures from silhouettes under approximate circular motion of an uncalibrated hand-held camera Proceedings of the IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications (MVA'02),
  • Wong, KYK., Mendonca, PRS. and Cipolla, R., 2002. Reconstruction of surfaces of revolution from single uncalibrated views Proceedings of the 13th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'02), v. 1
  • 2001

  • Cipolla, R. and Wong, K., 2001. Reconstruction of sculpture from uncalibrated image profiles Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'01), v. 1
  • Stenger, B., Mendonca, PRS. and Cipolla, R., 2001. Model-based hand tracking using an unscented Kalman filter Proceedings of the 12th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'01), v. 1
  • Weber, M. and Cipolla, R., 2001. A practical method for estimation of point light-sources Proceedings of the 12th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'01), v. 2
  • Cipolla, R., 2001. Real-time visual tracking and 3D model acquisition
  • Wong, KYK., Mendonca, PRS. and Cipolla, R., 2001. Head model acquisition from silhouettes Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Visual Form, v. 2059
  • Broadhurst, A., Drummond, TW. and Cipolla, R., 2001. A probabilistic framework for space carving Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'01), v. 1
  • Dick, A., Torr, P., Ruffle, S. and Cipolla, R., 2001. Combining single view recognition and multiple view stereo for architectural scenes Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'01), v. 1
  • Drummond, TW. and Cipolla, R., 2001. Real-time tracking of highly articulated structures in the presence of noisy measurements Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'02), v. 2
  • Wong, KYK. and Cipolla, R., 2001. Structure and motion from silhouettes Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'02), v. 2
  • Infantino, I., Cipolla, R. and Chella, A., 2001. Reconstruction of architectural scenes from uncalibrated photos and maps IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS, v. E84D
  • Seo, Y., Heyden, A. and Cipolla, R., 2001. A linear iterative method for auto-calibration using the DAC equation Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'01), v. 1
  • Dick, A., Torr, P., Ruffle, S. and Cipolla, R., 2001. Combining single view recognition and multiple view stereo for architectural scenes
  • Stenger, B., Mendonca, PRS. and Cipolla, R., 2001. Model-based 3D tracking of an articulated hand Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'01), v. 2
  • 2000

  • Chesi, G., Malis, E. and Cipolla, R., 2000. Automatic segmentation and matching of planar contours for visual servoing Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2000): Robotics and Automation; The Next Generation, v. 3
  • Infantino, I., Cipolla, R. and Chella, A., 2000. Reconstruction of architectural scenes from uncalibrated photos and maps Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Machine Vision Applications (MVA2000), v. 2000
  • Inoue, A., Drummond, TW. and Cipolla, R., 2000. Feature-based real-time human face tracking using lie algebras Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Machine Vision Applications (MVA2000),
  • Mendonca, PRS., Wong, KYW. and Cipolla, R., 2000. Recovery of circular motion from profiles of surfaces Proceedings of the International Conference on Vision Algorithms: Theory and Practice, v. 1883
  • Cipolla, R., 2000. Shape from profiles Images and Artefacts of the Ancient World,
  • Cipolla, R., 2000. Computer vision for human-machine interaction
  • Drummond, TW. and Cipolla, R., 2000. Real-time tracking of multiple articulated structures in multiple views Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV2000), v. 1843
  • Broadhurst, A. and Cipolla, R., 2000. A statistical consistency check for the space carving algorithm Proceedings of the 11th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC2000), v. 1
  • Brown, M., Drummond, TW. and Cipolla, R., 2000. 3D model acquisition by tracking 2D wireframes Proceedings of the 11th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC2000), v. 2
  • Dick, AR., Torr, P. and Cipolla, R., 2000. Automatic 3D modelling of architecture Proceedings of the 11th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC2000), v. 1
  • Malis, E. and Cipolla, R., 2000. Self-calibration of zooming cameras observing an unknown planar structure Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition; Vol. 1: Computer Vision and Image Analysis, v. 1
  • Robertson, DP. and Cipolla, R., 2000. An interactive system for constraint-based modelling Proceedings of the 11th British Machine Vision Conference; BMVC2000; Vol. 2, v. 2
  • Smith, P., Drummond, T. and Cipolla, R., 2000. Segmentation of multiple motions by edge tracking between two frames Proceedings of the 11th British Machine Vision Conference; BMVC2000; Vol. 1, v. 1
  • Wong, KYK., Mendonca, PRS. and Cipolla, R., 2000. Camera calibration from symmetry Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces, v. 9
  • Chesi, G., Garulli, A., Vincino, A. and Cipolla, R., 2000. On the estimation of the fundamental matrix: A convex approach to constrained least-squares Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV2000), v. 1842
  • Cipolla, R., 2000. Artificial actions
  • Malis, E. and Cipolla, R., 2000. Multi-view constraints between collineations: application to self-calibration from unknown planar structures Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2000), v. 1843
  • Mendonca, PRS., Wong, KYK. and Cipolla, R., 2000. Camera pose estimation and reconstruction from image profiles under circular motion Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2000), v. 1843
  • Smith, P., Drummond, T. and Cipolla, R., 2000. Motion segmentation by tracking edge information over multiple frames Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2000), v. 1843
  • Torr, P., Dick, A. and Cipolla, R., 2000. Layer extraction with a Bayesian model of shapes Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Computer Vision; ECCV 2000, v. 1843
  • Cipolla, R., 2000. 3D model acquisition from uncalibrated images and real-time tracking
  • 1999

  • Broadhurst, A. and Cipolla, R., 1999. The applications of uncalibrated occlusion junctions Proceedings of the 10th British Machine Vision Conference; BMVC'99; Vol. 1, v. 1
  • Chesi, G., Malis, E. and Cipolla, R., 1999. Collineation estimation from two unmatched views of an unknown planar contour for visual servoing Proceedings of the 10th British Machine Vision Conference; BMVC'99; Vol. 1, v. 1
  • Cipolla, R., Drummond, TW. and Robertson, DP., 1999. Camera calibration from vanishing points in image of architectural scenes Proceedings of the 10th British Machine Vision Conference; BMVC'99; Vol. 2, v. 2
  • Sato, J. and Cipolla, R., 1999. Quasi-invariant parameterisations and their applications in computer vision LECT NOTES COMPUT SC, v. 1681
  • Cipolla, R. and Robertson, DP., 1999. 3D models of architectural scenes from uncalibrated images and vanishing points Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP'99), v. 10
  • Dick, CR. and Cipolla, R., 1999. Model refinement from planar parallax Proceedings of the 10th British Machine Vision Conference; BMVC'99; Vol. 1, v. 1
  • Drummond, TW. and Cipolla, R., 1999. Real-time tracking of complex structures for visual servoing Proceedings of the International Workshop on Vision Algorithms: Theory and Practice, v. 1883
  • Drummond, TW. and Cipolla, R., 1999. Real-time tracking of complex structures with on-line camera calibration Proceedings of the 10th British Machine Vision Conference; BMVC'99; Vol. 2, v. 2
  • Mendonca, PRS., Wong, KYK. and Cipolla, R., 1999. Recovery of circular motion from profiles of surfaces Proceedings of the International Workshop on Vision Algorithms: Theory and Practice, v. 1883
  • Smith, P., Drummond, TW. and Cipolla, R., 1999. Edge tracking for motion segmentation and depth ordering Proceedings of the 10th British Machine Vision Conference; BMVC'99; Vol. 2, v. 2
  • Wong, KYK., Mendonca, PRS. and Cipolla, R., 1999. Reconstruction and motion estimation from apparent contours under circular motion Proceedings of the 10th British Machine Vision Conference; BMVC'99; Vol. 1, v. 1
  • Broadhurst, A. and Cipolla, R., 1999. Calibration of image sequences for model visualization Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; CVPR'99; Vol. 2, v. 2
  • Lee, DH. and Cipolla, R., 1999. A biprism-stereo camera system Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; CVPR'99; Vol. 2, v. 2
  • Cipolla, R., Robertson, DP. and Boyer, EG., 1999. PhotoBuilder - 3D models of architectural scenes from uncalibrated images Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'99), v. 1
  • Drummond, TW. and Cipolla, R., 1999. Visual tracking and control using lie algebras Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; CVPR'99; Vol. 1, v. 1
  • Cipolla, R., 1999. Machines that see
  • Cipolla, R., Robertson, D. and Boyer, E., 1999. PhotoBuilder - 3D models of architectural scenes from uncalibrated images IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMEDIA COMPUTING AND SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS VOL 1,
  • Mendonca, PRS. and Cipolla, R., 1999. A simple technique for self-calibration Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; CVPR'99; Vol. 2, v. 2
  • Mendonca, PRS. and Cipolla, R., 1999. Estimation of epipolar geometry from apparent contours: affine and circular motion cases Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; CVPR'99; Vol. 2, v. 2
  • 1998

  • Cham, TJ. and Cipolla, R., 1998. A statistical framework for long-range feature matching in uncalibrated image mosaicing Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'98),
  • Sato, J. and Cipolla, R., 1998. Affine reconstruction of curved surfaces from uncalibrated views of apparent contours Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'98), v. 6
  • Cipolla, R., 1998. 3D model acquisition from uncalibrated images Proceedings of the 6th Biennial Workshop on Machine Vision Applications (MVA'98),
  • Cipolla, R., 1998. 3D model acquisition from uncalibrated images Proceedings of the IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications,
  • Lee, DH., Kweon, IS. and Cipolla, R., 1998. Single lens stereo with a biprism Proceedings of the 6th Biennial Workshop on Machine Vision Applications (MVA'98),
  • Mendonca, PRS. and Cipolla, R., 1998. Analysis and computation of an affine trifocal tensor Proceedings of the 9th British Machine Vision Conference: BMVC 98; Vol. 1, v. 1
  • Smith, P., Sinclair, D., Cipolla, R. and Wood, K., 1998. Effective corner matching Proceedings of the 9th British Machine Vision Conference: BMVC 98; Vol. 2, v. 2
  • Cipolla, R., 1998. The reconstruction and visualisation of surfaces
  • Yow, KC. and Cipolla, R., 1998. Enhancing human face detection using motion and active contours Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Conference on Computer Vision, v. 1351
  • 1997

  • Cipolla, R., 1997. Uncalibrated stereo reconstruction
  • Cipolla, R., 1997. Machines that see
  • Sato, J. and Cipolla, R., 1997. Identifying human face profiles with semi-local integral invariants Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP'97), v. 1310
  • Sato, J. and Cipolla, R., 1997. Uncalibrated reconstruction of curved surfaces Proceedings of the 8th British Machine Vision Conference: BMVC 97; Vol. 2, v. 2
  • Clarkson, PJ., Dowland, RR. and Cipolla, R., 1997. The use of prototypes in the design of interactive machines Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED'97, v. 25
  • Cipolla, R., 1997. Visual motion of curves and surfaces
  • Dowland, RR., Clarkson, PJ. and Cipolla, R., 1997. A prototype for interactive robotics application development Proceedings ICORR ’97 : International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics,
  • Cipolla, R., 1997. Visual reconstruction and registration of curves and surfaces
  • Cipolla, R. and Sato, J., 1997. Detection and registration of image curves
  • Basman, AM., Lasenby, J. and Cipolla, R., 1997. Efficient region segmentation through "creep-and-merge" Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP'97), v. 1310
  • Cham, TJ. and Cipolla, R., 1997. Stereo coupled active contours Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'97),
  • 1996

  • Åström, K., Cipolla, R. and Giblin, PJ., 1996. Generalised epipolar constraints Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), v. 1065
  • Cipolla, R., 1996. Interactive grasping with uncalibrated stereo vision
  • Cipolla, R., 1996. Structure and motion of curved surfaces
  • Cipolla, R. and Hollinghurst, J., 1996. Interactive grasping with uncalibrated stereo vision Proceedings of the International Workshop on Computer Vision Technology,
  • Cham, TJ. and Cipolla, E., 1996. Automated B-spline curve representation with MDL-based active contours Proceedings of the 7th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'96); Vol. 1, v. 1
  • Cross, GMT. and Cipolla, R., 1996. Affine visual servoing Proceedings of the 7th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'96); Vol. 2, v. 2
  • Hamid, G., Hollinghurst, N. and Cipolla, E., 1996. Identifying planar regions in a scene using uncalibrated stereo vision Proceedings of the 7th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'96); Vol. 1, v. 1
  • Sato, J. and Cipolla, R., 1996. Affine integral invariants for extracting symmetry axes Proceedings of the 7th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'96); Vol. 1, v. 1
  • Spratling, MV. and Cipolla, R., 1996. Uncalibrated visual servoing Proceedings of the 7th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'96); Vol. 2, v. 2
  • Yow, KC. and Cipolla, R., 1996. Scale and orientation invariance in human face detection Proceedings of the 7th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'96); Vol. 2, v. 2
  • Sato, J. and Cipolla, R., 1996. Affine integral invariants and matching of curves Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'96), v. 1-4
  • Astrom, K., Cipolla, R. and Giblin, PJ., 1996. Generalised epipolar constraints Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'96), v. 1065
  • Cham, TJ. and Cipolla, R., 1996. Geometric saliency of curve correspondences and grouping of symmetric contours Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'96), v. 1064
  • Yow, KC. and Cipolla, R., 1996. A probabilistic framework for perceptual grouping of features for human face detection Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, v. 2
  • Lawn, JM. and Cipolla, R., 1996. Reliable extraction of the camera motion using constraints on the epipole Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV '96), v. 1065
  • Yow, KC. and Cipolla, R., 1996. Detection of human faces under scale, orientation, and viewpoint variations Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, v. 2
  • Cross, GMT. and Cipolla, R., 1996. Affine contour-based visual servoing Proceedings of the 5th IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications (MVA'96),
  • Sato, J. and Cipolla, R., 1996. Obstacle detection from image divergence and deformation Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium,
  • Cross, GMT. and Cipolla, R., 1996. Automated weld tracking Proceedings of the 5th IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications (MVA'96),
  • 1995

  • Cipolla, R., Astrom, K. and Giblin, PJ., 1995. Motion from the frontier of curved surfaces Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'95),
  • Gee, AH. and Cipolla, R., 1995. Adaptive visual tracking by temporal consensus Proceedings of the 2nd Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), v. 1
  • Sato, J. and Cipolla, R., 1995. Evolution of texture moments under affine invariant scale-space Proceedings of the 2nd Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), v. 1
  • Cipolla, R., Fletcher, G. and Giblin, PJ., 1995. Surface geometry from cusps of apparent contours Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'95), v. 5
  • Yow, KC. and Cipolla, R., 1995. Finding initial estimates of human face location Proceedings of the 2nd Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), v. 3
  • Yow, KC. and Cipolla, R., 1995. Towards an automatic human face localizations system Proceedings of the 6th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'95), v. 2
  • Cipolla, R., 1995. Uncalibrated hand-eye co-ordination and man-machine interfaces
  • 1994

  • Cipolla, R., Hadfield, PA. and Hollinghurst, NJ., 1994. Uncalibrated stereo vision with pointing for a man-machine interface Proceedings of the IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications (MVA'94),
  • Cham, TJ. and Cipolla, R., 1994. A local approach to recovering global skewed symmetry Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (IAPR'94), v. EDIT 12//1
  • Gee, AH. and Cipolla, R., 1994. Estimating gaze from a single view of a face Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (IAPR'94),
  • Cham, TJ. and Cipolla, R., 1994. Skewed symmetry detection through local skewed symmetries Proceedings of the 5th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'94),
  • Gee, A. and Cipolla, R., 1994. Non-intrusive gaze tracking for human-computer interaction Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice,
  • Lawn, JM. and Cipolla, R., 1994. Camera motion determination from dynamic perceptual grouping of line segments Proceedings of the 5th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'94), v. 2
  • Sato, J. and Cipolla, R., 1994. Image registration using multi-scale texture moments Proceedings of the 5th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'94), v. 1
  • Wright, MW., Cipolla, R. and Giblin, PJ., 1994. Skeletonisation using an extended Euclidean distance transformation Proceedings of the 5th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'94), v. 2
  • Lawn, JM. and Cipolla, R., 1994. Robust egomotion estimation from affine motion parallax Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'94), v. 800
  • Sato, J. and Cipolla, R., 1994. Extracting the affine transformation from texture moments Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'94), v. 801
  • Vinther, S. and Cipolla, R., 1994. Active 3D object recognition using 3D affine invariants Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'94), v. 801
  • 1993

  • Cipolla, R., Okamoto, Y. and Kuno, Y., 1993. Robust structure from motion using motion parallax Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'93),
  • Hollinghurst, NJ. and Cipolla, R., 1993. Uncalibrated stereo hand-eye coordination Proceedings of the 4th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'93), v. 4
  • Lawn, JM. and Cipolla, R., 1993. Epipole estimation using affine motion-parallax Proceedings of the 4th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'93), v. 4
  • Vinther, S. and Cipolla, R., 1993. Towards 3D object model acquisition and recognition using 3D affine invariants Proceedings of the 4th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'93), v. 4
  • Cipolla, R., 1993. Affine stereo and structure from motion for robot guidance
  • Cipolla, R. and Hollinghurst, NJ., 1993. Visual robot guidance from uncalibrated stereo
  • 1992

  • Cipolla, R. and Blake, A., 1992. Surface orientation and time to contact from image divergence and deformation Proceedings of the 2rd European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'92), v. 588
  • Cipolla, R., Okamoto, Y. and Kuno, Y., 1992. Qualitative visual interpretation of 3D hand gestures using motion parallax Proceedings of 3rd IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications (MVA'92),
  • 1991

  • Blake, A., Brady, JM., Cipolla, R., Xie, Z. and Zisserman, A., 1991. Visual navigation around curved obstacles Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation; Vol. 3, v. 3
  • Curwen, RM., Blake, A. and Cipolla, R., 1991. Parallel implementation of lagrangian dynamics for real-time snakes Proceedings of the 2nd British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'91),
  • Cipolla, R., 1991. Active visual inference of surface shape
  • Blake, A., Cipolla, R. and Zisserman, A., 1991. Visual guidance for robot motion
  • 1990

  • Blake, A. and Cipolla, R., 1990. Robust estimation of surface curvature from deformation of apparent contours Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'90), v. 427
  • Blake, A., Cipolla, R. and Zisserman, A., 1990. Towards qualitative vision: motion parallax Proceedings of the 1st British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'90),
  • Zisserman, A. and Cipolla, R., 1990. Qualitative surface shape from deformation of image curves Proceedings of the AIAA Workshop on Qualitative Vision,
  • Cipolla, R. and Blake, A., 1990. The dynamic analysis of apparent contours Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'90),
  • 1989

  • Cipolla, R. and Yamamoto, M., 1989. Stereoscopic tracking of bodies in motion Proceedings of the 5th Alvey Vision Conference (AVC'89),
  • 1988

  • Cipolla, R. and Yamamoto, M., 1988. Motion tracking by stereo visualised locus method Proceedings of the 37th National Convention of the Information Processing Society of Japan,
  • 1987

  • Cipolla, R. and Yamamoto, M., 1987. Structure of articulated bodies from motion Proceedings of the 35th National Convention of the Information Processing Society of Japan; Vol. 3, v. 3
  • Journal articles


  • Logothetis, F., Mecca, R., Budvytis, I. and Cipolla, R., 2023. A CNN Based Approach for the Point-Light Photometric Stereo Problem International Journal of Computer Vision, v. 131
  • Zhang, C., Liwicki, S., He, S., Smith, W. and Cipolla, R., 2023. HexNet: An Orientation-Aware Deep Learning Framework for Omni-Directional Input. IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell, v. 45
    Doi: 10.1109/TPAMI.2023.3307152
  • 2021

  • Sengupta, A., Budvytis, I. and Cipolla, R., 2021. Probabilistic Estimation of 3D Human Shape and Pose with a Semantic Local Parametric Model
  • Logothetis, F., Budvytis, I., Mecca, R. and Cipolla, R., 2021. PX-NET: Simple and Efficient Pixel-Wise Training of Photometric Stereo Networks Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision,
  • Morad, SD., Mecca, R., Poudel, RPK., Liwicki, S. and Cipolla, R., 2021. Embodied Visual Navigation with Automatic Curriculum Learning in Real Environments IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, v. 6
  • Mecca, R., Logothetis, F., Budvytis, I. and Cipolla, R., 2021. LUCES: A Dataset for Near-Field Point Light Source Photometric Stereo
  • 2020

  • Logothetis, F., Budvytis, I., Mecca, R. and Cipolla, R., 2020. A CNN Based Approach for the Near-Field Photometric Stereo Problem
  • 2019

  • Logothetis, F., Mecca, R., Sgallari, F. and Cipolla, R., 2019. A Differential Approach to Shape from Polarisation: A Level-Set Characterisation International Journal of Computer Vision, v. 127
  • 2017

  • Badrinarayanan, V., Kendall, A. and Cipolla, R., 2017. SegNet: A Deep Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Image Segmentation IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, v. 39
  • 2016

  • Stent, S., Gherardi, R., Stenger, B., Soga, K. and Cipolla, R., 2016. Visual change detection on tunnel linings Machine Vision and Applications, v. 27
  • Chaiyasarn, K., Kim, TK., Viola, F., Cipolla, R. and Soga, K., 2016. Distortion-Free Image Mosaicing for Tunnel Inspection Based on Robust Cylindrical Surface Estimation through Structure from Motion Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, v. 30
  • Cassidy, SA., Stenger, B., Van Dongen, L., Yanagisawa, K., Anderson, R., Wan, V., Baron-Cohen, S. and Cipolla, R., 2016. Expressive visual text-to-speech as an assistive technology for individuals with autism spectrum conditions. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, v. 148
  • Mecca, R., Quéau, Y., Logothetis, F. and Cipolla, R., 2016. A single-lobe photometric stereo approach for heterogeneous material SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, v. 9
  • 2015

  • Pham, MT., Woodford, OJ., Perbet, F., Maki, A., Gherardi, R., Stenger, B. and Cipolla, R., 2015. Distances and Means of Direct Similarities International Journal of Computer Vision, v. 112
  • 2014

  • Anderson, R., Stenger, B. and Cipolla, R., 2014. Using bounded diameter minimum spanning trees to build dense active appearance models International Journal of Computer Vision, v. 110
  • Badrinarayanan, V., Budvytis, I. and Cipolla, R., 2014. Mixture of trees probabilistic graphical model for video segmentation International Journal of Computer Vision, v. 110
  • Cipolla, R., Colombo, C. and Del Bimbo, A., 2014. Special Issue on Large-Scale Computer Vision: Geometry, Inference, and Learning International Journal of Computer Vision, v. 110
  • Pham, MT., Woodford, OJ., Perbet, F., Maki, A., Gherardi, R., Stenger, B. and Cipolla, R., 2014. Distances and Means of Direct Similarities International Journal of Computer Vision,
  • 2013 (No publication date)

  • Badrinarayanan, V., Budvytis, I. and Cipolla, R., 2013 (No publication date). Semi-supervised video segmentation using tree structured graphical models. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
  • 2013

  • Anderson, R., Stenger, B., Wan, V. and Cipolla, R., 2013. An expressive text-driven 3D talking head ACM SIGGRAPH 2013 Posters, SIGGRAPH 2013,
  • Anderson, R., Stenger, B. and Cipolla, R., 2013. Using Bounded Diameter Minimum Spanning Trees to Build Dense Active Appearance Models International Journal of Computer Vision,
  • Badrinarayanan, V., Budvytis, I. and Cipolla, R., 2013. Mixture of Trees Probabilistic Graphical Model for Video Segmentation International Journal of Computer Vision,
  • Maki, A., Perbet, F., Stenger, B. and Cipolla, R., 2013. Detecting bipedal motion from correlated probabilistic trajectories Pattern Recognition Letters,
  • Badrinarayanan, V., Budvytis, I. and Cipolla, R., 2013. Semi-Supervised Video Segmentation Using Tree Structured Graphical Models IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, v. 35
    Doi: 10.1109/tpami.2013.54
  • Arandjelović, O. and Cipolla, R., 2013. Achieving robust face recognition from video by combining a weak photometric model and a learnt generic face invariant Pattern Recognition, v. 46
  • Kim, TK. and Cipolla, R., 2013. Multiple classifier boosting and tree-structured classifiers Studies in Computational Intelligence, v. 411
  • Pham, MT., Woodford, OJ., Perbet, F., Maki, A., Gherardi, R., Stenger, B. and Cipolla, R., 2013. Scale-invariant vote-based 3D recognition and registration from point clouds Studies in Computational Intelligence, v. 411
  • Yu, TH., Woodford, OJ. and Cipolla, R., 2013. A performance evaluation of volumetric 3D interest point detectors International Journal of Computer Vision, v. 102
  • 2012

  • Arandjelović, O. and Cipolla, R., 2012. Achieving robust face recognition from video by combining a weak photometric model and a learnt generic face invariant Pattern Recognition,
  • Yu, T-H., Woodford, OJ. and Cipolla, R., 2012. A Performance Evaluation of Volumetric 3D Interest Point Detectors International Journal of Computer Vision,
  • Kim, TK., Budvytis, I. and Cipolla, R., 2012. Making a shallow network deep: Conversion of a boosting classifier into a decision tree by boolean optimisation International Journal of Computer Vision, v. 100
  • Cipolla, R., Colombo, C. and Del Bimbo, A., 2012. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Foreword Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), v. 7572 LNCS
  • 2011

  • Brostow, GJ., Hernandez, C., Vogiatzis, G., Stenger, B. and Cipolla, R., 2011. Video Normals from Colored Lights IEEE T PATTERN ANAL, v. 33
  • Kim, T-K., Budvytis, I. and Cipolla, R., 2011. Making a Shallow Network Deep: Conversion of a Boosting Classifier into a Decision Tree by Boolean Optimisation International Journal of Computer Vision,
  • Hernandez, C., Vogiatzis, G. and Cipolla, R., 2011. Overcoming Shadows in 3-Source Photometric Stereo IEEE T PATTERN ANAL, v. 33
  • Kim, TK., Stenger, B., Kittler, J. and Cipolla, R., 2011. Incremental Linear Discriminant Analysis Using Sufficient Spanning Sets and Its Applications INT J COMPUT VISION, v. 91
  • 2010

  • Campbell, NDF., Vogiatzis, G., Hernández, C. and Cipolla, R., 2010. Automatic 3D object segmentation in multiple views using volumetric graph-cuts Image and Vision Computing, v. 28
  • Kim, T-K., Kittler, J. and Cipolla, R., 2010. On-line learning of mutually orthogonal subspaces for face recognition by image sets. IEEE Trans Image Process, v. 19
  • Hernandez, C., Vogiatzis, G. and Cipolla, R., 2010. Overcoming Shadows in 3-Source Photometric Stereo IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, v. 33
  • Arandjelovic, O., Hammoud, RI. and Cipolla, R., 2010. Thermal and reflectance based personal identification methodology under variable illumination Pattern Recognition, v. 43
  • 2009

  • Kim, TK. and Cipolla, R., 2009. Canonical correlation analysis of video colume tensors for action categorization and detection IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, v. 31
  • Arandjelovic, O. and Cipolla, R., 2009. A methodology for rapid illumination-invariant face recognition using image processing filters Computer Vision and Image Understanding, v. 13
  • Brostow, GJ., Fauqueur, J. and Cipolla, R., 2009. Semantic object classes in video: a high definition ground truth database Pattern Recognition Letters, v. 30
  • Arandjelovic, O. and Cipolla, R., 2009. A pose-wise linear illumination manifold model for face recognition using video Computer Vision and Image Understanding, v. 113
  • Cipolla, R., Hebert, M., Tang, X. and Yokoya, N., 2009. Message from the Program Chairs Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision,
  • Kim, T-K. and Cipolla, R., 2009. MCBoost: Multiple classifier boosting for perceptual co-clustering of images and visual features Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 21 - Proceedings of the 2008 Conference,
  • 2008

  • Thayananthan, A., Navaratnam, R., Stenger, B., Torr, PHS. and Cipolla, R., 2008. Pose estimation and tracking using multivariate regression Pattern Recognition Letters, v. 29
  • Shotton, J., Blake, A. and Cipolla, R., 2008. Multiscale categorical object recognition using contour fragments IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, v. 30
  • Vogiatzis, G., Seitz, GS., Torr, PHS. and Cipolla, R., 2008. Reconstructing relief surfaces Image and Vision Computing, v. 26
  • Hernandez, C., Vogiatzis, G. and Cipolla, R., 2008. Multiview photometric stereo IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, v. 30
  • Shotton, J., Blake, A. and Cipolla, R., 2008. Multiscale categorical object recognition using contour fragments IEEE T PATTERN ANAL, v. 30
  • 2007

  • Vogiatzis, G., Hernández Esteban, C., Torr, PHS. and Cipolla, R., 2007. Multiview stereo via volumetric Graph-Cuts and occlusion robust photo-consistency. IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell, v. 29
  • Stenger, B., Thayananthan, A., Torr, PHS. and Cipolla, R., 2007. Estimating 3D hand pose using hierarchical multi-label classification Image and Vision Computing, v. 25
  • Kim, TK., Arandjelovic, O. and Cipolla, R., 2007. Boosted manifold principal angles for image set-based recognition Pattern Recognition, v. 40
  • Kim, TK., Kittler, J. and Cipolla, R., 2007. Discriminative learning and recognition of image set classes using canonical correlations IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), v. 29
  • Hernandez, C., Schmitt, F. and Cipolla, R., 2007. Silhouette coherence for camera calibration under circular motion IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, v. 29
  • Stenger, B., Thayananthan, A., Torr, PHS. and Cipolla, R., 2007. Estimating 3D hand pose using hierarchical multi-label classification IMAGE VISION COMPUT, v. 25
  • 2006

  • Wang, J., Zha, H. and Cipolla, R., 2006. Coarse-to-fine vision-based localization by indexing scale-invariant features IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics, v. 36
  • Johnson, M., Brostow, GJ., Shotton, J., Arandjelovic, O., Kwatra, V. and Cipolla, R., 2006. Semantic photo synthesis Computer Graphics Forum, v. 25
  • Stenger, B., Thayananthan, A., Torr, PHS. and Cipolla, R., 2006. Model-based hand tracking using a hierarchical Bayesian filter IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, v. 28
  • Arandjelovic, O. and Cipolla, R., 2006. An information-theoretic approach to face recognition from face motion manifolds Image and Vision Computing, v. 24
  • Arandjelovic, O. and Cipolla, R., 2006. Incremental learning of temporally-coherent Gaussian mixture models SME Technical Papers, v. 2006
  • Wang, J., Zha, H. and Cipolla, R., 2006. Coarse-to-fine vision-based localization by indexing scale-invariant features IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics; Part B, v. 36
  • Arandjelovic, O. and Cipolla, R., 2006. An information-theoretic approach to face recognition from face motion manifolds Image and Vision Computing, v. 24
  • 2005

  • Williams, OMC., Blake, A. and Cipolla, R., 2005. Sparse Bayesian learning for efficient visual tracking IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, v. 27
  • 2004

  • Wong, KYK. and Cipolla, R., 2004. Reconstruction of sculpture from its profiles with unknown camera positions IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, v. 13
  • Wong, KYK. and Cipolla, R., 2004. Reconstruction of Outdoor Sculptures from Silhouettes under Approximate Circular Motion of an Uncalibrated Hand-Held Camera IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, v. E87-D
  • Wong, KYK. and Cipolla, R., 2004. Reconstruction of outdoor sculptures from silhouettes under approximate circular motion of an uncalibrated hand-held camera IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems E: Series D, v. 87
  • Weber, M., Blake, A. and Cipolla, R., 2004. Towards a complete dense geometric and photometric reconstruction under varying pose and illumination Image and Vision Computing, v. 22
  • Wong, KYK., Mendonça, PRS. and Cipolla, R., 2004. Reconstruction of surfaces of revolution from single uncalibrated views Image and Vision Computing, v. 22
  • Dick, AR., Torr, PHS. and Cipolla, R., 2004. Modelling and interpretation of architecture from several images International Journal of Computer Vision, v. 60
  • Wong, KYK. and Cipolla, R., 2004. Reconstruction of surfaces of revolution from single uncalibrated views Image and Vision Computing, v. 22
  • Weber, M., Blake, A. and Cipolla, R., 2004. Towards a complete dense geometric and photometric reconstruction under varying pose and illumination Image and Vision Computing, v. 22
  • Smith, P., Drummond, TW. and Cipolla, R., 2004. Layered motion segmentation and depth ordering by tracking edges IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, v. 26
  • 2003

  • Malis, E., Chesi, G. and Cipolla, R., 2003. 212D visual servoing with respect to planar contours having complex and unknown shapes International Journal of Robotics Research, v. 22
  • Wong, KYK., Mendonça, PRS. and Cipolla, R., 2003. Camera calibration from surfaces of revolution IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, v. 25
  • Malis, E., Chesi, G. and Cipolla, R., 2003. 2(1)/D-2 visual servoing with respect to planar contours having complex and unknown shapes INT J ROBOT RES, v. 22
  • 2002

  • Malis, E. and Cipolla, R., 2002. Camera self-calibration from unknown planar structures enforcing the multiview constraints between collineations IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, v. 24
  • Drummond, TW. and Cipolla, R., 2002. Real-time visual tracking of complex structures IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, v. 23
  • Drummond, TW. and Cipolla, R., 2002. Real-time tracking of complex structures with on-line camera calibration Image and Vision Computing, v. 20
  • Wong, KYK., Mendonca, PRS. and Cipolla, R., 2002. Structure and motion estimation from apparent contours under circular motion Image and Vision Computing, v. 20
  • Chesi, G., Garulli, A., Vincino, A. and Cipolla, R., 2002. Estimating the fundamental matrix via constrained least-squares: a convex approach IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, v. 24
  • Drummond, T. and Cipolla, R., 2002. Real-time visual tracking of complex structures IEEE T PATTERN ANAL, v. 24
  • 2001

  • Mendonca, PRS., Wong, KYK. and Cipolla, R., 2001. Epipolar geometry from profiles under circular motion IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, v. 23
  • Infantino, I., Cipolla, R. and Chella, A., 2001. Reconstruction of architectural scenes from uncalibrated photos and maps IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems E: Series D, v. 84
  • Inoue, A., Drummond, T. and Cipolla, R., 2001. Real time feature-based facial tracking using Lie algebras IEICE T INF SYST, v. E84D
  • Inoue, A., Drummond, T. and Cipolla, R., 2001. Real time feature-based facial tracking using Lie algebras IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, v. E84-D
  • 2000

  • Drummond, TW. and Cipolla, R., 2000. Application of lie algebras to visual servoing International Journal of Computer Vision, v. 37
  • 1999

  • Aastroem, K., Cipolla, R. and Giblin, P., 1999. Generalised epipolar constraints International Journal of Computer Vision, v. 33
  • Sato, J. and Cipolla, R., 1999. Uncalibrated reconstruction of curved surfaces Image and Vision Computing, v. 17
  • Sato, J. and Cipolla, R., 1999. Affine reconstruction of curved surfaces from uncalibrated views of apparent contours IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, v. 21
  • Cham, TJ. and Cipolla, R., 1999. Automated B-spline curve representation incorporating MDL and error-minimizing control point insertion strategies IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, v. 21
  • Sato, J. and Cipolla, R., 1999. Extracting group transformations from image moments Computer Vision and Image Understanding, v. 73
  • Sato, J., Kinoshita, K. and Cipolla, R., 1999. Epipolar geometry of curved surfaces and visual navigation from uncalibrated cameras IEICE Transactions D: Information and Systems (Japanese Edition), v. J82-D
  • 1998

  • Lasenby, J., Zisserman, A., Cipolla, R. and Longuet-Higgins, HC., 1998. New geometric techniques in computer vision - Preface PHILOS T ROY SOC A, v. 356
  • Longuet-Higgins, HC., Cipolla, R., Giblin, P., Torr, PHS., Faugeras, O., Fitzgibbon, A., Hunter, G., Hopper, A., Stark, K., Isard, M. and Ihle, T., 1998. The visual motion of curves and surfaces - Discussion PHILOS T ROY SOC A, v. 356
  • Dowland, RR., Clarkson, PJ. and Cipolla, R., 1998. A prototyping strategy for use in interactive robotic system development Robotica, v. 16
  • Cipolla, R., Blake, A., Triggs, W., Lasenby, J. and Sabin, M., 1998. Statistical models of visual shape and motion - Discussion PHILOS T ROY SOC A, v. 356
  • Sato, J. and Cipolla, R., 1998. Quasi-invariant parameterisations and matching of curves in images International Journal of Computer Vision, v. 28
  • Cipolla, R., 1998. The visual motion of curves and surfaces Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, v. 356
  • Cipolla, R., Kanatani, K., Hartley, RI., Triggs, W., Fitzgibbon, A. and Faugeras, O., 1998. Statistical optimization and geometric inference in computer vision - Discussion PHILOS T ROY SOC A, v. 356
  • 1997

  • Yow, KC. and Cipolla, R., 1997. Feature-based human face detection Image and Vision Computing, v. 15
  • Sato, J. and Cipolla, R., 1997. Affine integral invariants for extracting symmetry axes Image and Vision Computing, v. 15
  • Cipolla, R., Fletcher, G. and Giblin, PJ., 1997. Following cusps International Journal of Computer Vision, v. 23
  • Cipolla, R. and Hollinghurst, N., 1997. Visually guided grasping in unstructured environments Robotics and Autonomous Systems, v. 19
  • Cipolla, R. and Blake, A., 1997. Image divergence and deformation from closed curves International Journal of Robotics Research, v. 16
  • 1996

  • Cipolla, R. and Hollinghurst, NJ., 1996. Human-robot interface by pointing with uncalibrated stereo vision Image and Vision Computing, v. 14
  • Gee, AH. and Cipolla, R., 1996. Fast visual tracking by temporal consensus Image and Vision Computing, v. 14
  • Cipolla, R., Hollinghurst, NJ., Gee, AH. and Dowland, RR., 1996. Computer vision in interactive robotics Assembly Automation, v. 16
  • 1995

  • Cham, TJ. and Cipolla, R., 1995. Symmetry detection through local skewed symmetries Image and Vision Computing, v. 13
  • Wright, MW., Cipolla, R. and Giblin, PJ., 1995. Skeletonization using an extended Euclidean distance transform Image and Vision Computing, v. 13
  • 1994

  • Gee, AH. and Cipolla, R., 1994. Determining the gaze of faces in images Image and Vision Computing, v. 12
  • Hollinghurst, NJ. and Cipolla, R., 1994. Uncalibrated stereo hand-eye coordination Image and Vision Computing, v. 12
  • 1993

  • Okamoto, Y., Cipolla, R., Kazama, H. and Kuno, Y., 1993. Human interface system using qualitative visual motion interpretation IEICE Transactions D: Information and Systems (Japanese Edition), v. J76-D
  • 1992

  • Cipolla, R. and Blake, A., 1992. Surface shape from the deformation of apparent contours International Journal of Computer Vision, v. 9
  • Cipolla, R. and Zisserman, A., 1992. Qualitative surface shape from deformation of image curves International Journal of Computer Vision, v. 8
  • 1991

  • Blake, A. and Cipolla, R., 1991. Robust estimation of surface curvature from deformation of apparent coutours Image and Vision Computing, v. 9
  • 1990

  • Cipolla, R. and Yamamoto, M., 1990. Stereoscopic tracking of bodies in motion Image and Vision Computing, v. 8
  • 1989

  • Yamamoto, M. and Cipolla, R., 1989. A cooperative analysis of stereo and moving images IEICE Transactions D: Information and Systems (Japanese Edition), v. J72-D
  • Theses / dissertations


  • Roddick, T., 2021. Learning Birds-Eye View Representations for Autonomous Driving
  • 1991

  • Cipolla, R., 1991. Active visual inference of surface shape
  • 1988

  • Cipolla, R., 1988. Image sequence analysis of human motion
  • 1985

  • Cipolla, R., 1985. PRF staggering in optimum radar signal processors for moving target detection
  • Datasets

    2015 (No publication date)

  • Kendall, A., Grimes, M. and Cipolla, R., 2015 (No publication date). Research data supporting “PoseNet: A Convolutional Network for Real-Time 6-DOF Camera Relocalization”: Shop Facade
  • Kendall, A., Grimes, M. and Cipolla, R., 2015 (No publication date). Research data supporting “PoseNet: A Convolutional Network for Real-Time 6-DOF Camera Relocalization”: Kings College
  • Kendall, A., Grimes, M. and Cipolla, R., 2015 (No publication date). Research data supporting “PoseNet: A Convolutional Network for Real-Time 6-DOF Camera Relocalization”: Old Hospital
  • Kendall, A., Grimes, M. and Cipolla, R., 2015 (No publication date). Research data supporting “PoseNet: A Convolutional Network for Real-Time 6-DOF Camera Relocalization”: Street
  • Kendall, A., Grimes, M. and Cipolla, R., 2015 (No publication date). Research data supporting “PoseNet: A Convolutional Network for Real-Time 6-DOF Camera Relocalization”: St Marys Church
  • Kendall, A., Grimes, M. and Cipolla, R., 2015 (No publication date). Research data supporting “PoseNet: A Convolutional Network for Real-Time 6-DOF Camera Relocalization” Trinity Great Court
  • Books


  • Cipolla, R., Battiato, S. and Farinella, GM., 2014. Preface
  • 2012

  • Cipolla, R., Colombo, C. and Del Bimbo, A., 2012. Foreword
  • Cipolla, R., Colombo, C. and Del Bimbo, A., 2012. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Foreword
  • Cipolla, R., Colombo, C. and Del Bimbo, A., 2012. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Foreword
  • Cipolla, R., Colombo, C. and Del Bimbo, A., 2012. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Foreword
  • Cipolla, R., Colombo, C. and Del Bimbo, A., 2012. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Foreword
  • Cipolla, R., Colombo, C. and Del Bimbo, A., 2012. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Foreword
  • Cipolla, R., Colombo, C. and Del Bimbo, A., 2012. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Foreword
  • Cipolla, R., Colombo, C. and Del Bimbo, A., 2012. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Foreword
  • Cipolla, R., Colombo, C. and Del Bimbo, A., 2012. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Foreword
  • Cipolla, R., Colombo, C. and Del Bimbo, A., 2012. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Foreword
  • 2010

  • 2010. Computer Vision: Detection, Recognition and Reconstruction
  • Cipolla, R., Battiato, S. and Farinella, GM., 2010. Studies in Computational Intelligence: Preface
  • 2003

  • 2003. Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Workshop on Higher-Level Knowledge in 3D Modeling and Motion Analysis (HLK 2003)
  • 2000

  • Cipolla, R. and Giblin, PJ., 2000. Visual Motion of Curves and Surfaces
  • 2000. The Mathematics of Surfaces IX: Proceedings of the 9th IMA Conference, Cambridge, 4-7 September 2000
  • 1999

  • 1999. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Shape, Contour, and Grouping in Computer Vision
  • 1998

  • 1998. Computer Vision for Human-Machine Interaction
  • 1998. New geometric techniques in computer vision
  • 1996

  • Buxton, B. and Cipolla, R., 1996. Preface
  • 1996. Computer Vision (ECCV'96): Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Computer Vision, Cambridge, UK, 15-18 April 1996. Vol.1.
  • 1996. Computer Vision (ECCV'96): Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Computer Vision, Cambridge, UK, 15-18 April 1996. Vol.2.
  • Buxton, B. and Cipolla, R., 1996. Preface
  • 1995

  • Cipolla, R., 1995. Active Visual Inference of Surface Shape
  • Book chapters


  • Stenger, B., Woodley, T. and Cipolla, R., 2010. A vision-based remote control
  • 2008

  • Robertson, DP. and Cipolla, R., 2008. Structure from motion
  • 2007

  • Arandjelovic, O. and Cipolla, R., 2007. Achieving illumination invariance using image filters
  • Arandjelovic, O., Hammoud, R. and Cipolla, R., 2007. Toward person authentification by fusing visual and thermal face biometrics
  • 2006

  • Kim, TK., Kittler, J. and Cipolla, R., 2006. Learning discriminative canonical correlations for object recognition with image sets
  • 2005

  • Cipolla, R., Stenger, A., Thayanathan, A. and Torr, PHS., 2005. Template-based hand detection and tracking
  • Cipolla, R. and Wong, KYK., 2005. Shape from profiles
  • 2004

  • Stenger, B., Thayananthan, A., Torr, PHS. and Cipolla, R., 2004. Hand pose estimation using hierarchical detection
  • 2002

  • Drummond, TW. and Cipolla, R., 2002. Towards artificial action: teaching by showing
  • 1999

  • Cipolla, R. and Mendonca, PRS., 1999. The structure and motion of surfaces
  • Sato, J. and Cipolla, R., 1999. Quasi-invariant parameterisations and matching of curves in images
  • 1998

  • Cipolla, R. and Hollinghurst, NJ., 1998. A human-robot interface using pointing with uncalibrated stereo vision
  • Gee, AH. and Cipolla, R., 1998. Tracking faces
  • 1994

  • Cipolla, R. and Hollinghurst, NJ., 1994. Visual robot guidance from uncalibrated stereo
  • 1992

  • Blake, A., Zisserman, A. and Cipolla, R., 1992. Visual exploration of free-space
  • Cipolla, R. and Blake, A., 1992. Motion planning using image divergence and deformation

  • Read more at: Professor Phil Woodland

    Professor Phil Woodland

    Machine learning and statistical pattern recognition; signal processing

    Journal articles


  • Sun, G., Zhang, C. and Woodland, PC., 2024. Graph Neural Networks for Contextual ASR With the Tree-Constrained Pointer Generator IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, v. 32
  • Deng, K. and Woodland, PC., 2024. Label-Synchronous Neural Transducer for Adaptable Online E2E Speech Recognition IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing,
  • 2023

  • Sun, G., Zhang, C. and Woodland, PC., 2023. Minimising Biasing Word Errors for Contextual ASR with the Tree-Constrained Pointer Generator IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, v. 31
  • Li, Q., Zhang, C. and Woodland, PC., 2023. Combining hybrid DNN-HMM ASR systems with attention-based models using lattice rescoring Speech Communication, v. 147
  • Wu, W., Zhang, C., Wu, X. and Woodland, PC., 2023. Estimating the Uncertainty in Emotion Class Labels With Utterance-Specific Dirichlet Priors IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, v. 14
    Doi: 10.1109/TAFFC.2022.3221801
  • 2022

  • Wu, W., Zhang, C., Wu, X. and Woodland, PC., 2022. Estimating the Uncertainty in Emotion Class Labels with Utterance-Specific Dirichlet Priors Issue:, v. 4
  • Wingfield, C., Zhang, C., Devereux, B., Fonteneau, E., Thwaites, A., Liu, X., Woodland, P., Marslen-Wilson, W. and Su, L., 2022. On the similarities of representations in artificial and brain neural networks for speech recognition. Front Comput Neurosci, v. 16
  • 2021

  • Sun, G., Zhang, C. and Woodland, PC., 2021. Combination of deep speaker embeddings for diarisation. Neural Netw, v. 141
  • Haider, A., Zhang, C., Kreyssig, FL. and Woodland, PC., 2021. A distributed optimisation framework combining natural gradient with Hessian-free for discriminative sequence training. Neural Netw, v. 143
  • 2017

  • Wingfield, C., Su, L., Liu, X., Zhang, C., Woodland, P., Thwaites, A., Fonteneau, E. and Marslen-Wilson, WD., 2017. Relating Dynamic Brain States to Dynamic Machine States: Human and Machine Solutions to the Speech Recognition Problem PLoS Computational Biology, v. 13
  • Karanasou, P., Wu, C., Gales, M. and Woodland, PC., 2017. I-Vectors and Structured Neural Networks for Rapid Adaptation of Acoustic Models IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, v. 25
  • 2016

  • Wingfield, C., Su, L., Liu, X., Zhang, C., Woodland, P., Thwaites, A., Fonteneau, E. and Marslen-Wilson, W., 2016. Relating dynamic brain states to dynamic machine states: human and machine solutions to the speech recognition problem
  • Liu, X., Chen, X., Wang, Y., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2016. Two efficient lattice rescoring methods using recurrent neural network language models IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, v. 24
  • Chen, X., Liu, X., Wang, Y., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2016. Efficient Training and Evaluation of Recurrent Neural Network Language Models for Automatic Speech Recognition IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, v. 24
    Doi: 10.1109/TASLP.2016.2598304
  • 2014

  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2014. Paraphrastic language models Computer Speech and Language, v. 28
  • 2013

  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2013. Use of contexts in language model interpolation and adaptation Computer Speech and Language, v. 27
  • Liu, X., Hieronymus, JL., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2013. Syllable language models for Mandarin speech recognition: exploiting character language models. J Acoust Soc Am, v. 133
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2013. Language model cross adaptation for LVCSR system combination Computer Speech and Language, v. 27
  • Mamou, J., Cui, J., Cui, X., Gales, MJF., Kingsbury, B., Knill, K., Mangu, L., Nolden, D., Picheny, M., Ramabhadran, B., Schluter, R., Sethy, A. and Woodland, PC., 2013. System combination and score normalization for spoken term detection ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Kingsbury, B., Cui, J., Cui, X., Gales, MJF., Knill, K., Mamou, J., Mangu, L., Nolden, D., Picheny, M., Ramabhadran, B., Schluter, R., Sethy, A. and Woodland, PC., 2013. A high-performance Cantonese keyword search system ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2013. Paraphrastic language models and combination with neural network language models ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Seigel, MS., Woodland, PC. and Gales, MJF., 2013. A confidence-based approach for improving keyword hypothesis scores ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Long, Y., Gales, MJF., Lanchantin, P., Liu, X., Seigel, MS. and Woodland, PC., 2013. Improving lightly supervised training for broadcast transcription Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • 2012

  • Bell, PJ., Gales, MJF., Lanchantin, P., Liu, X., Long, Y., Renals, S., Swietojanski, P. and Woodland, PC., 2012. Transcription of multi-genre media archives using out-of-domain data 2012 IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology, SLT 2012 - Proceedings,
  • Seigel, MS. and Woodland, PC., 2012. Using sub-word-level information for confidence estimation with conditional random field models 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association 2012, INTERSPEECH 2012, v. 3
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2012. Paraphrastic Language Models 13TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2012 (INTERSPEECH 2012), VOLS 1-3,
  • Diehl, F. and Woodland, PC., 2012. Complementary Phone Error training 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association 2012, INTERSPEECH 2012, v. 3
  • Diehl, F., Gales, MJF., Tomalin, M. and Woodland, PC., 2012. Morphological decomposition in Arabic ASR systems Computer Speech and Language,
  • Diehl, F., Gales, MJF., Tomalin, M. and Woodland, PC., 2012. Morphological decomposition in Arabic ASR systems Computer Speech and Language, v. 26
  • 2011

  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2011. Improving LVCSR system combination using neural network language model cross adaptation Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Dieh, F., Gales, MJF., Liu, X., Tomalin, M. and Woodland, PC., 2011. Word boundary modelling and full covariance gaussians for Arabic Speech-to-Text systems Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Seigel, MS. and Woodland, PC., 2011. Combining information sources for confidence estimation with CRF models Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Park, J., Diehl, F., Gales, MJF., Tomalin, M. and Woodland, PC., 2011. The efficient incorporation of MLP features into automatic speech recognition systems Computer Speech and Language, v. 25
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF., Hieronymus, JL. and Woodland, PC., 2011. Investigation of acoustic units for LVCSR systems ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Li, T., Woodland, PC., Diehl, F. and Gales, MJF., 2011. Graphone model interpolation and Arabic pronunciation generation Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • 2010

  • Yu, K., Gales, MJF., Wang, L. and Woodland, PC., 2010. Unsupervised training and directed manual transcription for LVCSR Speech Communication, v. 52
  • Yu, K., Gales, M., Wang, L. and Woodland, PC., 2010. Unsupervised training and directed manual transcription for LVCSR SPEECH COMMUN, v. 52
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF., Hieronymus, JL. and Woodland, PC., 2010. Language model combination and adaptation using weighted finite state transducers ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • 2009

  • Yu, K., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2009. Unsupervised adaptation with discriminative mapping transforms IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, v. 17
  • Hieronymus, JL., Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2009. Exploiting Chinese character models to improve speech recognition performance Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • 2008

  • Wang, L. and Woodland, PC., 2008. MPE-based discriminative linear transforms for speaker adaptation Computer Speech and Language, v. 22
  • 2007

  • Tomalin, M., Gales, MJF., Liu, XA., Sim, KC., Sinha, R., Wang, L., Woodland, PC. and Yu, K., 2007. Improving speech transcription for Mandarin-english translation ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 4
  • 2006

  • Sinha, R., Gales, MJF., Kim, DY., Liu, XA., Sim, KC. and Woodland, PC., 2006. The CU-HTK Mandarin broadcast news transcription system ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 1
  • Gales, MJF., Kim, DY., Woodland, PC., Chan, HY., Mrva, D., Sinha, R. and Tranter, SE., 2006. Progress in the CU-HTK broadcast news transcription system IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, v. 14
  • Hain, T., Woodland, PC., Evermann, G., Gales, MJF., Liu, X., Moore, GL., Povey, D. and Wang, L., 2006. Corrections to “Automatic transcription of conversational telephone speech” IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, v. 14
  • 2005

  • Hain, T., Woodland, PC., Evermann, G., Gales, MJF., Liu, X., Moore, GL., Povey, D. and Wang, L., 2005. Automatic transcription of conversational telephone speech IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, v. 13
  • Hain, T., Woodland, PC., Evermann, G., Gales, MJF., Liu, X., Moore, GL., Povey, D. and Wang, L., 2005. Automatic transcription of conversational telephone speech IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, v. 13
  • Sinha, R., Tranter, SE., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2005. The Cambridge University March 2005 Speaker Diarisation System Interspeech: 9th European Conference on Speech Communciation and Technology,
  • 2004

  • Kim, DY. and Woodland, PC., 2004. Automatic capitalisation generation for speech input Computer Speech and Language, v. 18
  • 2003

  • Wang, L. and Woodland, PC., 2003. Discriminative adaptive training using the MPE criterion ASRU'03: 2003 IEEE WORKSHOP ON AUTOMATIC SPEECH RECOGNITION AND UNDERSTANDING ASRU '03,
  • Kim, JH. and Woodland, PC., 2003. A combined punctuation generation and speech recognition system and its performance enhancement using prosody SPEECH COMMUN, v. 41
  • Kim, JH. and Woodland, PC., 2003. A combined punctuation generation and speech recognition system and its performance enhancement using prosody Speech Communication, v. 41
  • Whittaker, EWD. and Woodland, PC., 2003. Language modelling for Russian and English using words and classes Computer Speech and Language, v. 17
  • Povey, D., Gales, MJF., Kim, DY. and Woodland, PC., 2003. MMI-MAP and MPE-MAP for acoustic model adaptation Eurospeech Proceedings: 8th Speech Communication and Technology Conference, v. 8
  • Whittaker, EWD. and Woodland, PC., 2003. Language modelling for Russian and English using words and classes (vol 17, pg 87, 2003) COMPUT SPEECH LANG, v. 17
  • Whittaker, EWD. and Woodland, PC., 2003. Erratum: Language modelling for Russian and English using words and classes (Computer Speech and Language (2003) 17 (87-104)) Computer Speech and Language, v. 17
  • 2002

  • Woodland, PC., 2002. The development of the HTK Broadcast News transcription system: An overview Speech Communication, v. 37
  • Woodland, PC. and Povey, D., 2002. Large scale discriminative training of hidden Markov models for speech recognition Computer Speech and Language, v. 16
  • 2001

  • Johnson, SE., Jourlin, P., Sparck Jones, K. and Woodland, PC., 2001. Information retrieval from unsegmented broadcast news audio International Journal of Speech Technology, v. 4
  • Tuerk, A., Johnson, SE., Jourlin, P., Sparck Jones, K. and Woodland, PC., 2001. The Cambridge University multimedia document retrieval demo system International Journal of Speech Technology, v. 4
  • Johnson, SE., Jourlin, P., Sparck Jones, K. and Woodland, PC., 2001. Spoken document retrieval for TREC-9 at Cambridge University NIST Special Publication: The Ninth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 9), v. 500
  • 2000

  • Jourlin, P., Johnson, SE., Sparck-Jones, K. and Woodland, PC., 2000. Spoken document representations for probabilistic retrieval SPEECH COMMUN, v. 32
  • Jourlin, P., Johnson, SE., Spärck Jones, K. and Woodland, PC., 2000. Spoken document representations for probabilistic retrieval Speech Communication, v. 32
  • Jourlin, P., Johnson, SE., Sparck Jones, K. and Woodland, PC., 2000. Spoken document representations for probabilistic retrieval Speech Communication, v. 32
  • Johnosn, SE., Jourlin, P., Sparck Jones, K. and Woodland, PC., 2000. Spoken document retrieval for TREC-8 at Cambridge University NIST Special Publication: The Eighth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 8), v. 500
  • 1999

  • Niesler, TR. and Woodland, PC., 1999. Variable-length category n-gram language models Computer Speech and Language, v. 13
  • Johnson, SE., Jourlin, P., Moore, GL., Spark Jones, K. and Woodland, PC., 1999. Spoken document retrieval for TREC-7 at Cambridge University NIST Special Publication: Information Technology: The Seventh Text REtrieval Conference (TREC-7), v. 500
  • Donovan, RE. and Woodland, PC., 1999. A hidden Markov-model-based trainable speech synthesizer Computer Speech and Language, v. 13
  • 1998

  • Woodland, PC., 1998. Speech recognition IEE Colloquium Digest: Speech and Language Engineering - State of the Art, v. 499
  • 1997

  • Ahadi, SM. and Woodland, PC., 1997. Combined Bayesian and predictive techniques for rapid speaker adaptation of continuous density hidden Markov models Computer Speech and Language, v. 11
  • Young, SJ., Adda Decker, M., Aubert, X., Dugast, C., Gauvain, JL., Kershaw, DJ., Lamel, L., Van Leeuwen, D., Pye, D., Robinson, AJ., Steeneken, HJM. and Woodland, PC., 1997. Multilingual large vocabulary speech recognition: the European SQALE project Computer Speech and Language, v. 11
  • Valtchev, V., Odell, JJ., Woodland, PC. and Young, SJ., 1997. MMIE training of large vocabulary recognition systems SPEECH COMMUN, v. 22
  • Humphries, JJ. and Woodland, PC., 1997. Using accent-specific pronunciation modelling for improved large vocabulary continuous speech recognition Eurospeech 1997: 5th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology,
  • 1996

  • Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 1996. Mean and variance adaptation within the MLLR framework Computer Speech and Language, v. 10
  • 1995

  • Leggetter, CJ. and Woodland, PC., 1995. Maximum likelihood linear regression for speaker adaptation of continuous density hidden Markov models Computer Speech and Language, v. 9
  • Donovan, RE. and Woodland, PC., 1995. Improvements in an HMM-based speech synthesiser Eurospeech Proceedings: 4th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, v. 1
  • Leggetter, CJ. and Woodland, PC., 1995. Flexible speaker adaptation for large vocabulary speech recognition Eurospeech Proceedings: 4th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, v. 2
  • Woodland, PC., Gales, MJF., Pye, D. and Valtchev, V., 1995. Large vocabulary multilingual speech recognition using HTK Eurospeech Proceedings: 4th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, v. 1
  • 1994

  • Young, SJ. and Woodland, PC., 1994. State clustering in hidden Markov model-based continuous speech recognition Computer Speech and Language, v. 8
  • Young, SJ., Woodland, PC. and Byrne, WJ., 1994. Spontaneous speech recognition for the credit card corpus using the HTK toolkit IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, v. 2
  • Giguere, C. and Woodland, PC., 1994. A computational model of the auditory periphery for speech and hearing research: I. Ascending path Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, v. 95
  • Giguere, C. and Woodland, PC., 1994. A computational model of the auditory periphery for speech and hearing research: II. Descending paths Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, v. 95
  • Odell, JJ., Valtchev, V., Woodland, PC. and Young, SJ., 1994. Recent developments in the HTK continuous speech recognition system Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, v. 16
  • 1993

  • Giguere, C., Woodland, PC. and Robinson, AJ., 1993. Application of an auditory model to the computer simulation of hearing impairment: preliminary resutls Canadian Acoustics, v. 21
  • Giguere, C. and Woodland, PC., 1993. Wave digital filter model of the entire auditory periphery Proceedings - ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, v. 2
  • Jones, M. and Woodland, PC., 1993. Using relative duration in large vocabulary speech recognisers Proceedings of Eurospeech: Speech Communication and Technology, v. 3
  • Jones, M. and Woodland, PC., 1993. Exploiting variable-width features in large vocabulary speech recognition Proceedings - ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, v. 2
  • Maxwell, BA. and Woodland, PC., 1993. Hidden Markov models using shared vector linear predictors Proceedings of Eurospeech: Speech Communication and Technology, v. 3
  • 1992

  • Giguere, C. and Woodland, PC., 1992. Network representation of the middle and inner ear in a composite model of the auditory periphery Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, v. 14
  • 1990

  • Woodland, PC., 1990. Isolated word speech recognition based on connectionist techniques British Telecom Technology Journal, v. 8
  • Woodland, PC. and Smyth, SG., 1990. An experimental comparison of connectionist and conventional classification systems on natural data Speech Communication, v. 9
  • Conference proceedings


  • Wu, W., Zhang, C. and Woodland, PC., 2023. Distribution-Based Emotion Recognition in Conversation 2022 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop, SLT 2022 - Proceedings,
  • 2022

  • Sun, G., Zhang, C. and Woodland, PC., 2022. Tree-constrained Pointer Generator with Graph Neural Network Encodings for Contextual Speech Recognition Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2022-September
  • Li, Q., Zhang, Y., Qiu, D., He, Y., Cao, L. and Woodland, PC., 2022. IMPROVING CONFIDENCE ESTIMATION ON OUT-OF-DOMAIN DATA FOR END-TO-END SPEECH RECOGNITION ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2022-May
  • Yang, X., Li, Q. and Woodland, PC., 2022. KNOWLEDGE DISTILLATION FOR NEURAL TRANSDUCERS FROM LARGE SELF-SUPERVISED PRE-TRAINED MODELS ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2022-May
  • Zheng, X., Zhang, C. and Woodland, PC., 2022. Tandem Multitask Training of Speaker Diarisation and Speech Recognition for Meeting Transcription Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2022-September
  • 2021

  • Jiang, D., Zhang, C. and Woodland, PC., 2021. Variable frame rate acoustic models using minimum error reinforcement learning Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2
  • Li, Q., Zhang, Y., Li, B., Cao, L. and Woodland, PC., 2021. Residual energy-based models for end-to-end speech recognition Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 3
  • Li, Q., Kreyssig, FL., Zhang, C. and Woodland, PC., 2021. Discriminative Neural Clustering for Speaker Diarisation 2021 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop, SLT 2021 - Proceedings,
  • Sun, G., Zhang, C. and Woodland, PC., 2021. Tree-Constrained Pointer Generator for End-to-End Contextual Speech Recognition 2021 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop, ASRU 2021 - Proceedings,
  • Sun, G., Liu, D., Zhang, C. and Woodland, PC., 2021. Content-aware speaker embeddings for speaker diarisation ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2021-June
  • Sun, G., Zhang, C. and Woodland, PC., 2021. Transformer language models with LSTM-based cross-utterance information representation ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2021-June
  • Wu, W., Zhang, C. and Woodland, PC., 2021. Emotion recognition by fusing time synchronous and time asynchronous representations ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2021-June
  • Li, Q., Qiu, D., Zhang, Y., Li, B., He, Y., Woodland, PC., Cao, L. and Strohman, T., 2021. Confidence estimation for attention-based sequence-to-sequence models for speech recognition ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2021-June
  • Zheng, X., Zhang, C. and Woodland, PC., 2021. Adapting GPT, GPT-2 and BERT Language Models for Speech Recognition 2021 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop, ASRU 2021 - Proceedings,
  • 2020

  • Kreyssig, FL. and Woodland, PC., 2020. Cosine-distance virtual adversarial training for semi-supervised speaker-discriminative acoustic embeddings Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2020-October
  • Fathullah, Y., Zhang, C. and Woodland, PC., 2020. Improved Large-Margin Softmax Loss for Speaker Diarisation ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2020-May
  • 2019

  • Li, Q., Zhang, C. and Woodland, PC., 2019. Integrating Source-Channel and Attention-Based Sequence-To-Sequence Models for Speech Recognition 2019 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop, ASRU 2019 - Proceedings,
  • Zhang, C., Kreyssig, FL., Li, Q. and Woodland, PC., 2019. PyHTK: Python Library and ASR Pipelines for HTK ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2019-May
  • Von Platen, P., Zhang, C. and Woodland, PC., 2019. Multi-span acoustic modelling using raw waveform signals Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2019-September
  • Sun, G., Zhang, C. and Woodland, PC., 2019. Speaker Diarisation Using 2D Self-attentive Combination of Embeddings ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2019-May
  • 2018

  • Zhang, C. and Woodland, PC., 2018. High Order Recurrent Neural Networks for Acoustic Modelling ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2018-April
  • Kreyssig, FL., Zhang, C. and Woodland, PC., 2018. Improved tdnns using deep kernels and frequency dependent Grid-RNNS ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2018-April
  • Wang, Y., Zhang, C., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2018. Speaker adaptation and adaptive training for jointly optimised tandem systems Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2018-September
  • Haider, A. and Woodland, PC., 2018. Combining natural gradient with hessian free methods for sequence training Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2018-September
  • Zhang, C. and Woodland, PC., 2018. Semi-tied units for efficient gating in LSTM and highway networks Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2018-September
  • 2017

  • Zhang, C. and Woodland, PC., 2017. Joint optimisation of tandem systems using Gaussian mixture density neural network discriminative sequence training ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Haider, A. and Woodland, PC., 2017. Sequence training of DNN acoustic models with natural gradient 2017 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop, ASRU 2017 - Proceedings, v. 2018-January
  • Qian, Y. and Woodland, PC., 2017. Very deep convolutional neural networks for robust speech recognition 2016 IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology, SLT 2016 - Proceedings,
  • 2016

  • Bell, P., Gales, MJF., Hain, T., Kilgour, J., Lanchantin, P., Liu, X., McParland, A., Renals, S., Saz, O., Wester, M. and Woodland, PC., 2016. The MGB challenge: Evaluating multi-genre broadcast media recognition 2015 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, ASRU 2015 - Proceedings,
  • Woodland, PC., Liu, X., Qian, Y., Zhang, C., Gales, MJF., Karanasou, P., Lanchantin, P. and Wang, L., 2016. Cambridge university transcription systems for the multi-genre broadcast challenge 2015 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, ASRU 2015 - Proceedings,
  • Karanasou, P., Gales, MJF., Lanchantin, P., Liu, X., Qian, Y., Wang, L., Woodland, PC. and Zhang, C., 2016. Speaker diarisation and longitudinal linking in multi-genre broadcast data 2015 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, ASRU 2015 - Proceedings,
  • Lanchantin, P., Gales, MJF., Karanasou, P., Liu, X., Qian, Y., Wang, L., Woodland, PC. and Zhang, C., 2016. The development of the Cambridge university alignment systems for the multi-genre broadcast challenge 2015 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, ASRU 2015 - Proceedings,
  • Chen, X., Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2016. Investigation of back-off based interpolation between recurrent neural network and n-gram language models 2015 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, ASRU 2015 - Proceedings,
  • Cui, J., Kingsbury, B., Ramabhadran, B., Sethy, A., Audhkhasi, K., Cui, X., Kislal, E., Mangu, L., Nussbaum-Thom, M., Picheny, M., Tüske, Z., Golik, P., Schluter, R., Ney, H., Gales, MJF., Knill, KM., Ragni, A., Wang, H. and Woodland, P., 2016. Multilingual representations for low resource speech recognition and keyword search 2015 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, ASRU 2015 - Proceedings,
    Doi: 10.1109/ASRU.2015.7404803
  • Zhang, C. and Woodland, PC., 2016. DNN speaker adaptation using parameterised sigmoid and ReLU hidden activation functions ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2016-May
  • Wang, L., Zhang, C., Woodland, PC., Gales, MJF., Karanasou, P., Lanchantin, P., Liu, X. and Qian, Y., 2016. Improved DNN-based segmentation for multi-genre broadcast audio ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2016-May
  • Yang, J., Zhang, C., Ragni, A., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2016. System combination with log-linear models ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2016-May
  • Chen, X., Liu, X., Qian, Y., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2016. CUED-RNNLM - An open-source toolkit for efficient training and evaluation of recurrent neural network language models ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2016-May
  • Lanchantin, P., Gales, MJF., Karanasou, P., Liu, X., Qian, Y., Wang, L., Woodland, PC. and Zhang, C., 2016. Selection of multi-genre broadcast data for the training of automatic speech recognition systems Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 08-12-September-2016
  • 2015

  • Chen, X., Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2015. Improving the training and evaluation efficiency of recurrent neural network language models ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2015-August
  • Zhang, C. and Woodland, PC., 2015. A general artificial neural network extension for HTK Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2015-January
  • Zhang, C. and Woodland, PC., 2015. Parameterised sigmoid and ReLU hidden activation functions for DNN acoustic modelling Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2015-January
  • Wang, H., Ragni, A., Gales, MJF., Knill, KM., Woodland, PC. and Zhang, C., 2015. Joint decoding of tandem and hybrid systems for improved keyword spotting on low resource languages Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2015-January
  • Chen, X., Tan, T., Liu, X., Lanchantin, P., Wan, M., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2015. Recurrent neural network language model adaptation for multi-genre broadcast speech recognition Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2015-January
  • Liu, X., Flego, F., Wang, L., Zhang, C., Gales, M. and Woodland, P., 2015. The Cambridge university 2014 BOLT conversational telephone Mandarin Chinese lvcsr system for speech translation Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, v. 2015-January
  • Liu, X., Chen, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2015. Paraphrastic recurrent neural network language models ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2015-August
  • Chen, X., Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2015. Recurrent neural network language model training with noise contrastive estimation for speech recognition ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, v. 2015-August
  • 2014

  • Liu, X., Wang, Y., Chen, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2014. Efficient lattice rescoring using recurrent neural network language models ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Zhang, C. and Woodland, PC., 2014. Standalone training of context-dependent deep neural network acoustic models ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Seigel, MS. and Woodland, PC., 2014. Direct sub-word confidence estimation with hidden-state conditional random fields ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2014. Paraphrastic neural network language models ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Seigel, MS. and Woodland, PC., 2014. Detecting deletions in ASR output ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,
  • Karanasou, P., Wang, Y., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2014. Adaptation of deep neural network acoustic models using factorised i-vectors Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Chen, X., Wang, Y., Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2014. Efficient GPU-based training of recurrent neural network language models using spliced sentence bunch Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • 2013

  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2013. Cross-domain Paraphrasing For Improving Language Modelling Using Out-of-domain Data 14TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION (INTERSPEECH 2013), VOLS 1-5,
  • Knill, KM., Gales, MJF., Rath, SP., Woodland, PC., Zhang, C. and Zhang, S-X., 2013. Investigation of multilingual deep neural networks for spoken term detection 2013 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, ASRU 2013 - Proceedings,
    Doi: 10.1109/ASRU.2013.6707719
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2013. Cross-domain paraphrasing for improving language modelling using out-of-domain data Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH,
  • Lanchantin, P., Bell, PJ., Gales, MJF., Hain, T., Liu, X., Long, Y., Quinnell, J., Renals, S., Saz, O., Seigel, MS., Swietojanski, P. and Woodland, PC., 2013. Automatic transcription of multi-genre media archives CEUR Workshop Proceedings, v. 1012
  • Long, Y., Gales, MJF., Lanchantin, P., Liu, X., Seigel, MS. and Woodland, PC., 2013. Improving Lightly Supervised Training for Broadcast Transcription 14TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION (INTERSPEECH 2013), VOLS 1-5,
  • 2011

  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2011. Language model cross adaptation for LVCSR system combination Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association,
  • Park, J., Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2011. Improved neural network based language modelling and adaptation Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association,
  • Diehl, F., Gales, MJF., Liu, X., Tomalin, M. and Woodland, PC., 2011. Word Boundary Modelling and Full Covariance Gaussians for Arabic Speech-to-Text Systems 12TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2011 (INTERSPEECH 2011), VOLS 1-5,
  • Seigel, MS. and Woodland, PC., 2011. Combining Information Sources for Confidence Estimation with CRF Models 12TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2011 (INTERSPEECH 2011), VOLS 1-5,
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2011. Improving LVCSR System Combination Using Neural Network Language Model Cross Adaptation 12TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2011 (INTERSPEECH 2011), VOLS 1-5,
  • Li, T., Woodland, PC., Diehl, F. and Gales, MJF., 2011. Graphone Model Interpolation and Arabic Pronunciation Generation 12TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2011 (INTERSPEECH 2011), VOLS 1-5,
  • 2010

  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2010. Language model cross adaptation for LVCSR system combination Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH 2010,
  • Park, J., Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2010. Improved neural network based language modelling and adaptation Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH 2010,
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF., Hieronymus, JL. and Woodland, PC., 2010. Language model combination and adaptation using weighted finite state transducers Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP),
  • Tomalin, M., Park, J., Diehl, F., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2010. Recent improvements to the Cambridge Arabic speech-to-text systems Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP),
    Doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2010.5495641
  • 2009

  • Park, J., Diehl, F., Gales, MJF., Tomalin, M. and Woodland, PC., 2009. Training and adapting MLP features for Arabic speech recognition Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2009,
    Doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2009.4960620
  • Diehl, F., Gales, MJF., Tomalin, M. and Woodland, PC., 2009. Morphological analysis and decomposition for Arabic speech-to-text systems Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the International Speech Communication Association,
  • Hieronymus, JL., Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2009. Exploiting Chinese character models to improve speech recognition performance Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the International Speech Communication Association,
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2009. Use of contexts in language model interpolation and adaptation Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the International Speech Communication Association,
  • Park, J., Diehl, F., Gales, MJF., Tomalin, M. and Woodland, PC., 2009. Efficient generation and use of MLP features for Arabic speech recognition Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the International Speech Communication Association,
  • Diehl, F., Gales, MJF., Tomalin, M. and Woodland, PC., 2009. Morphological Analysis and Decomposition for Arabic Speech-to-Text Systems INTERSPEECH 2009: 10TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2009, VOLS 1-5,
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2009. Use of Contexts in Language Model Interpolation and Adaptation INTERSPEECH 2009: 10TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2009, VOLS 1-5,
  • Park, J., Diehl, F., Gales, MJF., Tomalin, M. and Woodland, PC., 2009. Efficient Generation and Use of MLP Features for Arabic Speech Recognition INTERSPEECH 2009: 10TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2009, VOLS 1-5,
  • 2008

  • Diehl, F., Gales, MJF., Tomalin, M. and Woodland, PC., 2008. Phonetic pronunciations for arabic speech-to-text systems IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing,
  • Yu, K., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2008. Unsupervised discriminative adaptation using discriminative mapping transforms International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2008,
  • Liu, XA., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2008. Context dependent language model adaptation Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2008) incorporating the 12th Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology, SST' 08,
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2008. Context Dependent Language Model Adaptation INTERSPEECH 2008: 9TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION 2008, VOLS 1-5,
  • Wang, L. and Woodland, PC., 2008. MPE-based discriminative linear transforms for speaker adaptation COMPUT SPEECH LANG, v. 22
  • 2007

  • Gales, MJF., Diehl, F., Raut, CK., Tomalin, M., Woodland, PC. and Yu, K., 2007. Development of a phonetic system for large vocabulary Arabic speech recognition
  • Liu, XA., Byrne, WJ., Gales, MJF., de Gispert, A., Tomalin, M., Woodland, PC. and Yu, K., 2007. Discriminative language model adaptation for Mandarin broadcast speech transcription and translation IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition & Understanding, 2007,
  • Yu, K., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2007. Unsupervised training using directed manual transcription for recognising Mandarin broadcast audio Proceedings InterSpeech 2007,
  • Gales, MJF., Liu, X., Sinha, R., Woodland, PC., Yu, K., Matsoukas, S., Ng, T., Nguyen, K., Nguyen, L., Gauvain, J-L., Lamel, L. and Messaoudi, A., 2007. Speech recognition system combination for machine translation
  • Gales, MJF., Liu, X., Sinha, R., Woodland, PC., Yu, K., Matsoukas, S., Ng, T., Nguyen, K., Nguyen, L., Gauvain, JL., Lamel, L. and Messaoudi, A., 2007. Speech recognition system combination for machine translation Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing 2007, v. 4
  • Tomalin, M., Gales, MJF., Liu, XA., Sinha, KC., Wang, L., Woodland, PC. and Yu, K., 2007. Improving speech transcription for Mandarin-English translation Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing 2007, v. 4
  • Gales, MJF., Diehl, F., Raut, CK., Tomalin, M., Woodland, PC. and Yu, K., 2007. Development of a phonetic system for large vocabulary Arabic speech recognition 2007 IEEE WORKSHOP ON AUTOMATIC SPEECH RECOGNITION AND UNDERSTANDING, VOLS 1 AND 2,
  • Sim, KC., Byrne, WJ., Gales, MJF., Sahbi, H. and Woodland, PC., 2007. Consensus network decoding for statistical machine translation system combination IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, v. 4
  • Yu, K., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2007. Unsupervised Training with Directed Manual Transcription for Recognising Mandarin Broadcast Audio INTERSPEECH 2007: 8TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION, VOLS 1-4,
  • Wang, L., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2007. Unsupervised training for Mandarin broadcast news and conversation transcription Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing 200, ICASSP' 07,
  • Wang, L., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2007. Unsupervised training for Mandarin broadcast news and conversation transcription
  • Tomalin, M., Gales, MJF., Liu, XA., Sinha, KC., Wang, L., Woodland, PC. and Yu, K., 2007. Improving speech transcription for Mandarin-English translation
  • Liu, XA., Byrne, WJ., Gales, MJF., De Gispert, A., Tomalin, M., Woodland, PC. and Yu, K., 2007. Discriminative language model adaptation for Mandarin broadcast speech transcription and translation 2007 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, ASRU 2007, Proceedings,
  • 2006

  • Mrva, D. and Woodland, PC., 2006. Unsupervised language model adaptation for Mandarin broadcast conversation transcription
  • Mrva, D. and Woodland, PC., 2006. Unsupervised language model adaptation for Mandarin broadcast conversation transcription ICSLP - INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE - CD-ROM EDITION, v. CONF 9
  • Sinha, R., Gales, MJF., Kim, DY., Liu, X., Sim, KC. and Woodland, PC., 2006. The CU-HTK Mandarin broadcast news transcription system IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'06,
  • Tomalin, M. and Woodland, PC., 2006. Discriminatively trained Gaussian mixture models for sentence boundary detection IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing,
  • 2005

  • Gales, MJF., Jia, B., Liu, X., Sim, KC., Woodland, PC. and Yu, K., 2005. Development of the CUHTK 2004 Mandarin conversational telephone speech transcription system
  • Liu, Y., Shriberg, E., Stolcke, A., Peskin, B., Ang, J., Hillard, D., Ostendorf, M., Tomalin, M., Woodland, P. and Harper, M., 2005. Structural metadata research in the ears program 2005 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ACOUSTICS, SPEECH, AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOLS 1-5,
  • Evermann, G., Chan, HY., Gales, MJF., Jia, B., Mrva, D., Woodland, PC. and Yu, K., 2005. Development of the CU-HTK 2004 broadcast news transcription systems IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing,
  • Evermann, G., Chan, HY., Gales, MJF., Jia, B., Mrva, D., Woodland, PC. and Yu, K., 2005. Training LVCSR systems on thousands of hours of data IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP '05, v. 1
  • Gales, MJF., Jia, B., Liu, X., Sim, KC., Woodland, PC. and Yu, K., 2005. Development of the CUHTK 2004 Mandarin conversational telephone speech transcription system IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP '05,
  • Liu, Y., Shriberg, E., Stolcke, A., Peskin, B., Ang, J., Hillard, D., Ostendorf, M., Tomalin, M., Woodland, PC. and Harper, M., 2005. Structural metadata research in the EARS program IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, v. 5
  • 2004

  • Tomalin, M. and Woodland, PC., 2004. The RT04 evaluation structural metadata systems at CUED
  • Chan, HY. and Woodland, PC., 2004. Improving broadcast news transcription by lightly supervised discriminative training IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP '04, v. 1
  • Evermann, G., Chan, HY., Gales, MJF., Hain, T., Liu, X., Mrva, D., Wang, L. and Woodland, PC., 2004. Development of the 2003 CU-HTK conversational telephone speech transcription system IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP '04, v. 1
  • Evermann, G., Chan, HY., Gales, MJF., Jia, B., Liu, X., Mrva, D., Sim, KC., Wang, L. and Woodland, PC., 2004. Development of the 2004 CU-HTK English CTS systems using more than two thousand hours of data
  • Gales, MJF., Jia, B., Liu, X., Sim, KC., Woodland, PC. and Yu, K., 2004. Development of the CUHTK 2004 RT04F Mandarin conversational telephone speech transcription system
  • Kim, DY., Chan, HY., Evermann, G., Gales, MJF., Mrva, D., Sim, KC. and Woodland, PC., 2004. Recent developments at Cambridge in broadcast news transcription
  • Kim, DY., Gales, MJF., Hain, T. and Woodland, PC., 2004. Using VTLN for broadcast news transcription Interspeech 2004 ICSLP: 8th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing,
  • Mrva, D. and Woodland, PC., 2004. A PLSA-based language model for conversational telephone speech Interspeech 2004 ICSLP: 8th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing,
  • Tranter, SE., Gales, MJF., Sinha, R., Umesh, S. and Woodland, PC., 2004. The development of the Cambridge University RT-04 diarisation system
  • Tranter, SE., Yu, K., Evermann, G. and Woodland, PC., 2004. Generating and evaluating segmentations for automatic speech recognition of conversational telephone speech IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP '04, v. 1
  • Wang, L. and Woodland, PC., 2004. MPE-based discriminative linear transform for speaker adaptation IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP '04, v. 1
  • Evermann, G., Chan, HY., Gales, MJF., Hain, T., Liu, X., Mrva, D., Wang, L. and Woodland, PC., 2004. Development of the 2003 CU-HTK conversational telephone speech transcription system
  • Wang, L. and Woodland, P., 2004. MPE-based discriminative linear transform for speaker adaptation 2004 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ACOUSTICS, SPEECH, AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOL I, PROCEEDINGS,
  • 2003

  • Evermann, G. and Woodland, PC., 2003. Design of fast LVCSR systems IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding - ASRU '03,
  • Gales, MJF., Dong, Y., Povey, D. and Woodland, PC., 2003. Porting: SwitchBoard to the VoiceMail task IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'03, v. 1
  • Kim, DY., Evermann, G., Hain, T., Mrva, D., Tranter, SE., Wang, L. and Woodland, PC., 2003. Recent advances in broadcast news transcription IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, ASRU '03,
  • Liu, X., Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 2003. Automatic complexity control for HLDA systems IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'03, v. 1
  • Povey, D., Woodland, PC. and Gales, MJF., 2003. Discriminative map for acoustic model adaptation IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'03, v. 1
  • Wang, L. and Woodland, PC., 2003. Discriminative adaptive training using the MPE criterion IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU '03),
  • Kim, DY., Evermann, G., Hain, T., Mrva, D., Tranter, SE., Wang, L. and Woodland, P., 2003. Recent advances in broadcast news transcription ASRU'03: 2003 IEEE WORKSHOP ON AUTOMATIC SPEECH RECOGNITION AND UNDERSTANDING ASRU '03,
  • 2002

  • Chin, KK. and Woodland, PC., 2002. Maximum mutual information training of hidden Markov models with vector linear predictors Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Spoken Language Processinng (Interspeech), v. 2
  • Cordoba, R., Woodland, PC. and Gales, MJF., 2002. Improved cross-task recognition using MMIE training IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'02, v. 1
  • Kim, JH. and Woodland, PC., 2002. Implementation of automatic capitalisation generation systems for speech input IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP' 02,
  • Povey, D. and Woodland, PC., 2002. Minimum phone error and I-smoothing for improved discriminative training IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP '02, v. 1
  • Wickramaratna, JT. and Woodland, PC., 2002. Cluster identification for speaker-environment tracking Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (Interspeech), v. 3
  • 2001

  • Woodland, PC., 2001. Speaker adaptation for continuous density HMMs: a review Proceedings ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop (ITRW) on Adaptation Methods for Speech Recognition,
  • Hain, T., Woodland, PC., Evermann, G. and Povey, D., 2001. New features in the CU-HTK system for transcription of conversational telephone speech IEEE international Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'01, v. 1
  • Kim, JH. and Woodland, PC., 2001. The use of prosody in a combined system for punctuation generation and speech recognition Proceedings of Eurospeech 2001: 7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, v. 4
  • Povey, D. and Woodland, PC., 2001. Improved discriminative training techniques for large vocabulary continuous speech recognition IEEE international Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP' 01, v. 1
  • Uebel, LF. and Woodland, PC., 2001. Discriminative linear transforms for speaker adaptation Proceedings ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop (ITRW) on Adaptation Methods for Speech Recognition,
  • Uebel, LF. and Woodland, PC., 2001. Improvements in linear transform based speaker adaptation IEEE international Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'01,
  • Uebel, LF. and Woodland, PC., 2001. Speaker adaptation using lattice-based MLLR Proceedings ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop (ITRW) on Adaptation Methods for Speech Recognition,
  • Whittaker, EWD. and Woodland, PC., 2001. Efficient class-based language modelling for very large vocabularies IEEE international Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'01, v. 1
  • 2000

  • Evermann, G. and Woodland, PC., 2000. Large vocabulary decoding and confidence estimation using word posterior probabilities Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'00,
  • Evermann, G. and Woodland, PC., 2000. Posterior probability decoding, confidence estimation and system combination Proceedings of the NIST 2000 Speech Transcription Workshop,
  • Hain, T. and Woodland, PC., 2000. Modelling sub-phone insertions and deletions in continuous speech recognition Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP' 00, v. 4
  • Hain, T., Woodland, PC. and Evermann, G., 2000. The CU-HTK March 2000 Hub5e transcription system Proceedings of the NIST 2000 Speech Transcription Workshop,
  • Johnson, SE., Jourlin, P., Sparck Jones, K. and Woodland, PC., 2000. Audio indexing and retrieval of complete broadcast news shows Proceedings RIAO 2000: Content-Based Multimedia Information Access,
  • Kim, JH. and Woodland, PC., 2000. A rule-based named entity recognition system for speech input Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing,ICSLP'00, v. 1
  • Tuerk, A., Johnson, SE., Jourlin, P., Sparck Jones, K. and Woodland, PC., 2000. The Cambridge University multimedia document retrieval demo system Proceedings RIAO 2000: Content-Based Multimedia Information Access, v. 3
  • Tuerk, A., Johnson, SE., Jourlin, P., Sparck Jones, K. and Woodland, PC., 2000. The Cambridge University multimedia document retrieval demo system Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
  • Whittaker, EWD. and Woodland, PC., 2000. Particle-based language modelling Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP'00,
  • Woodland, PC., Johnson, SE., Jourlin, P. and Sparck Jones, K., 2000. Effects of out of vocabulary words in spoken document retrieval Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
  • Woodland, PC. and Povey, D., 2000. Large scale MMIE training for conversational telephone speech recognition Proceedings of the NIST 2000 Speech Transcription Workshop,
  • 1999

  • Hain, T. and Woodland, PC., 1999. Dynamic HMM selection for continuous speech recognition Sixth European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH'99),
  • Hain, T., Woodland, PC., Niesler, TR. and Whittaker, EWD., 1999. The 1998 HTK system for transcription of conversational telephone speech Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'99,
  • Uebel, LF. and Woodland, PC., 1999. An investigation into vocal tract length normalisation Sixth European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH'99),
  • Johnson, SE., Jourlin, P., Moore, GL., Sparck Jones, K. and Woodland, PC., 1999. The Cambridge University spoken document retrieval system Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP '99, v. 1
  • Jourlin, P., Johnson, SE., Sparck Jones, K. and Woodland, PC., 1999. General query expansion techniques for spoken document retrieval Proceedings of the ESCA ETRW Workshop: Accessing Information in Spoken Audio,
  • Jourlin, P., Johnson, SE., Spark Jones, K. and Woodland, PC., 1999. Improving retrieval on imperfect speech transcriptions Proceedings of SIGIR ’99 : 22nd International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
  • Odell, JJ., Woodland, PC. and Hain, T., 1999. The CUHTK-entropic 10xRT broadcast news transcription system Proceedings of the DARPA Broadcast News Workshop,
  • Povey, D. and Woodland, PC., 1999. Frame discrimination training for HMMs for large vocabulary speech recognition Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'99, v. 1
  • Woodland, PC., 1999. Speaker adaptation: techniques and challenges
  • Woodland, PC., Hain, T., Moore, GL., Niesler, TR., Povey, D., Tuerk, A. and Whittaker, EWD., 1999. The 1998 HTK broadcast news transcription system: development and results Proceedings of the DARPA Broadcast News Workshop,
  • Woodland, PC., Odell, JJ., Hain, T., Moore, GL. and Niesler, TR., 1999. Improvements in accuracy and speed in the HTK broadcast news transcription system Sixth European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH'99),
  • 1998

  • Johnson, SE. and Woodland, PC., 1998. Speaker clustering using direct maximisation of the MLLR-adapted likelihood Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP'98,
  • Hain, T. and Woodland, PC., 1998. Segmentation and Classification of Broadcast News Audio Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP'98, v. 6
  • Whittaker, EWD. and Woodland, PC., 1998. Comparison of language modelling techniques for russian and english Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP'98, v. 6
  • Hain, T., Johnson, SE., Tuerk, A., Woodland, PC. and Young, SJ., 1998. Segment generation and clustering in the HTK broadcast news transcription system Proceedings of the DARPA Broadcast News Transcription and Understanding Workshop,
  • Humphries, JJ. and Woodland, PC., 1998. The use of accent-specific pronunciation dictionaries in acoustic model training Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing v.1 (ICASSP '98), v. 1
  • Niesler, TR., Whittaker, EWD. and Woodland, PC., 1998. Comparison of part-of-speech and automatically derived category-based language models for speech recognition Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing v.1 (ICASSP '98), v. 1
  • Woodland, PC., Hain, T., Johnson, SE., Niesler, TR., Tuerk, A. and Whittaker, EWD., 1998. The 1997 HTK broadcast news transcription system Proceedings of the DARPA Broadcast News Transcription and Understanding Workshop,
  • Woodland, PC., Hain, T., Johnson, SE., Niesler, TR., Tuerk, A. and Young, SJ., 1998. Experiments in broadcast news transcription Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing v.1 (ICASSP '98), v. 2
  • 1997

  • Woodland, PC., Gales, MJF., Pye, D. and Young, SJ., 1997. The development of the 1996 HTK broadcast news transcription system Proceedings of DARPA Speech Recognition Workshop,
  • Niesler, TR. and Woodland, PC., 1997. Modelling word-pair relations in a category-based language model Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, v. 2
  • Pye, D. and Woodland, PC., 1997. Experiments in speaker normalisation and adaptation for large vocabulary speech recognition Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, v. 2
  • Woodland, PC., Gales, MJF., Pye, D. and Young, SJ., 1997. Broadcast news transcription using HTK Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, v. 2
  • 1996

  • Woodland, PC., Gales, MJF., Pye, D. and Valtchev, V., 1996. The HTK large vocabulary recognition system for the 1995 ARPA H3 task Proceedings of the ARPA Continuous Speech Recognition Workshop,
  • Gales, MJF., Pye, D. and Woodland, PC., 1996. Variance compensation within the MLLR framework for robust speech recognition and speaker adaptation Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP 1996, v. 3
  • Humphries, JJ., Woodland, PC. and Pearce, D., 1996. Using accent-specific pronunciation modelling for robust speech recognition Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP 1996, v. 4
  • Niesler, TR. and Woodland, PC., 1996. Combination of word-based and category-based language models Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP 1996), v. 1
  • Niesler, TR., Woodland, PC. and Young, SJ., 1996. A variable-length category-based n-gram language model IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 96, v. 1
  • Valtchev, V., Odell, JJ., Woodland, PC. and Young, SJ., 1996. Lattice-based discriminative training for large vocabulary speech recognition 1996 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing conference proceedings, v. 2
  • Valtchev, V., Woodland, PC. and Young, SJ., 1996. Discriminative optimisation of large vocabulary recognition systems Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP 1996), v. 1
  • Woodland, PC., Gales, MJF. and Pye, D., 1996. Improving environmental robustness in large vocabulary speech recognition IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 96, v. 1
  • Woodland, PC., Pye, D. and Gales, MJF., 1996. Iterative unsupervised adaptation using maximum likelihood linear regression 4th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP 1996), v. 2
  • 1995

  • Ahadi, SM. and Woodland, PC., 1995. Rapid speaker adaptation using model prediction International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP-95, v. 1
  • Donovan, RE. and Woodland, PC., 1995. Automatic speech synthesiser parameter estimation using HMMs International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP-95, v. 1
  • Leggetter, CJ. and Woodland, PC., 1995. The development of the 1994 HTK large vocabulary speech recognition system Proceedings of the Spoken Language Systems Technology Workshop,
  • Woodland, PC., Leggetter, CJ., Odell, JJ., Valtchev, V. and Young, SJ., 1995. Spoken language systems technology workshop Proceedings of the ARPA Spoken Language Systems Technology Workshop,
  • Woodland, PC., Leggetter, CJ., Odell, JJ., Valtchev, V. and Young, SJ., 1995. The 1994 HTK large vocabulary speech recognition system ICASSP-95: International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, v. 1
  • 1994

  • Woodland, PC., Odell, JJ., Valtchev, V. and Young, SJ., 1994. Large vocabulary continuous speech recognition using HTK ICASSP-94: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing,
  • Valtchev, V., Odell, JJ., Woodland, PC. and Young, SJ., 1994. A dynamic network decoder design for large vocabulary speech recognition ICSLP 94: International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, v. 3
  • Jones, M. and Woodland, PC., 1994. Modelling syllable characteristics to improve a large vocabulary continuous speech recogniser ICSLP 94: International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, v. 4
  • Leggetter, CJ. and Woodland, PC., 1994. Speaker adaptation of continuous density HMMs using multivariate linear regression ICSLP 94: International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, v. 2
  • Odell, JJ., Valtchev, V., Woodland, PC. and Young, SJ., 1994. A one-pass decoder design for large vocabulary recognition Proceedings of the ARPA Human language Technology Workshop,
  • Odell, JJ., Woodland, PC. and Young, SJ., 1994. Tree-based state clustering for large vocabulary speech recognition Proceedings, ISSIPNN '94: International Symposium on Speech Image Processing and Neural Networks,
  • Woodland, PC., Odell, JJ., Valtchev, V. and Young, SJ., 1994. The HTK large vocabulary continuous speech recognition system: an overview Proceedings of the ARPA Human language Technology Workshop,
  • Young, SJ., Odell, JJ. and Woodland, PC., 1994. Tree-based state tying for high accuracy acoustic modelling Proceedings of the ARPA Human language Technology Workshop,
  • 1993

  • Giguere, C. and Woodland, PC., 1993. A wave digital filter model of the entire auditory periphery IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 93,
  • Jones, M. and Woodland, PC., 1993. Exploiting variable-width features in large vocabulary speech recognition IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 93, v. 2
  • Young, SJ. and Woodland, PC., 1993. The use of state tying in continuous speech recognition EUROSPEECH 93 proceedings, v. 3
  • Woodland, PC. and Young, SJ., 1993. The HTK tied-state continuous speech recogniser EUROSPEECH 93 proceedings, v. 3
  • 1992

  • Woodland, PC., 1992. Hidden Markov models using vector linear prediction and discriminative output distributions 17th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 92, v. 1
  • Woodland, PC. and Young, SJ., 1992. Benchmark DARPA RM results using the HTK portable HMM toolkit
  • 1991

  • Woodland, PC. and Cole, DR., 1991. Optimising hidden Markov models using discriminative output distributions IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 91, v. 3
  • 1990

  • Woodland, PC. and Smyth, SG., 1990. A neural network speech recogniser for directory access applications
  • 1989

  • Woodland, PC., 1989. Weight limiting, weight quantisation and generalisation in multi-layer perceptrons Artificial neural networks; 1st International Conference,
  • Datasets

    2017 (No publication date)

  • Zhang, C. and Woodland, PC., 2017 (No publication date). Data Underpinning "Joint Optimisation of Tandem Systems Using Gaussian Mixture Density Neural Network Discriminative Sequence Training"
  • Other publications


  • Young, SJ., Evermann, G., Gales, MJF., Kershaw, D., Moore, G., Odell, JJ., Ollason, DG., Povey, D., Valtchev, V. and Woodland, PC., 2006. The HTK book version 3.4
  • 1995

  • Young, SJ., Jansen, J., Odell, JJ., Ollason, DG. and Woodland, PC., 1995. The HTK book
  • 1993

  • Young, SJ., Woodland, PC. and Byrne, WJ., 1993. HTK V1.5: User, Reference and Programmer Manuals
  • Reports


  • Hain, T., Woodland, PC., Evermann, G., Gales, MJF., Liu, X., Moore, G., Povey, D. and Wang, L., 2003. Automatic transcription of conversational telephone speech: development of the CU-HTK 2002 system
  • Tranter, SE., Yu, K., Reynolds, DA., Evermann, G., Kim, DY. and Woodland, PC., 2003. An investigation into the the interactions between speaker diarisation systems and automatic speech transcription
  • 2001

  • Sparck Jones, K., Jourlin, P., Johnson, SE. and Woodland, PC., 2001. The Cambridge multimedia document retrieval (MDR) project: summary of experiments
  • 2000

  • Povey, D. and Woodland, PC., 2000. Frame discrimination training of HMMs for large vocabulary speech recognition
  • 1997

  • Niesler, TR. and Woodland, PC., 1997. Word-pair relations for category-based language models
  • 1996

  • Gales, MJF. and Woodland, PC., 1996. Variance compensation within the MLLR framework
  • Niesler, TR. and Woodland, PC., 1996. Comparative evaluation of word- and category-based language models
  • Niesler, TR. and Woodland, PC., 1996. Word-to-category backoff language models
  • 1995

  • Niesler, TR. and Woodland, PC., 1995. Variable-length category-based n-grams for language modelling
  • 1994

  • Fransen, JFJ., Pye, D., Robinson, AJ., Woodland, PC. and Young, SJ., 1994. WSJCAM0 corpus and recording description
  • Leggetter, CJ. and Woodland, PC., 1994. Speaker adaptation of HMMs using linear regression
  • 1992

  • Giguere, C. and Woodland, PC., 1992. A composite model of the auditory periphery with feedback regulation
  • Book chapters


  • Johnson, SE. and Woodland, PC., 2000. A method for direct audio search with applications to indexing and retrieval
  • Woodland, PC. and Povey, D., 2000. Large scale discriminative training for speech recognition
  • 1992

  • Giguere, C. and Woodland, PC., 1992. Speech analysis using a non-linear cochlea model with feedback regulation
  • Woodland, PC., 1992. Spoken alphabet recognition using multi-layer perceptrons
  • 1990

  • Woodland, PC. and Millar, W., 1990. Fixed dimensional classifiers for speech recognition
  • Theses / dissertations


  • Woodland, PC., 1986. Formant tracking using continuous density hidden markov models

  • Read more at: Professor Bill Byrne

    Professor Bill Byrne

    Statistical modelling for speech and language processing; statistical machine translation; speech synthesis

    Conference proceedings

    2022 (Accepted for publication)

  • Saunders, D., sallis, R. and Byrne, W., 2022 (Accepted for publication). First the worst: Finding better gender translations during beam search
  • 2020

  • Saunders, D. and Byrne, B., 2020. Reducing Gender Bias in Neural Machine Translation as a Domain Adaptation Problem
  • Saunders, D., Stahlberg, F. and Byrne, B., 2020. Using Context in Neural Machine Translation Training Objectives
  • 2019

  • Stahlberg, F., Bryant, C. and Byrne, B., 2019. Neural Grammatical Error Correction with Finite State Transducers
  • Stahlberg, F. and Byrne, B., 2019. The CUED's Grammatical Error Correction Systems for BEA-2019
  • Stahlberg, F., Saunders, D., Gispert, AD. and Byrne, B., 2019. Cued@wmt19:ewc&lms
  • Stahlberg, F. and Byrne, B., 2019. On NMT Search Errors and Model Errors: Cat Got Your Tongue?
  • 2018 (No publication date)

  • Stahlberg, F., Hasler, E., Waite, A. and Byrne, WJ., 2018 (No publication date). Syntactically Guided Neural Machine Translation
  • Dall, R., Tomalin, M., Wester, M., Byrne, WJ. and King, S., 2018 (No publication date). Investigating Automatic and Human Filled Pause Insertion for Synthetic Speech
  • Byrne, WJ. and Horvat, M., 2018 (No publication date). A Graph-Based Approach to String Regeneration
  • Byrne, WJ. and Shannon, M., 2018 (No publication date). FAST, LOW-ARTIFACT SPEECH SYNTHESIS CONSIDERING GLOBAL VARIANCE
  • 2018 (Accepted for publication)

  • Hasler, E., de Gspert, A., Iglesias, G. and Byrne, WJ., 2018 (Accepted for publication). Neural Machine Translation Decoding with Terminology Constraints
  • Saunders, D., Stahlberg, F., De Gispert, A. and Byrne, WJ., 2018 (Accepted for publication). Multi-representation Ensembles and Delayed SGD Updates Improve Syntax-based NMT Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers), v. P18-2051
  • Iglesias, G., Tambellini, W., de Gispert, A., Hasler, E. and Byrne, WJ., 2018 (Accepted for publication). Accelerating NMT Batched Beam Decoding with LMBR Posteriors for Deployment
  • 2018

  • Stahlberg, F., Saunders, D., Iglesias, G. and Byrne, WJ., 2018. Why not be Versatile? Applications of the SGNMT Decoder for Machine Translation AMTA 2018, v. 1
  • Stahlberg, F., Gispert, AD. and Byrne, B., 2018. The University of Cambridge's Machine Translation Systems for WMT18
  • Stahlberg, F., Saunders, D. and Byrne, B., 2018. An Operation Sequence Model for Explainable Neural Machine Translation
  • 2017 (Accepted for publication)

  • Hasler, E., Stahlberg, F., tomalin, M., de Gispert, A. and Byrne, WJ., 2017 (Accepted for publication). A Comparison of Neural Models for Word Ordering Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Natural Language Generation,
  • 2017

  • Stahlberg, F., de Gispert, A., Hasler, E. and Byrne, W., 2017. Neural Machine Translation by Minimising the Bayes-risk with Respect to Syntactic Translation Lattices Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, v. 2, Short Papers
  • Sterckx, L., Naradowsky, J., Byrne, WJ., Demeester, T. and Develder, C., 2017. Break it Down for Me: A Study in Automated Lyric Annotation
  • Stahlberg, F. and Byrne, W., 2017. Unfolding and Shrinking Neural Machine Translation Ensembles
  • Stahlberg, F., Hasler, E., Saunders, D. and Byrne, W., 2017. SGNMT -- A Flexible NMT Decoding Platform for Quick Prototyping of New Models and Search Strategies
  • 2016

  • Stahlberg, F., Hasler, E. and Byrne, B., 2016. The Edit Distance Transducer in Action: The University of Cambridge English-German System at WMT16
  • Beck, D., De Gispert, A., Iglesias, G., Waite, A. and Byrne, B., 2016. Speed-constrained tuning for statistical machine translation using Bayesian optimization 2016 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, NAACL HLT 2016 - Proceedings of the Conference,
  • 2015 (Accepted for publication)

  • Byrne, WJ. and Waite, A., 2015 (Accepted for publication). The Geometry of Statistical Machine Translation
  • 2015

  • Iglesias, G., De Gispert, A. and Byrne, B., 2015. Transducer disambiguation with sparse topological features Conference Proceedings - EMNLP 2015: Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing,
  • De Gispert, A., Iglesias, G. and Byrne, B., 2015. Fast and accurate preordering for SMT using neural networks NAACL HLT 2015 - 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Proceedings of the Conference,
  • Horvat, M., Copestake, A. and Byrne, W., 2015. Hierarchical statistical semantic realization for minimal recursion semantics IWCS 2015 - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computational Semantics,
  • 2014

  • Xiao, T., De Gispert, A., Zhu, J. and Byrne, B., 2014. Effective incorporation of source syntax into hierarchical phrase-based translation COLING 2014 - 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of COLING 2014: Technical Papers,
  • De Gispert, A., Tomalin, M. and Byrne, W., 2014. Word ordering with phrase-based grammars 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2014, EACL 2014,
  • Jehl, L., De Gispert, A., Hopkins, M. and Byrne, W., 2014. Source-side preordering for translation using logistic regression and depth-first branch-And-bound search 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2014, EACL 2014,
  • 2011

  • Shannon, SM. and Byrne, WJ., 2011. Autoregressive clustering for HMM speech synthesis Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication,
  • Iglesias, G., Allauzen, C., Byrne, W., de Gispert, A. and Riley, M., 2011. Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation Representations Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing,
  • Shannon, M., Zen, H. and Byrne, W., 2011. The Effect of Using Normalized Models in Statistical Speech Synthesis Proceedings of the 12$^th$ Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association,
  • 2010

  • Blackwood, GW., de Gispert, A. and Byrne, WJ., 2010. Efficient path counting transducers for minimum Bayes-risk decoding of statistical machine translation lattices Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics,
  • Blackwood, GW., de Gispert, A. and Byrne, WJ., 2010. Fluency constraints for minimum Bayes-risk decoding of statistical machine translation lattices Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics,
  • Gibson, M., Hirsimaki, T., Karhila, R., Kurimo, M. and Byrne, WJ., 2010. Unsupervised cross-lingual speaker adaptation for HMM-based speech synthesis using two-pass decision tree construction Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing,
  • De Gispert, A., Juan, P. and Byrne, W., 2010. Hierarchical phrase-based translation grammars extracted from alignment posterior probabilities EMNLP 2010 - Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Proceedings of the Conference,
  • Pino, J., Iglesias, G., de Gispert, A., Blackwood, GW. and Byrne, WJ., 2010. The CUED HiFST system for the WMT10 translation shared task
  • Kurimo, M., Byrne, W., Dines, J., Garner, PN., Gibson, M., Guan, Y., Hirsimäki, T., Karhila, R., King, S., Liang, H., Oura, K., Saheer, L., Shannon, M., Shiota, S., Tian, J., Tokuda, K., Wester, M., Wu, YJ. and Yamagishi, J., 2010. Personalising speech-to-speech translation in the EMIME project ACL 2010 - 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Conference,
  • 2009

  • Brunning, JJJ., de Gispert, A. and Byrne, WJ., 2009. Context-dependent alignment models for statistical machine translation Human Language Technologies: the 2009 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics,
  • Iglesias, G., de Gispert, A. and Byrne, WJ., 2009. Hierarchical phrase-based translation with weighted finite state transducers Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: the 2009 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics,
  • de Gispert, A., Virpioja, S., Kurimo, M. and Byrne, WJ., 2009. Minimum Bayes risk combination of translation hypotheses from alternative morphological decompositions Human Language Technologies: the 2009 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics,
  • Iglesias, G., de Gispert, A., Banga, ER. and Byrne, WJ., 2009. Rule filtering by pattern for efficient hierarchical translation Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics,
  • Shannon, SM. and Byrne, WJ., 2009. Autoregressive HMMs for speech synthesis
  • 2008

  • Blackwood, GW., de Gispert, A., Brunning, JJJ. and Byrne, WJ., 2008. Large-scale statistical machine translation with weighted finite state transducers
  • Blackwood, GW., de Gispert, A., Brunning, JJJ. and Byrne, WJ., 2008. European language translation with weighted finite state transducers: the CUED MT system Proceedings of the ACL 2008 Third Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation,
  • Blackwood, GW., de Gispert, A. and Byrne, WJ., 2008. Phrasal segmentation models for statistical machine translation Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics, v. 1
  • 2007

  • Sim, KC., Byrne, WJ., Gales, MJF., Sahbi, H. and Woodland, PC., 2007. Consensus network decoding for statistical machine translation system combination IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, v. 4
  • Liu, XA., Byrne, WJ., Gales, MJF., De Gispert, A., Tomalin, M., Woodland, PC. and Yu, K., 2007. Discriminative language model adaptation for Mandarin broadcast speech transcription and translation 2007 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, ASRU 2007, Proceedings,
  • Liu, XA., Byrne, WJ., Gales, MJF., de Gispert, A., Tomalin, M., Woodland, PC. and Yu, K., 2007. Discriminative language model adaptation for Mandarin broadcast speech transcription and translation IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition & Understanding, 2007,
  • 2006

  • Byrne, W., 2006. Minimum Bayes risk estimation and decoding in large vocabulary continuous speech recognition Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP'06); Vol. 1,
  • Mathias, L. and Byrne, W., 2006. Statistical phrase-based speech translation IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, v. 1
  • 2005

  • Tsakalidis, S. and Byrne, WJ., 2005. Acoustic training from heterogeneous data sources: experiments in Mandarin conversational telephone speech transcription IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, v. 1
  • Venkataramani, V. and Byrne, WJ., 2005. Lattice segmentation and support vector machines for large vocabulary continuous speech recognition IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, v. 1
  • Deng, Y. and Byrne, WJ., 2005. HMM word and phrase alignment for statistical machine translation Proceedings of Human Language Technology Conference and Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (HLT-EMNLP'05),
  • Kumar, S. and Byrne, WJ., 2005. Local phrase reordering models for statistical machine translation Proceedings of Human Language Technology Conference and Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (HLT-EMNLP'05),
  • Psutka, J., Ircing, P., Psutka, JV., Hajic, J., Byrne, WJ. and Mirovsky, J., 2005. Automatic transcription of Czech, Russian, and Slovak spontaneous speech in the MALACH project Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Speech Communciation and Technology (EUROSPEECH/INTERSPEECH),
  • 2004

  • Psutka, J., Hajic, J. and Byrne, WJ., 2004. The development of ASR for Slavic languages in the MALACH project IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, v. 3
  • Psutka, J., Ircing, P., Hajic, J., Radova, V., Psutka, JV., Byrne, WJ. and Gustman, S., 2004. Issues in annotation of the Czech spontaneous speech corpus in the MALACH project Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, v. 2
  • Byrne, W., 2004. Minimum Bayes risk estimation and decoding in large vocabulary continuous speech recognition Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP'06); Vol. 1,
  • Doumpiotis, V. and Byrne, WJ., 2004. Pinched lattice minimum Bayes risk discriminative training for large vocabulary continuous speech recognition INTERSPEECH 2004: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP),
  • Kumar, S. and Byrne, WJ., 2004. Minimum Bayes-risk decoding for statistical machine translation Proceedings of the Human Language Technology Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (HLT-NAACL'04),
  • Shafran, I. and Byrne, WJ., 2004. Task-specific minimum Bayes-risk decoding using learned edit distance INTERSPEECH 2004: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP),
  • 2003

  • Gustman, S., Soergel, D., Oard, D., Byrne, W., Picheny, M., Ramabhadran, B. and Greenberg, D., 2003. Supposting access to large digital oral history archives Proceedings of the Second Acm/Ieee-Cs Joint Conference on Digital Libraries: Jcdl 2002,
  • Venkataramani, V., Chakrabartty, SA. and Byrne, WJ., 2003. Support vector machines for segmental minimum Bayes risk decoding of continuous speech Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding,
  • Doumpiotis, V., Tsakalidis, S. and Byrne, WJ., 2003. Lattice segmentation and minimum Bayes risk discriminative training Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology; EUROSPEECH'03; Vol. 3,
  • Psutka, J., Iljuchin, I., Ircing, P., Psutka, JV., Trejbal, V., Byrne, WJ., Hajic, J. and Gustman, S., 2003. Building LVCSR system for transcription of spontaneously pronounced Russian testimonies in the MALACH project: initial steps and first results Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD'03), v. 2807
  • Psutka, J., Ircing, P., Psutka, JV., Radova, V., Byrne, WJ., Hajic, J. and Gustman, S., 2003. Towards automatic transcription of spontaneous Czech speech in the MALACH project Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD'03), v. 2807
  • Psutka, J., Ircing, P., Psutka, JV., Radova, V., Byrne, WJ., Hajic, J., Mirovsky, J. and Gustman, S., 2003. Large vocabulary ASR for spontaneous Czech in the MALACH project Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology; EUROSPEECH'03; Vol. 3, v. 8
  • Byrne, W., Khudanpur, W., Kim, S., Kumar, S., Pecina, P., Virga, P., Xu, P. and Yarowsky, D., 2003. The John-Hopkins University 2003 Chinese-English machine translation system
  • Doumpiotis, V., Tsakalidis, S. and Byrne, WJ., 2003. Discriminative training for segmental minimum Bayes-risk decoding Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Conference on International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP); Vol. 1: Speech Processing, v. 1
  • Ikeno, A., Pellom, B., Cer, D., Thornton, A., Brenier, JM., Jurafsky, D., Ward, W. and Byrne, W., 2003. Issues in recognition of spanish-accented spontaneous english Proceedings of the ISCA & IEEE Workshop on Spontaneous Speech Processing and Recognition (SSPR-2003),
  • Kolak, O., Byrne, WJ. and Resnik, P., 2003. A generative probabilistic OCR model for NLP applications Proceedings of the 2003 Human Language Technology Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (HLT-NAACL'03),
  • Kumar, S. and Byrne, WJ., 2003. A weighted finite state transducer implementation of the alignment template model for statistical machine translation Proceedings of the 2003 Human Language Technology Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (HLT-NAACL'03),
  • Oard, D., Doermann, D., Dorr, B., He, D., Resnik, P., Weinberg, A., Byrne, WJ., Khudanpur, S., Yarowsky, D., Leuski, A., Koehn, P. and Knight, K., 2003. Desparately seeking Cebuano Proceedings of the 2003 Human Language Technology Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (HLT-NAACL'03),
  • 2002

  • Psutka, J., Ircing, P., Psutka, JV., Radova, V., Byrne, WJ., Hajic, J., Gustman, S. and Ramabhadran, B., 2002. Automatic transcription of Czech language oral history in the MALACH project: resources and initial experiments Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue Conference, v. 2448
  • Ward, W., Krech, H., Yu, X., Herold, K., Figgs, G., Ikeno, A., Jurafsky, D. and Byrne, WJ., 2002. Lexicon adaptation for LVCSR: speaker idiosyncracies, non-native speakers, and pronunciation choice
  • Kumar, S. and Byrne, WJ., 2002. Minimum Bayes-risk word alignments of bilingual texts Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing,
  • Kumar, S. and Byrne, WJ., 2002. Risk based lattice cutting for segmental minimum Bayes-risk decoding Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Spoken Language (INTERSPEECH 2002),
  • Tsakalidis, S., Doumpiotis, V. and Byrne, WJ., 2002. Discriminative linear transforms for feature normalization and speaker adaptation in HMM estimation Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Spoken Language (INTERSPEECH 2002),
  • Zheng, F., Song, Z., Fung, P. and Byrne, WJ., 2002. Reducing pronunciation lexicon confusion and using more data without phonetic transcription for pronunciation modeling Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Spoken Language (INTERSPEECH 2002),
  • Oard, DW., Demner Fushman, D., Hajic, J., Ramabhadran, B., Gustman, S., Byrne, WJ., Soergel, D., Dorr, B., Resnik, P. and Picheny, M., 2002. Automatic transcription of Czech language oral history in the MALACH project: resources and initial experiments Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue Conference, v. 2448
  • 2001

  • Byrne, WJ. and Venkataramani, V., 2001. MLLR adaptation techniques for pronunciation modeling Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding,
  • Goel, V., Kumar, S. and Byrne, WJ., 2001. Confidence based lattice segmentation and minimum Bayes-risk decoding Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, v. 4
  • Gunawardana, A. and Byrne, WJ., 2001. Discriminative speaker adaptation with conditional maximum likelihood linear regression Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, v. 2
  • Ircing, P., Krbec, P., Hajic, J., Psutka, J., Khudanpur, S., Jelinek, F. and Byrne, WJ., 2001. On large vocabulary continuous speech recognition of highly inflectional language - Czech Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, v. 1
  • Zheng, F., Song, Z., Fung, P. and Byrne, WJ., 2001. Modeling pronunciation variation using context-dependent weighting and B/S refined acoustic modeling Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology; Vol. 1,
  • Gunawardana, A. and Byrne, WJ., 2001. Convergence of DLLR rapid speaker adaptation algorithms Proceedings of the ISCA ITRW on Adaptation Methods for Speech Recognition,
  • 2000

  • Goel, V., Kumar, S. and Byrne, WJ., 2000. Segmental minimum Bayes-risk ASR voting strategies Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP 2000), v. 3
  • Li, A., Zheng, F., Byrne, WJ., Fung, P., Kamm, T., Liu, Y., Song, Z., Ruhi, U., Venkataramani, V. and Chen, XX., 2000. CASS: A phonetically transcribed corpus of Mandarin spontaneous speech Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP 2000), v. 1
  • Vergyri, D., Tsakalidis, S. and Byrne, WJ., 2000. Minimum risk acoustic clustering for multilingual acoustic model combination Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP 2000), v. 3
  • Gunawardana, A. and Byrne, WJ., 2000. Robust estimation for rapid adaptation using discounted likelihood techniques Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP); Vol 2; Signal Processing Theory and Methods II,
  • McDonough, J., Kumar, S. and Byrne, WJ., 2000. On the incremental addition of regression classes for speaker adaptation Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP); Vol 3; Speech processing II,
  • Byrne, W., Beyerlein, P., Huerta, S., Khudanpur, S., Marthi, B., Morgan, J., Peterek, J., Picone, J., Vergyri, D. and Wang, W., 2000. Towards language independent acoustic modelling Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding,
  • Byrne, WJ., Beyerlein, P., Huerta, J., Khudanpur, S., Marthi, B., Morgan, J., Peterek, N., Picone, J., Vergyri, D. and Wang, W., 2000. Towards language independent acoustic modeling IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, v. 2
  • 1999

  • Byrne, WJ. and Gunawardana, A., 1999. Discounted likelihood linear regression for rapid adaptation Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH'99),
  • Goel, V. and Byrne, WJ., 1999. Task dependent loss functions in speech recognition: A-star search over recognition lattices Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH'99),
  • McDonough, J. and Byrne, WJ., 1999. Single-pass adapted training with all-pass transforms Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH'99),
  • McDonough, JW. and Byrne, WJ., 1999. Speaker adaptation with all-pass transforms Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), v. 2
  • Byrne, W., Finke, M., Khunanpur, S., McDonough, J., Nock, H., Riley, M., Saraclar, M., Wooters, C. and Zavaliagkos, G., 1999. Pronunciation modelling using a hand-labelled corpus for conversational speech recognition Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP '98, v. 1
  • Byrne, W. and Gunawardana, A., 1999. Convergence of EM variants Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding,
  • Byrne, WJ., Hajič, J., Ircing, P., Jelinek, S., Khudanpur, S., McDonough, J., Peterek, N. and Psutka, J., 1999. Large vocabulary speech recognition for read and broadcast Czech Text, Speech and Dialogue: 2nd International Workshop TSD’99,,
  • Goel, V. and Byrne, WJ., 1999. Task dependent loss functions in speech recognition: application to named entity extraction Proceedings of the ESCA ETRW Workshop on Accessing Information in Spoken Audio,
  • 1998

  • McDonough, J., Byrne, WJ. and Luo, X., 1998. Speaker normalization with all-pass transforms Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP'98),
  • Byrne, W., Khudanpur, S., Knodt, E. and Bernstein, J., 1998. Is automatic speech recognition ready for non-native speech? A data collection effort and initial experiments in modelling conversational Hispanic English Royal Institute of Technology Speech Music and Hearing, v. 1998
  • Goel, V., Byrne, WJ. and Khudanpur, S., 1998. LVCSR rescoring with modified loss functions: a decision theoretic perspective Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP); Vol 1; Speech Processing I,
  • Byrne, W., Finke, M., Khunanpur, S., Ljolje, A., McDonough, J., Nock, H., Riley, M., Saraclar, M., Wooters, C. and Zavaliagkos, G., 1998. Pronunciation modelling using a hand-labelled corpus for conversational speech recognition Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP '98, v. 1
  • 1997

  • Byrne, WJ., Finke, M., Khudanpur, S., McDonough, J., Nock, H., Riley, M., Saraclar, M., Wooters, C. and Zavaliagkos, G., 1997. Pronunciation modelling for conversational speech recognition: a status report from WS97 Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding,
  • 1996

  • Byrne, WJ., 1996. Information geometry and maximum likelihood criteria Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, v. 30
  • 1985

  • Byrne, WJ., Robinson, J. and Shamma, S., 1985. The auditory processing and recognition of speech Proceedings of the Speech and Natural Language Workshop,
  • Byrne, WJ., Zapp, R., Flynn, P. and Siegel, M., 1985. Adaptive filtering in microwave remote heart monitors The Inference Group Website, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University,
  • Datasets

    2018 (No publication date)

  • Hasler, E., de, GA., Stahlberg, F., Waite, A. and Byrne, B., 2018 (No publication date). Research data supporting “Source Sentence Simplification for Statistical Machine Translation”
  • Journal articles

    2016 (Accepted for publication)

  • Hasler, EC., de Gispert, A., Stahlberg, F., Waite, A. and Byrne, WJ., 2016 (Accepted for publication). Source sentence simplification for statistical machine translation Computer Speech & Language, v. 45
  • 2014

  • Allauzen, C., Byrne, B., de Gispert, A., Iglesias, G. and Riley, M., 2014. Pushdown automata in statistical machine translation Computational Linguistics, v. 40
  • 2013

  • Shannon, M., Zen, H. and Byrne, W., 2013. Autoregressive Models for Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, IEEE Transactions on, v. 21
  • De Gispert, A., Blackwood, G., Iglesias, G. and Byrne, W., 2013. N-gram posterior probability confidence measures for statistical machine translation: An empirical study Machine Translation, v. 27
  • 2012

  • Pino, J., Waite, A. and Byrne, W., 2012. Simple and Efficient Model Filtering in Statistical Machine Translation The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, v. 98
    Doi: 10.2478/v10108-012-0005-x
  • 2011

  • Dines, J., Liang, H., Saheer, L., Gibson, M., Byrne, W., Oura, K., Tokuda, K., Yamagishi, J., King, S., Wester, M., Hirsimäki, T., Karhila, R. and Kurimo, M., 2011. Personalising speech-to-speech translation: Unsupervised cross-lingual speaker adaptation for HMM-based speech synthesis Computer Speech and Language,
  • Gibson, M. and Byrne, W., 2011. Unsupervised intra-lingual and cross-lingual speaker adaptation for HMM-based speech synthesis using two-pass decision tree construction IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, v. 19
  • Dines, J., Liang, H., Saheer, L., Gibson, M., Byrne, W., Oura, K., Tokuda, K., Yamagishi, J., King, S., Wester, M., Hirsimaki, T., Karhila, R. and Kurimo, M., 2011. Personalising speech-to-speech translation: Unsupervised cross-lingual speaker adaptation for HMM-based speech synthesis Computer Speech and Language,
  • 2010

  • de Gispert, A., Iglesias, G., Blackwood, GW., Banga, ER. and Byrne, WJ., 2010. Hierarchical phrase-based translation with weighted finite state transducers and shallow-N grammars Computational Linguistics, v. 36
  • 2008

  • Deng, Y. and Byrne, WJ., 2008. HMM word and phrase alignment for statistical machine translation IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, v. 16
  • 2007

  • Deng, Y., Kumar, S. and Byrne, W., 2007. Segmentation and alignment of parralel text for statistical machine translation Natural Language Engineering, v. 13
  • Venkataramani, V., Chakrabartty, S. and Byrne, WJ., 2007. Ginisupport vector machines for segmental minimum Bayes risk decoding of continuous speech Computer Speech and Language, v. 21
  • 2006

  • Kumar, S., Deng, Y. and Byrne, WJ., 2006. A weighted finite state transducer translation template model for statistical machine translation Journal of Natural Language Engineering, v. 12
  • Doumpiotis, V. and Byrne, WJ., 2006. Lattice segmentation and minimum Bayes risk discriminative training for large vocabulary continuous speech recognition Speech Communication, v. 48
  • Li, J., Zheng, F., Byrne, WJ. and Jurafsky, D., 2006. A dialectal Chinese speech recognition framework Journal of Computer Science and Technology, v. 21
  • Li, J., Zheng, TF., Byrne, W. and Jurafsky, D., 2006. A dialectal Chinese speech recognition framework Journal of Computer Science and Technology, v. 21
  • Byrne, W., 2006. Minimum Bayes Risk Estimation and Decoding in Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition Proceedings of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers, Japan – Special Section on Statistical Modeling for Speech Processing, v. E89-D
  • 2005

  • Gunawardana, A. and Byrne, WJ., 2005. Convergence theorems for generalized alternating minimization procedures Journal of Machine Learning Research, v. 6
  • Tsakalidis, S., Doumpiotis, V. and Byrne, WJ., 2005. Discriminative linear transforms for feature normalization and speaker adaptation in HMM estimation IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, v. 1310
  • 2004

  • Byrne, WJ., Doermann, D., Franz, M., Gustman, S., Hajic, J., Oard, D., Picheny, M., Psutka, J., Ramabhadran, B., Soergel, D., Ward, T. and Wei Jing, Z., 2004. Automatic recognition of spontaneous speech for access to multilingual oral history archives IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, v. 12
  • Goel, V., Kumar, S. and Byrne, WJ., 2004. Segmental minimum Bayes-risk decoding for automatic speech recognition IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, v. 12
  • 2002

  • Zheng, F., Song, Z., Fung, P. and Byrne, WJ., 2002. Mandarin pronunciation modeling based on CASS corpus Journal of Computer Science and Technology, v. 17
  • 2001

  • Gunawardana, A. and Byrne, WJ., 2001. Discounted likelihood linear regression for rapid speaker adaptation Computer Speech and Language, v. 15
  • 2000

  • Byrne, WJ. and Gabai, A., 2000. Comments on "Efficient training algorithms for HMM's using incremental estimation" IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, v. 8
  • Goel, V. and Byrne, WJ., 2000. Minimum Bayes-risk automatic speech recognition Computer Speech and Language, v. 14
  • 1999

  • Riley, M., Byrne, W., Finke, M., Khudanpur, S., Ljolje, A., McDonough, J., Nock, H., Saraclar, M., Wooters, C. and Zavaliagkos, G., 1999. Stochastic pronunciation modelling from hand-labelled phonetic corpora Speech Communication, v. 29
  • 1994

  • Young, SJ., Woodland, PC. and Byrne, WJ., 1994. Spontaneous speech recognition for the credit card corpus using the HTK toolkit IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, v. 2
  • 1992

  • Byrne, WJ., 1992. Alternating minimization and Boltzmann machine learning IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, v. 3
  • 1986

  • Byrne, WJ., Zapp, R., Flynn, P. and Siegel, M., 1986. Adaptive filter processing in microwave remote heart monitors IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, v. 33
  • Book chapters


  • Kurimo, M., Virpioja, S., Turunen, VT., Blackwood, GW. and Byrne, WJ., 2010. Overview and results of Morpho Challenge 2009
  • 2003

  • Goel, V. and Byrne, WJ., 2003. Minimum Bayes-risk automatic speech recognition
  • 1997

  • Byrne, W. and Sharma, S., 1997. Neurocontrol in sequence recognition
  • Reports


  • Venkataramani, V. and Byrne, WJ., 2006. Sub-problem selection for acoustic code-breaking
  • Other publications


  • Young, SJ., Woodland, PC. and Byrne, WJ., 1993. HTK V1.5: User, Reference and Programmer Manuals

  • What we do

    Cambridge Language Sciences is an Interdisciplinary Research Centre at the University of Cambridge. Our virtual network connects researchers from five schools across the university as well as other world-leading research institutions. Our aim is to strengthen research collaborations and knowledge transfer across disciplines in order to address large-scale multi-disciplinary research challenges relating to language research.