Wright, LC., 2017. On Non-integrated Vocabulary in the Mixed-language Accounts of St Paul’s Cathedral, 1315–1405
Wright, L., 2017. Language Contact
Wright, L., 2017. <i>Kiss Me Quick</i>: On the Naming of Commodities in Britain, 1650 to the First World War
2016 (No publication date)
2016 (No publication date). Laura Wright (University of Cambridge): The Hammond Scribe: His Dialect, His Paper, and Folios 133-155 of Trinity College Cambridge MS 0.3.11
Doi: 10.3726/978-3-653-02178-3/17
Wright, L., 2015. Some early creole-like data from slave speakers
Wright, L., 2015. On Medieval Wills and the Rise of Written Monolingual English
Wright, L., 2015. Some Early Creole-Like Data from Slave Speakers: The Island of St. Helena, 1695-1711
Wright, LC., 2013. The Language of Slaves on the Island of St. Helena, South Atlantic, 1682-1724
Wright, L., 2013. On Historical Dictionaries and Language Boundaries: Evidence from Medieval Mixed-Language Business Writing
2012 (No publication date)
Wright, LC., 2012 (No publication date). The Hammond scribe: his dialect, his paper, and folios 133-155 of Trinity College Cambridge, MS 0.3.11
Wright, LC., 2012. Early Modern English Language Contact
Wright, LC., 2012. Mixed-Language Accounts as Sources for Linguistic Analysis
Wright, L., 2012. On variation and change in London medieval mixed-language business documents
Doi: 10.1075/cilt.321.06wri
Wright, LC., 2011. The language of the medieval Bridge House Estate archive
Schendl, H. and Wright, L., 2011. Introduction
Schendl, H. and Wright, L., 2011. Code-switching in early English: Historical background and methodological and theoretical issues
Wright, LC., 2010. Eighteenth-Century London Non-Standard Spellings as Evidenced by Servants’, Tradesmen’s and Shopkeepers’ Bills
Wright, LC., 2010. A pilot study on the singular definite articles le and la in fifteenth-century London mixed-language business writing
Wright, LC. and Schreier, D., 2010. Earliest St Helenian English in writing: Evidence from the St Helena Consultations (1682-1723)
Wright, LC., 2009. Reading Late Eighteenth-Century Want Ads
Wright, LC., 2008. A City, its River and their Languages: London to 1550
Wright, LC., 2008. London speech: stasis and innovation
Wright, LC., 2008. Social attitudes towards Londoners’ front-glide insertion after velar consonants and before front vowels
Wright, LC., 2007. On some Middle English Colour Terms, including pink
Wright, LC., 2007. The Languages of Medieval Britain
Wright, LC., 2007. On the Pragmatics of [had like(d) to have + V] in Early and Late Modern English
Wright, LC., 2006. On the Global Dissemination of Medical Writing: Medicines Required by a Sea-surgeon in 1715
Wright, LC., 2006. Speaking and Listening in Early Modern London
Wright, LC., 2005. Medieval Mixed-Language Business Texts and the Rise of Standard English
Wright, LC., 2005. The Space of English: Geographic Space, Temporal Space, and Social Space
Wright, LC., 2004. The language of transported Londoners: third-person-singular present-tense markers in depositions from Virginia and the Bermudas, 1607-1624
Wright, LC., 2004. Life after degrammaticalisation: plural be
Wright, LC., 2003. Eight Grammatical Features of Southern United States Speech present in Early Modern London Prison Narratives
Wright, LC., 2002. Standard English and the Lexicon: why so many different spellings
Wright, LC., 2002. Linguistics and Postcolonial Literature: Englishes in the Classroom
Wright, LC., 2001. The role of international and national trade in the standardisatin of English
Wright, LC., 2001. Models of language mixing: Code-switching versus semicommunication in medieval Latin and Middle English accounts
Wright, LC., 2001. Some Morphological Features of the Norfolk Guild Certificates of 1388/9: an exercise in variation
Wright, LC., 2000. Bills, accounts, inventories: everyday trilingual activities in the business world of later medieval England
Wright, LC., 2000. On the construction of some Early Modern English courtroom narratives
Wright, LC., 1999. Middle English Variation: the London English Guild Certificates of 1388/9
Wright, LC., 1999. Doing the Unexpected: Syntax and Style in Raymond Chandler’s Fiction
Wright, LC., 1998. Mixed-language Business Writing: Five Hundred Years of Code switching
Wright, LC., 1997. The Concept of the Macrosyntagm in Early Modern English Prison Narratives
Wright, LC., 1997. Medieval Latin, Anglo-Norman and Middle English in a Civic London Text: An Inquisition of the River Thames, 1421
Wright, LC., 1996. About the Evolution of Standard English
Wright, LC., 1995. Middle English -ende and -ing: a possible route to grammaticalization
Wright, LC., 1995. A Hypothesis on the Structure of Macaronic Business Writing
Wright, LC., 1995. Trade between England and the Low Countries: Evidence from Historical Linguistics
Wright, LC., 1994. On the Writing of the History of Standard English
Wright, LC., 1994. Early Modern London Business English
Wright, LC., 1992. Macaronic writing in a London archive, 1380–1480