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Cambridge Language Sciences

Interdisciplinary Research Centre


My research interests include the comparative history and morphosyntax of the Romance languages, Italian dialectology, Latin, Italo-Greek, syntactic theory, and linguistic change. My research is channelled towards bringing together traditional Romance philological scholarship with the insights of recent generative syntactic theory, and I have worked and published extensively on such topics as complementation, complementizer systems, auxiliary selection and split intransitivity, word order, configurationality, alignments, cliticization, clause structure, functional categories, verb movement, adjectival positions, agreement, negation, subjects, causatives, voice distinctions, finiteness, imperatives, the development of demonstrative and deictic systems, grammaticalisation, parameters, and language contact.



Key publications: 

Ledgeway, A. (2000). A comparative syntax of the dialects of southern Italy: a minimalist approach. Oxford, Blackwell.

Ledgeway, A. (2009). Grammatica diacronica del napoletano (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie Band 350). Tübingen, Max Niemeyer Verlag.
Ledgeway, A. (2010). Syntactic variation: The dialects of Italy. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press (with Roberta D’Alessandro and Ian Roberts).
Ledgeway, A. (2011). The Cambridge history of the Romance languages. Vol. 1: Structures. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press (with Martin Maiden and John Charles Smith).
Ledgeway, A. (2012). From Latin to Romance. Morphosyntactic typology and change. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Publications (from Symplectic)

Book chapters


  • Ledgeway, A., 2025. Configurationality: Changing patterns of morphology and syntax
  • Ledgeway, A., Norma, S. and Giuseppina, S., 2025. When Greek meets Romance: Processes of Hellenization and Romanicization in southern Italy
  • Ledgeway, A. and Martin, M., 2025. “Defining ‘Italian”’: The dialect background and Italian as an Italian dialect
  • Ledgeway, A., 2025. Verbal group
  • Ledgeway, A. and Norma, S., 2025. Jespersen’s Cycle: The view from Cartography
  • 2024

  • Ledgeway, A., 2024. Change: Comparative syntax and diachrony
  • Ledgeway, A., 2024. Southern Italian dialects
  • Ledgeway, A., 2024. The old French case system: Three Franco-Italian case studies
  • 2023

  • Ledgeway, A., 2023. The Romance personal infinitive revisited: verb movement and subject positions
    Doi: 10.14220/9783737015530.35
  • Ledgeway, A., 2023. Teaching Italian Dialectology: Practical and Theoretical Considerations
    Doi: 10.17863/CAM.102017
  • Ledgeway, A. and Schifano, N., 2023. Jespersen: ¿un ciclo que no vuelve a empezar?
  • Ledgeway, A., Dufter, A., Dragomirescu, A. and Herrero Ruiz de Loizaga, F., 2023. Introducción Sección 4: Morfosintaxis y prágmatica
  • Ledgeway, A., 2023. Parametric variation in differential object marking in Italo-Romance
    Doi: 10.1075/la.280.11led
  • Ledgeway, A., 2023. La distribuzione dell’accusativo preposizionale nei dialetti d’Italia
  • Bonan, C. and Ledgeway, A., 2023. It-clefts: State-of-the-art, and some empirical challenges
  • 2022 (Accepted for publication)

  • Ledgeway, AN. and Roberts, I., 2022 (Accepted for publication). The Verb Phrase
  • 2022

  • Ledgeway, A., Charles Smith, J. and Vincent, N., 2022. Maiden, morphology, and more
  • Ledgeway, A., 2022. Disentangling parameters: Romance differential object marking and the distribution of head and edge features
  • Ledgeway, A. and Vincent, N., 2022. Periphrasis and inflexion: lessons from Romance
  • Ledgeway, A. and Vincent, N., 2022. Periphrasis and inflexion: Lessons from Romance
  • Ledgeway, A. and Maiden, M., 2022. Data, Theory, and Explanation: The View from Romance
    Doi: 10.1017/9781108580410.001
  • 2021

  • Ledgeway, A., 2021. The syntactic distribution of raddoppiamento fonosinttatico in Cosentino
    Doi: 10.1075/cilt.355.11led
  • 2021. Differential Object Marking in Romance
  • Ledgeway, AN., 2021. Indirect Object Want-Passives in Southern Italy
    Doi: 10.1163/9789004433427_006
  • Ledgeway, A., 2021. The syntactic distribution of raddoppiamento fonosinttatico in Cosentino
  • Ledgeway, AN., 2021. Passive periphrases in Romance languages
  • Ledgeway, A., Schifano, N. and Silvestri, G., 2021. I costrutti causativi nella varietà romanze e greche della Calabria meridionale
  • 2020

  • Ledgeway, A., 2020. Variation in the Gallo-Romance left-periphery: V2, complementizers, and the Gascon enunciative system
  • Ledgeway, A. and Maiden, M., 2020. Series preface
  • Ledgeway, A. and Schifano, N., 2020. Parametric variation
  • Ledgeway, AN. and Mavrogiorgos, M., 2020. Non-verbal predication and be-clitics in Aromanian
    Doi: 10.1075/rllt.15.17mav
  • Ledgeway, AN., 2020. Rethinking microvariation in Romance demonstrative systems
    Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4280667
  • Ledgeway, AN., Schifano, N. and Silvestri, G., 2020. Variazione nella codifica degli argomenti verbali nelle varietà romanze e greche della Calabria meridionale: “dativo greco” e marca differenziale dell’oggetto diretto
  • Ledgeway, AN., Schifano, N. and Silvestri, G., 2020. Microvariation in dative-marking in the Romance and Greek varieties of southern Italy
    Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3776557
  • Ledgeway, A., 2020. The causative construction in the dialects of southern Italy and the phonology-syntax interface
  • Ledgeway, AN. and Cappellaro, C., 2020. Morphology of determiners in the Romance languages
  • Ledgeway, A., 2020. The causative construction in the dialects of southern Italy and the phonology-syntax interface
    Doi: 10.1515/9781501505201-021
  • 2019 (Published online)

  • Ledgeway, AN., 2019 (Published online). Parameters and deixis: Modelling microvariation in Romance locative adverb systems
    Doi: 10.3726/b15904
  • 2019 (No publication date)

  • Ledgeway, A., Schifano, N. and Silvestri, G., 2019 (No publication date). I costrutti causativi nella varietà romanze e greche della Calabria meridionale
  • 2019

  • Ledgeway, AN. and Silvestri, G., 2019. L’accordo degli avverbi aggettivali e del participio passato nei dialetti meridionali
  • Mavrogiorgos, M. and Ledgeway, A., 2019. Chapter 17. Non-verbal predication and clitics in Aromanian
  • Ledgeway, AN., 2019. Parameters in the development of Romance perfective auxiliary selection
    Doi: 10.1075/cilt.348.17led
  • Ledgeway, A., 2019. Chapter 17. Parameters in the development of Romance perfective auxiliary selection
    Doi: 10.1075/cilt.348.17led
  • Cruschina, S., Ledgeway, A. and Remberger, E-M., 2019. The dialects of Italy at the interfaces
  • Ledgeway, A., Cruschina, S. and Remberger, E-M., 2019. The dialects of Italy at the interfaces: Introduction
  • 2018 (Published online)

  • Ledgeway, AN., 2018 (Published online). Phonological correlates of syntactic structure: The distribution of raddoppiamento fonosintattico in Calabrian
  • Ledgeway, AN., 2018 (Published online). On the decline of edge-fronting from Latin to Romance
    Doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198747307.003.0014
  • 2018

  • Radcliffe, SA., 2018. Introduction
  • Ledgeway, AN., 2018. Romanian Clitic Placement: Parallels in Clausal and Nominal Structures
  • 2017

  • Ledgeway, AN., 2017. The Romanian definite article in a comparative Romance perspective
  • Narrog, H. and Heine, B., 2017. Grammaticalization
    Doi: 10.1017/9781107279070.002
  • Ledgeway, A. and Roberts, I., 2017. Principles and parameters
  • Ledgeway, AN., 2017. Syntheticity and Analyticity
    Doi: 10.1515/9783110377088-023
  • Ledgeway, A., 2017. Parameters in Romance Adverb Agreement
  • Ledgeway, A., 2017. Syntheticity and Analyticity
  • Roberts, I., 2017. Inertia
  • Ledgeway, A., 2017. Parameters in Romance adverb agreement
    Doi: 10.1075/la.242.03led
  • Ledgeway, A. and Roberts, I., 2017. Introduction
  • Ledgeway, A. and Roberts, I., 2017. Introduction
  • 2016 (Published online)

  • Ledgeway, AN., Cennamo, M. and Mensching, G., 2016 (Published online). Présentation: Section 4 - Syntaxe
    Doi: 10.17863/CAM.102077
  • 2016

  • Ledgeway, AN., 2016. From Coordination to Subordination: The Grammaticalisation of Progressive and Andative Aspect in the dialects of Salento
  • Ledgeway, A., 2016. The dialects of southern Italy
    Doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199677108.003.0016
  • Ledgeway, AN., Cennamo, M. and Mensching, G., 2016. Présentation
  • Ledgeway, AN., 2016. Grammatiche diacroniche e teoria linguistica
  • Ledgeway, A., 2016. Functional categories
    Doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199677108.003.0046
  • Ledgeway, A., 2016. Clausal complementation
    Doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199677108.003.0063
  • Cruschina, S. and Ledgeway, A., 2016. The structure of the clause
    Doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199677108.003.0031
  • Ledgeway, A. and Smith, JC., 2016. Deixis
    Doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199677108.003.0054
  • Ledgeway, A., 2016. Italian, Tuscan, and Corsican
    Doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199677108.003.0014
  • Ledgeway, A., 2016. Marking presuppositional negation in the dialects of southern Italy
    Doi: 10.14220/9783737005609.105
  • 2015 (Published online)

  • Ledgeway, A., 2015 (Published online). Actes du XXVIIe Congrès international de linguistique et de philologie romanes (Nancy, 15–20 juillet 2013). Section 4: Syntaxe.
  • 2015

  • Ledgeway, AN., 2015. Reconstructing complementiser-drop in the dialects of the Salento: A syntactic or phonological phenomenon?
    Doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199687923.003.0009
  • Ledgeway, A., 2015. 4.1 Varieties in Italy 1
    Doi: 10.1515/9783110317732-007
  • Ledgeway, A., 2015. Varieties in Italy
  • Ledgeway, A. and Bentley, D., 2015. Autour de la question des participes résultatifs-statifs dans les variétés romanes
  • 2014

  • Ledgeway, AN. and Lombardi, A., 2014. The development of the southern subjunctive: morphological loss and syntactic gain
    Doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198701781.003.0002
  • Ledgeway, A., 2014. Il costrutto causativo meridionale: Un caso di destrutturazione
  • Ledgeway, AN., 2014. Romance Auxiliary Selection in Light of Romanian Evidence
  • Ledgeway, AN., 2014. Parametrului poziţiei centrului şi efectele sale pragmatice în trecerea de la latină la limbile romance
  • 2013

  • 2013. Introduction
    Doi: 10.1017/cho9781139019996.001
  • 2012 (No publication date)

  • Ledgeway, AN., 2012 (No publication date). From Latin to Romance syntax: the great leap
  • Ledgeway, AN., 2012 (No publication date). Avé(re) and esse(re) alternation in Neapolitan
  • Ledgeway, AN. and Lepschy, AL., 2012 (No publication date). Introduzione
  • 2012

  • Ledgeway, AN., 2012. La sopravvivenza del sistema dei doppi complementatori nei dialetti meridionali.
  • Ledgeway, A., 2012. From Latin to Romance: introduction
    Doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199584376.003.0009
  • Ledgeway, A., 2012. Syntheticity and analyticity
    Doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199584376.003.0002
  • Ledgeway, A., 2012. Configurationality and the rise of constituent structure
    Doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199584376.003.0003
  • Ledgeway, A., 2012. From Latin to Romance: a configurational approach
    Doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199584376.003.0005
  • Ledgeway, A., 2012. Configurationality and the rise of functional structure
    Doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199584376.003.0004
  • Ledgeway, A., 2012. Head‐marking and dependent‐marking
    Doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199584376.003.0006
  • Ledgeway, A., 2012. The rise and fall of alignments
    Doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199584376.003.0007
  • Ledgeway, AN. and Lepschy, AL., 2012. Introduzione
  • Ledgeway, AN. and Lepschy, AL., 2012. Interview with the Mingalone Family of Bedford
  • 2011

  • Ledgeway, AN., 2011. Morphosyntactic Typology and Change.
  • Ledgeway, AN., 2011. Subject licensing in CP: The Neapolitan double-subject construction.
  • Ledgeway, AN., 2011. Grammaticalization from Latin to Romance.
  • Ledgeway, AN., Maiden, M. and Smith, JC., 2011. Introduction.
  • Alexander, K. and Moloney, N., 2011. Introduction
  • Ledgeway, AN., 2011. Il ruolo del dialetto nell’apprendimento dell’italiano L2: alcuni esempi napoletani
  • 2010

  • Ledgeway, A., 2010. Syntactic and morphosyntactic typology and change
  • Ledgeway, AN., 2010. Lingua italiana in bocca calabra: Italian in Calabria.
  • 2010. <i>Introduction</i>
    Doi: 10.1017/chol9780521800723.002
  • Ledgeway, AN., 2010. The Cambridge History of the Romance Languages
  • 2010. <i>Notes</i>
    Doi: 10.1017/chol9780521800723.017
  • 2010. <i>References and bibliographical abbreviations</i>
    Doi: 10.1017/chol9780521800723.018
  • Ledgeway, AN. and Lepschy, AL., 2010. Introduzione
  • 2009

  • Ledgeway, AN., 2009. The clausal domain: CP structure and the left periphery.
  • Ledgeway, AN., 2009. Aspetti della sintassi della periferia sinistra del cosentino.
  • Ledgeway, AN., D'Alessandro, R. and Roberts, I., 2009. Syntactic variation and the dialects of Italy: an overview
  • Ledgeway, AN. and D'Alessandro, R., 2009. The Abruzzese T-v system: feature spreading and the double auxiliary construction.
  • 2008

  • Ledgeway, AN., 2008. Understanding dialect: Some Neapolitan examples.
  • 2007

  • Ledgeway, AN., 2007. Diachrony and finiteness: subordination in the dialects of southern Italy
  • Ledgeway, AN., 2007. La posizione dell’aggettivo nella storia del napoletano
  • Ledgeway, AN., 2007. Old Neapolitan word order: some initial observations
  • 2006

  • Ledgeway, AN., 2006. The dual complementiser system in southern Italy: spirito greco, materia romanza?
  • 2003

  • Ledgeway, AN., 2003. Linguistic theory and the mysteries of Italian dialects
  • Books


  • 2025. The Oxford Handbook of the Italian Language
  • 2023 (Published online)

  • 2023 (Published online). Formal Studies in Romance Balkan Languages
  • 2023

  • Bonan, C. and Ledgeway, A., 2023. It-clefts: Empirical and theoretical surveys and advances
  • 2022

  • Ledgeway, A., Charles Smith, J. and Vincent, N., 2022. Periphrasis and Inflexion in Diachrony: A View from Romance
  • Ledgeway, A. and Maiden, M., 2022. The Cambridge Handbook of Romance Linguistics
  • Ledgeway, A. and Roberts, I., 2022. Series preface
  • Ledgeway, A. and Roberts, I., 2022. Series preface
  • 2020 (No publication date)

  • Roberts, I., Ledgeway, A., Andriani, L., Slvestri, G., Groothuis, K., Scheer, T., Calabrese, A., Gianollo, C., Dragomirescu, A., Nicolae, A., Sheehan, M., Ángel, G. and Ségéral, P., 2020 (No publication date). Probus
  • 2019

  • Cruschina, S., Ledgeway, A. and Remberger, E-M., 2019. Italian Dialectology at the Interfaces
  • 2018

  • Ledgeway, A. and Roberts, I., 2018. Series preface
  • Ledgeway, A. and Roberts, I., 2018. Series preface
  • Ledgeway, A. and Roberts, I., 2018. Series preface
  • 2017

  • Ledgeway, A. and Roberts, I., 2017. The Cambridge handbook of historical syntax
  • Ledgeway, AN., 2017. De la latină la limbile romanice. Schimbare morfosintactică și tipologică
  • Ledgeway, A. and Roberts, I., 2017. The Cambridge Handbook of Historical Syntax
  • 2016 (Published online)

  • Mensching, G. and Cennamo, M., 2016 (Published online). 979-10-91460-20-0
  • 2016

  • 2016. The Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages
  • 2015

  • Ledgeway, A., 2015. From Latin to Romance: Morphosyntactic Typology and Change
  • 2014

  • Ledgeway, A., 2014. Approcci diversi alla dialettologia italiana contemporanea. Special issue of L’Italia dialettale 75
  • 2012 (No publication date)

  • Ledgeway, AN., Benincà, P. and Vincent, NB., 2012 (No publication date). Diachrony and dialects. Grammatical change in the dialects of Italy.
  • Ledgeway, AN., Maiden, M. and Smith, JC., 2012 (No publication date). The Cambridge history of the Romance languages. Vol. 2: Contexts
  • 2012

  • Ledgeway, AN., 2012. Le comunità immigranti nel Regno Unito: Il caso di Bedford.
  • 2011

  • Maiden, M., Smith, JC. and Ledgeway, A., 2011. The Cambridge History of the Romance Languages. Volume 1: Structures.
  • 2010

  • Ledgeway, AN., D'Alessandro, R. and Roberts, I., 2010. Syntactic variation: The dialects of Italy
  • Ledgeway, AN. and Lepschy, AL., 2010. In and out of Italy: lingua e cultura della migrazione italiana.
  • Ledgeway, A. and Lepschy, AL., 2010. Into and out of Italy. Lingua e cultura della migrazione italiana.
  • 2009

  • Ledgeway, AN., D'Alessandro, R. and Roberts, I., 2009. Syntactic variation. The dialects of Italy.
  • Ledgeway, A., 2009. Grammatica diacronica del napoletano
  • 2008

  • Ledgeway, A. and Lepschy, AL., 2008. Didattica della lingua italiana. Testo e contesto.
  • Ledgeway, AN. and Lepschy, AL., 2008. Didattica della lingua italiana: Testo e contesto
  • 2007

  • Ledgeway, AN. and Bentley, D., 2007. Sui dialetti italoromanzi. Saggi in onore di Nigel B. Vincent.
  • Ledgeway, AN. and Bentley, D., 2007. Sui dialetti italoromanzi. Saggi in onore di Nigel B. Vincent (the Italianist 27, Special supplement 1).
  • 2000

  • Ledgeway, AN., 2000. A comparative syntax of the dialects of southern Italy: a minimalist approach
  • Journal articles

    2024 (Published online)

  • Ledgeway, A., 2024 (Published online). Introduction: Balkan Romance within the Balkan Sprachbund Languages,
  • 2024

  • Costea, Ș. and Ledgeway, A., 2024. Exploring Microvariation in Verb-Movement Parameters within Daco-Romanian and across Daco-Romance Languages, v. 9
  • 2023 (Published online)

  • Ledgeway, A., Schifano, N. and Silvestri, G., 2023 (Published online). Il ruolo del contatto nell’aspetto perfettivo in griko: forme sintetiche ed analitiche in competizione
    Doi: 10.36253/979-12-215-0184-1.18
  • 2023 (Accepted for publication)

  • Ledgeway, A., 2023 (Accepted for publication). Aspectual and irrealis marking: the distribution of the Wallon temps surcomposés Quaderni di Lavoro ASIt,
  • Ledgeway, A., Schifano, N. and Silvestri, G., 2023 (Accepted for publication). Structural convergence in finite and infinitival complementation patterns under Salentino-Griko contact L’Italia dialettale,
  • 2023

    Doi: 10.7203/Caplletra.74.26041
  • Ledgeway, A. and Schifano, N., 2023. Negation and Verb-Movement in Romance: New Perspectives on Jespersen's Cycle Probus, v. 35
    Doi: 10.1515/probus-2022-0016
  • 2022 (Accepted for publication)

  • Ledgeway, A., 2022 (Accepted for publication). Residues and Extensions of Perfective Auxiliary BE: Modal Conditioning Languages, v. 7
  • Ledgeway, A., 2022 (Accepted for publication). The final stronghold of the infinitive: (Silent) modals in Romanian and southern Italy Revue Roumaine de Linguistique,
    Doi: 10.59277/RRL.2023.1-2.02
  • 2021 (Accepted for publication)

  • Ledgeway, A., 2021 (Accepted for publication). Coming and going: Calabrian asyndetic complementation Revue Roumaine de Linguistique,
  • 2021

  • Ledgeway, A., 2021. V2 beyond borders: The histoire ancienne jusqu’a cÉsar Journal of Historical Syntax, v. 5
  • 2020 (Accepted for publication)

  • Ledgeway, A. and Roberts, IG., 2020 (Accepted for publication). Introduction Probus,
  • Ledgeway, A., Schifano, N. and Silvestri, G., 2020 (Accepted for publication). I POSSESSIVI IN ITALO-GRECO E ITALO-ROMANZO: PARALLELI STRUTTURALI IN UN’AREA DI CONTATTO Archivio Glottologico Italiano,
  • Ledgeway, A., Schifano, N. and Silvestri, G., 2020 (Accepted for publication). The negative imperative in southern Calabria. Spirito greco, materia romanza again? Journal of Language Contact: evolution of languages, contact and discourse,
  • 2020

  • Ledgeway, A. and Roberts, I., 2020. Introduction Probus, v. 32
  • Ledgeway, A. and Roberts, I., 2020. Historical Romance Linguistics [Special Issue] Probus: International Journal of Latin and Romance Linguistics, v. 32
  • Ledgeway, A., Schifano, N. and Silvestri, G., 2020. Changing alignments in the Greek of southern Italy Journal of Greek Linguistics, v. 20
  • 2019 (Accepted for publication)

  • Ledgeway, A., 2019 (Accepted for publication). The North-South Divide: Parameters of Variation in the Clausal Domain L'Italia Dialettale,
  • 2019

  • Ledgeway, A., Schifano, N. and Silvestri, G., 2019. Differential Object Marking and the properties of D in the dialects of the extreme south of Italy Glossa, v. 4
  • 2018

  • Ledgeway, AN., D'Alessandro, R., Di Felice, C. and Irene, F., 2018. Approcci diversi alla dialettologia italiana contemporanea L'Italia Dialettale,
  • Ledgeway, A., Schifano, N. and Silvestri, G., 2018. The Expression Of Progressive Aspect In Grico: Mapping Morphosyntactic Isoglosses In An Endangered Italo-Greek Variety Transactions of the Philological Society, v. 116
  • Ledgeway, AN., Schifano, N. and Silvestri, G., 2018. Il contatto tra il greco e le varietà romanze nella Calabria meridionale Lingue Antiche e Moderne,
  • Ledgeway, AN., 2018. Du latin aux langues romanes: Structure et configurationnalité De Lingua Latina,
  • 2017

  • Ledgeway, AN., 2017. Late Latin Verb Second: The Sentential Word Order of the Itinerarium Egeriae Catalan Journal of Linguistics, v. 16
  • 2016

  • Ledgeway, A., 2016. Limitele teoriei și variației lingvistice: Cazul limbii române Analele Universității din București, Limba și literature română,
  • 2015

  • Ledgeway, A., 2015. Parallels in romance nominal and clausal microvariation Revue Roumaine de Linguistique, v. 60
  • 2014

  • Ledgeway, AN. and Bentley, D., 2014. Manciati siti? Les constructions moyennes avec les participes statifs dans les variétés italo-romanes méridionales Langages, v. 194
  • Ledgeway, AN., 2014. La morphologie flexionnelle de l’impératif des dialectes de l’Italie méridionale: La distribution de la métaphonie Mémoires de la Société linguistique de Paris XXII, v. XXII
  • 2013

  • Ledgeway, AN., 2013. Contatto e mutamento: complementazione e complementatori nei dialetti del Salento. Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata,
  • Kupisch, T. and Hinzelin, M-O., 2013. <b>Roberta D’Alessandro / Adam Ledgeway / Ian Roberts (edd.),</b> <i>Syntactic Variation. The Dialects of Italy</i>, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2010, XVI + 351 p. zrph, v. 129
    Doi: 10.1515/zrp-2013-0134
  • Ledgeway, AN., 2013. Testing Linguistic Theory and Variation to their Limits: The Case of Romance and its Dialects Corpus, v. 12
  • 2012

  • Ledgeway, AN., 2012. From Latin to Romance: the rise of configurationality, functional categories and head-marking Transactions of the Philological Society, v. 110
  • Ledgeway, AN., 2012. Teoria e dati a confronto: il caso dei Placiti cassinesi. La lingua italiana. Storia, strutture, testi,
  • 2011

  • Ledgeway, AN., 2011. Adverb agreement and split intransitivity: Evidence from southern Italy. Archivio glottologico italiano, v. 96
  • Barbato, M., 2011. Adam Ledgeway, Grammatica diacronica del napoletano Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie (ZrP), v. 127
    Doi: 10.1515/zrph.2011.034
  • Ledgeway, A., 2011. Philology and linguistics: When data meet theory. Two case studies II: The case of the Placiti cassinesi Transactions of the Philological Society, v. 109
  • 2010

  • D'Alessandro, R. and Ledgeway, A., 2010. At the C-T boundary: Investigating Abruzzese complementation Lingua, v. 120
  • 2009

  • Ledgeway, AN., 2009. La grammatica diacronica del napoletano: problemi e metodi. Bollettino Linguistico Campano, v. 15
  • 2008

  • Ledgeway, A., 2008. Satisfying V2 in early Romance: Merge vs. Move Journal of Linguistics, v. 44
  • Ledgeway, AN., 2008. Sulla storia dei verbi copulari dei dialetti dell’alto Meridione: il caso del napoletano. The Italianist, v. 28
  • 2007

  • Ledgeway, AN., 2007. La sintassi dei dialetti meridionali La lingua italiana. Storia, strutture, testi,
  • 2005

  • Ledgeway, A., 2005. Moving through the left periphery: The dual complementiser system in the dialects of southern Italy Transactions of the Philological Society, v. 103
  • Ledgeway, A. and Lombardi, A., 2005. Verb movement, adverbs and clitic positions in Romance Probus, v. 17
  • 2004

  • Ledgeway, AN., 2004. Il sistema completivo dei dialetti meridionali: la doppia serie di complementatori Rivista Italiana di Dialettologia, v. 27
  • Ledgeway, AN., 2004. Lo sviluppo dei dimostrativi nei dialetti centromeridionali Lingua e Stile, v. 39
  • Ledgeway, A., 2004. The development of demonstratives in south central dialects Lingua e Stile, v. 39
  • 2003

  • Ledgeway, A., 2003. L'estensione dell'ausiliare perfettivo <i>avere</i> nell'antico napoletano: Intransitività scissa condizionata da fattori modali Archivio Glottologico Italiano, v. 88
  • Ledgeway, AN., 2003. L’estensione dell’ausiliare perfettivo avere nell’antico napoletano: intransitività scissa condizionata da fattori modali Archivio glottologico italiano, v. 88
  • 2001

  • Ledgeway, A. and Lombardi, A., 2001. Italian Studies: Language The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, v. 63
  • 1999 (Accepted for publication)

  • Ledgeway, AN., 1999 (Accepted for publication). I tempi sovraccomposti nel napoletano antico’, L’Italia dialettale L'Italia Dialettale, v. 60
  • 1999

  • Ledgeway, A. and Lombardi, A., 1999. Italian Studies: Language The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, v. 61
  • 1998

  • Ledgeway, A., 1998. Variation in the Romance infinitive: The case of the Southern Calabrian inflected infinitive Transactions of the Philological Society, v. 96
  • Ledgeway, A. and Lombardi, A., 1998. Italian Studies: Language The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, v. 60
  • 1997

  • Ledgeway, AN., 1997. Asyndetic complementation in Neapolitan dialect The Italianist, v. 17
  • Conference proceedings


  • D'Alessandro, R., Di, FC., Franco, I. and Ledgeway, A., 2014. Approcci diversi alla dialettologia italiana contemporanea
  • 2013 (Published online)

  • Ledgeway, AN., 2013 (Published online). Greek Disguised as Romance? The Case of Southern Italy
    Doi: 10.26220/mgdlt.v5i1.2596
  • 2010

  • 2010. Frontmatter
    Doi: 10.1017/chol9780521800723.001
  • Professor of Italian and Romance Linguistics
    Chair of the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages
    Professor Adam  Ledgeway

