2024 (Accepted for publication)
Zhao, X. and Cui, X., 2024 (Accepted for publication). Rhetorical Studies in the Context of
Large Language Models(LLMs) 当代修辞学 Contemporary Rhetoric,
Zhao, X. and Cui, X., 2024 (Accepted for publication). Rhetorical Studies in the Context of
Large Language Models(LLMs) 当代修辞学Contemporary Rhetoric,
Shang, M., Zhao, L., Yip, V. and Mai, Z., 2024. Protracted development in the heritage lexicon Resultative verb compounds in school-age heritage Chinese children and their input Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism,
Doi: 10.1075/lab.23001.sha
2023 (Accepted for publication)
Zhao, X. and Xiliang, C., 2023 (Accepted for publication). The ba-construction in learner Chinese: a corpus analysis汉语“把”字句的中介语分析 Yuyan Kexue - Linguistic Sciences,
Slabakova, R., Zhao, L., Baker, L., Turner, J. and Tuniyan, E., 2023. Null and overt pronoun interpretation in L2 Mandarin resultative constructions LINGUISTIC APPROACHES TO BILINGUALISM,
Doi: 10.1075/lab.20120
2022 (Accepted for publication)
Zhao, X. and Cui, X., 2022 (Accepted for publication). 汉语把字句的事件结构分析
An event analysis of the ba-construction 语言教学与研究 Language Teaching and Linguistic Studies,
Mai, Z., Zhao, L. and Yip, V., 2022. The Mandarin <i>ba</i>-construction in school-age heritage speakers and their parental input Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, v. 12
Doi: 10.1075/lab.18025.mai